The Spawn…
The Author
Yaw Boat stumbled blindly towards the ghostly figure of his father, but Joe Boat glided backwards slowly so that his son could not hold him. Boat moved after the ghostly apparition with the stumbling steps of a child who was acutely in pain.
“Pappy!” he groaned. “Wait for me!”
When he came to the side of the path, he expected the invisible barrier to hold him but this time he was let through, and he passed into a field beyond.
“My son, my dearest son!” Joe Boat whispered as he floated backward, constantly just beyond reach. “Come with me, my boy! Let me give you solace!”
“But why do you move from me?” Yaw Boat wailed in anguish. “Wait for me, Pappy! Please!”
He stumbled on and then he saw that he was nearing a part of the patch that looked a little bit different! It was glowing with a faint hue, and seemed to form a shape on the ground. Something hit Boat’s self-conscious that triggered in him a feeling of the docile sheep being led to the slaughter house.
He stopped suddenly with dismay.
He looked behind him and saw that the scythe-wielding slender demon was directly behind him now! Then he turned around with a little cry of horror and saw that the spectral figure of his father had been joined by another ghostly shape that was…his mother!
The mother who had died after giving birth to him!
The sweet mother he had lost and whose embrace he had never felt!
“M-mo-mother?” Yaw Boat whispered. “Ma-ma-ma-mama!”
She held out her arms to him with a sweet expression on her face.
“Oh, my baby came to me at last!” she whispered quaveringly. “Oh, Yaw, Yaw, Yaw! Come to mother!”
And Yaw Boat moved towards her, much against his will. He moved lethargically and drunkenly with his arms held out wide as he sought the love of his mother. Her arms were outstretched too as she waited for him, and finally he was with her, and her ghostly arms went around him tightly!
And at that precise moment the whole ground he was standing on lighted up with a strange red hue and Boat felt the ground shaking beneath his feet. He moaned with sudden trepidation and tried to step back but he was rooted to the spot!
He was paralyzed, for a fact, and could not move any part of his body for a moment. Boat heard a derisive laughter in front of him and looked up but did not see anything.
Slowly, as the derisive laughter continued behind him, he felt movements returning to his body but he still could not take a step. His feet were fixed firmly on the strange glowing ground. And then, slowly, the ground began to rotate, turning him around slowly so that he could see his surroundings.
The strange figure he was standing on, outlined by the red light, was a hexagram – a six-pointed star! It was actually in two shades: the outer six-points had red glows, and the inner intersection of six sides had a sicklier yellow glow.
He saw also, to his horror, that the hexagram was now surrounded by more of the demonic figures holding scythes, and their murderous eyes inside their hoodies were fixed unerringly on him as if they just wanted to tear him to pieces.
He was spun through the middle of the hexagram until he was once more facing the spectral figures of his parents…but they were not his parents!
The male, in the figure of Joe Boat, was the one whose derisive laughter had filled Yaw Boat’s ears, and he was quickly transforming now, his features changing rapidly and rearranging into physical proportions until he became a complete man dressed in white suit, white shirt and white shoes.
“Nikolai Chekov!” Yaw Boat said through gritted teeth. “You bastard!”
“Hello, old sport!” Nikolai whispered viciously. “Surprised?”
“Not really, you stinking piece of shit!” Boat said viciously. “Knew there was something odd about you the moment I saw you.”
“Ah, the gifted Unblind!” Chekov said with a laugh. “Hm, funny, I always strived to be accepted, to be as good as you were! I dedicated myself to the ways of our Master, made myself available! But I always remained on the peripherals! I was never given the real power that I deserved, that I craved right here on earth!”
“So, you sold your soul to the other side!” Boat said.
And, quite suddenly, a red mark glowed on Nikolai’s forehead, and his eyes glowed like blood.
“Our Master opened the gates of heaven for me when I was dying, you cunt!” Nikolai screamed with sheer hatred. “Duke Swallows was killing me, and I expected the master I had served for so long so faithfully to deliver me from death, but no! Heavens opened and angels filled the stairways! He was going to kill me!”
“It was your appointed time, buddy,” Boat said softly.
“Appointed time my arse!” Nikolai screamed. “I had two young children, you bastard, and a wife I loved! Damn, I didn’t want to die! Why should you be alive, Boat, after you denied the Master, after you refused to heed to His call? He let you live! Yes, he saved you! But me, who had served the Master for so long, with dedication, was considered dispensable! Now how fair was that? That, to me, was sheer bias on His path!”
“And so, at the point of death, you pitched camp with the devil,” Boat said, and his voice was sad instead of judgemental, and this made Nikolai Chekov even more furious.
“And you will do same, stud, you will bloody well do same!” he hissed furiously. “Yes, indeed, at the point of death I begged Duke to make me live and make me one of his, so he put the mark on me and promise me I’ll resurrent inside the ambulance! He gave me power, riches, and my life back! My body smashed into pieces and Eddie made it one again! A cop and an ambulance came for me and, true to Duke’s promise, I came alive with the most incredible powers and blasted clear of the ambulance. I’m liberated, free, and now has absolute power! Now, what’s sweeter than that?”
“Your jealousy and blatant desire for power and position has always been an albatross of destruction around your neck, Chekov, and I pity you. You forget one thing: you’ll eventually die, buddy, and your soul will suffer because you turned your back on glory!”
“I should have been the best of the Unblinds!” Nikolai screamed with hatred spilling out of his voice. “Look at you, a fucking sinner all your life and yet He found you favourable over us – over me, me, meeee! And gave you all the powers! All for what? Nothing! Absolutely nothing because you will end up just like you’ve always been meant to end up: as the overlord of the powers of darkness!”
And at the sound of his strident voice the ground in front of Boat cracked, and a huge glorious throne emerged from the belly of the earth and stood in front of him. Lying on it was an incredible golden crown that bore the mark of the beast in front.
Yaw Boat was not much surprised when he saw that the figure that had been his mother had now changed too into the physical figure of Elaine Blankson. She was dressed in an all-white gown and now came to stand beside the throne.
“Only two options left for you now, Yaw Boat,” Nikolai Chekov said in a vicious voice. “You will sit on this throne, and wear this crown, and denounce God, and then receive the mark of the beast as a servant of Duke Swallows! And then you will consummate your marriage to Elaine as the real wife approved for you! And you will go to Hades to meet Duke Swallows, and reign with him on earth, with more power and wealth than you have ever seen!”
“So, that’s the plan!” Boat said softly.
“That’s the plan, bitch!” Chekov said viciously.
“And if I refuse?” Boat asked softly.
“You will die right here!” Chekov said with evil intents. “You’re no longer glowing, buddy. The power and glory of the Lord has left you. So, we’ll kill you right here, and your damn soul can go to wherever it wants to go! But that would not be all! The Duke would go to them, and kill them all! And he will take special pleasure in killing your Nicole slowly and painfully!”
He pointed his hand to the side and suddenly an image sprung up in the air, a cloudy image that showed Pastors Amoah, Griffith and Anderson kneeling at the foot of a bed as Nicole lies on the bed, as white as snow and now too old to open her eyes.
Nicole was dying!
And Yaw Boat smiled grimly.
“Well, put like that, I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?”
“None, whatsoever, buddy,” Nikolai whispered and chuckled evilly.
“And, after this initiation, the others will live?” he asked.
“No one would dare touch the people the overlord of the darkness cares about, sport!” Nikolai said slyly. “You would be in command, second only to the Duke and me! Power, Yaw, money! We will rule this world! Believe me, buddy, it is pretty exhilarating!”
“And I get to meet the Duke?” Yaw Boat whispered.
“Yesso righto, buddy!” Nikolai said. “As soon as the denouncement of your master is done, and you’re initiated, and you consummate your union with your spouse, you will have the mark of distinction and will pass over easily to Hades to meet your new master! And the world will lie at our feet!”
Elaine glided over to Boat with tears in her eyes.
“Oh, Yaw,” she murmured fiercely and passionately. “I never gave up on you! I have loved you through it all, and waited for you through it all! If you do this, we’ll have our son back, and we will have our destiny back! This is exactly what it was meant to be from the very onset, my love! They tried to destroy it all, but you see, this is the life we’ve always been destined for!”
“I know, Elly, my love!” Yaw Boat said softly. “I’ve been tired being this Unblind! It has been so hard and unbearable, and I’m tired of it all. This is what I crave, you and me ruling this world!”
“Oh, Yaw, I love you so much!” she whispered with tears in her eyes. “You don’t know just how happy you have made me, Yaw! I have loved only you, my love, only you!”
She moulded herself into him.
“Sorry for the pain I gave you, Elly,” Yaw Boat whispered as he kissed her slowly and tenderly.
And then they led Yaw Boat to the throne, and he sat on it, and the demonic crown was placed on his head!
Nikolai Chekov led him to denounce God and his Unblind call!
A knife was used to pierce his palm and that of Elaine, their spilling blood dripped into a silver cup, mixed with concoctions, and then they drank it.
The ground opened and hordes of evil flying creatures hit Yaw Boat’s body again and again, time and again, unrelenting and violently!
These were dark things that looked like huge bats but with small human heads and glowing eyes!
One after the other they hit into Yaw Boat and disappeared into him leaving only a tendril wisp of black smoke! They hit fast, horde after horde, in their hundreds, time after time!
Hundreds of white-robed figures had appeared on the plains now, and they chanted and moaned in a haunting, alien tongue as the initiation went on.
And then, finally, the last beast slammed into Yaw Boat, almost knocking him out of the throne.
When Yaw Boat finally looked up, his eyes glowed a horrible shade of amber, as if fire was burning right in his soul…and on his forehead was the mark of the beast in blazing, dirty, red:
The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn.
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