I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. Furthermore, I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert.
Lauren: Mom I went to the kitchen but there was no food left for me?
Landlady: Pardon? Was someone talking to me?
Lauren: Oh mom please if this is a joke please put a stop to it because I am starving and I want my supper.
Landlady: You are very stupid to tell me that. If you don’t have shame I do, may the gods of my hometown twist your neck right this moment. You loot my shop for those silly girls and you have the audacity to come and stand infront of me asking for your supper. See my big and heavy breast are filled with breast milk, bring your bowl so I fill it with breast milk for you. Foolish man’s son, what you did to me was not enough, you are coming to complete what you start erh?
Landlord: Woman becareful with your choice of words!!! It is your son that you have got problem with so please don’t involve me in it because I am not part of your battle.
Landlady: Tell me why I shouldn’t add you to this battle Kojo Mankata or do you think I don’t know you are also chasing after that girl?
Landlord : (cuts in) Would you shut that door you call your mouth, what you are saying, if you are summoned at the law court for defamation and unlawful accusation will you be able to defend yourself? What proof have you got to defend yourself with the nonsense that came out from you mouth?
Landlady: You, be there and be quoting your court clerk words to me, pray I never catch you and that girl in a compromising state. Like that day, you will clap your hands for me and wear my skirt for me to also wear your trouser. You know it is because of something that is why I have not done my thing but let me leave you with this old saying “darkness doesn’t consume faeces” and whatever is done in the dark, it will surely come to light during the day, you and your son have decided to ruin me but you will never achieve your devilish aim.
Shamless father and son chasing after one girl who doesn’t even know how to wash her bra and pant well. But for you, brace yourself well because until I am able to restock my shop, you will never eat from this house. (walks to the bedroom)
Landlord: Have you seen the problem you have gone to resurrect in this house? Your childish mistake has given your mother the leverage for her to talk to me anyhow in this house. What even informed your decision to ransack your mother’s shop that way?
Lauren: Daddy I simply don’t know what happened or came over me that day, it seems those girls tricked or bewitched me. Your son is too much intelligent to have fallen for something cheap like that.
Landlord: For me as a man, I can understand and relate but I doubt if your mother would ever understand and forgive you. She is angry now so try your best to avoid her troubles in this house because if you trigger the beast in her, her furry will not only be channelled on you but some of us will also get a transferred version of her anger. I don’t want to get involved in this issue so that she will say I am taking sides, henceforth you are on your own in this house.
Lauren: On my own? Daddy you know I am not working to say or call myself an independent person. If you guys treat me this way in this house then indirectly you are telling me to pack out from this house.
Landlord: You should have thought of that before going to promise a lady that you will take care of her. If you don’t mind I want to watch the news bulletin for today.
Lauren walks out of the room mumbling and very angry.
At a very Expensive Resturant:
Karl Simpson: My dear that was a very remarkable presentation you gave back at the office. I am surprise you have that broad mindset in this business and yet no one saw this to employ you. To me you are a gem and very rare to come across someone with this indebt knowledge in the business world.
Lovia: Well this is the country we find ourselves in, everywhere you go, management of companies are looking forward to employ people with at least 2 to 5years working experience or betterstill warm their beds. I sometimes ask myself that if we the fresh and young graduates are not given the opportunities to display our talents and capabilities, how are we going to land that working experince you people always want?
Karl Simpson: (signals the waitress to come) Please we need your most expensive champagne on this table and please add ice cubes to it when bringing it.
Waitress: I will be back soon with you order sir, please do enjoy the special music been played for you as I get your order.
Karl Simpson: My dear I know what I am about to say might sound awkward but that is the utmost truth. Lovia looking at how intelligent you are, I know coming on board my company, it will bring a massive impact in my company. I know it’s too early to say this but I can’t help or hold myself by telling you how you have swept me off my feet. Lovia please can we start a relationship?
Lovia: (talking to herself in her head) Wooooow am I dreaming or this is reality? Sitting infront of the well sorted after bachelor in town and he asking for a relationship from me. God I didn’t know you love me this much, but if he was so good a man, he should have been married by now looking at his age or was it that he had not come across a lady who possessed the qualities he wants. God please give me a sign if indeed he is the right guy.
Karl Simpson: Hellooooooo, is everything alright? You look lost over here all of a sudden.
Waitress: (walks in with the ordered drink) Sir please I am in with our most expensive champagne. Can I go ahead with the popping of the champagne?
Karl Simpson: You can go ahead with it.
As the waitress tries to pop the champagne, the drink spills on Karl Simpson.
Karl Simpson: (rises up and lands the waitress with a heavy slap) You stupid wretched fool, do you know how much my dress cost that you have stained it with champagne? No wonder you are a common waitress, you are so dumb and foolish.
Lovia: (feels for the waitress) My dear please calm down, you need not slap her like that as we are in the public domain.
Karl Simpson: Oh shut up over there you too, what do you know about manners? Didn’t you see the stupid thing that idiot did? You know what, let’s get out of here because the sight of this stupid waitress alone is pushing me to do something that will bring the monster in me.
Lovia: Monster in you? Okay please pay for the drink so we go.
Karl Simpson: Pay for what? So you expect me to pay for something she decided to spill on me huh? I don’t do my things like that young lady, now are you coming with me or you want to sit here for her to pour the rest of the champagne on you. Nonsense!!!
Waitress: I am very sorry sir, please I never meant to pour the champagne on you and if you don’t pay for the champagne, I am afraid I might lose my job here.
Karl Simpson: Do I look like I care about the thing that might happen to you over here? Now you too will you get your ass up so that we leave this place.
Lovia: I think I can locate my way home so please you can go your way.
Karl Simpson: Suit yourself bitch, I am out of this freaking place they call a resturant. (walks away)
Lovia: My dear, I am sorry for the way he treated you. I am not having money on me like I would have paid for the champagne myself.
Waitress: Okay madam, it is unfortunate that after the slap I received from your man, I will equally lose my job because of the unpaid champagne.
Lovia: My dear, God will see you through. I believe there is a big and better plan for you so please be strong.
At Kelvin’s End:
On Phone:
Kelvin: Where have you gotten to my dear?
Gifty: Our car developed a slight problem which has been resolved so we just passed Lindador and we are on our way coming.
Kelvin: Then I don’t think I can wait for you to get here before I leave the house.
Gifty: Leave the house to where? I remember you told me you were going to be indoors all night long so why the sudden change of mind?
Kelvin: (scratches his head) Yes that is what I said but my madam called me to meet some business partners on her behalf.
Gifty: Madam? Ah but I knew the principal of the school was a male so which madam are you talking about?
Kelvin: Oh baby I forgot to tell you I have quit my job and that I have gotten a new one which pays me very well.
Gifty: When did you quit your job that you never told me about it? Kelvin you have a lot of explanations to do for me so please start talking.
Kelvin: Bae when you get here we will talk into details, you know there is a lot of catching up to do so please let’s drop it there.
Gifty: Well if you say so but I want you to tell me from the scratch because you know how I suffered to convince my father’s friend to employ you.
Kelvin: You don’t have a problem my dear, I will give you a minute detail of whatever informed my decision to leave that school. I pray you get here very safe and sound.
Gifty: I have heard you my sweetheart, I will be with you soon so don’t worry. (call ends)
Kelvin: (talking to himself) Hmmmm what lie am I going to fabricate for this girl at all who behaves like a detective. If I don’t get my facts right, I might land myself in a big trouble. What mess have I involved myself in at all, God if you don’t come for the steering this time around I might crash into something.
At the President’s Office:
Hon. Nii Nortey: Good evening your Excellency.
President R. Mensah: Good evening, you are welcome to my office Hon. Nii Nortey Robertson. Take a seat and what would you like me to offer you?
Hon. Nii Nortey: Thank you very much your Excellency, I am okay for now.
President R. Mensah: Okay honourable, I don’t think I have invited you to my office before since I appointed you as a minister?
Hon. Nii Nortey: That is very true your Excellency, this is my very first time stepping into the most busiest and important office of our land.
President R. Mensah: I am glad you know how busy this place is. Honourable, as one of my most important minister in my cabinet there will be the need for us to brainstorm together sometimes.
Hon. Nii Nortey: Oh that is very true sir, I am happy today you have invited me over to share ideas concerning this country with me. Sir I am all ears for you and I will do well to give my best advice to any concerns you raise.
President R. Mensah: Thanks very much for your assurance honourable. Are you sure you don’t need anything?
Hon. Nii Nortey: Mmmm since you are insisting on me taking something, a chilled beer or whisky won’t be a bad option.
President R. Mensah: I think whisky will do, I brought a special one from Ethiopia when coming back last night. I think it will be the best time to open it, the Ethiopian president gave it to me as a special gift and he said the drink is 175years old.
Hon. Nii Nortey: Mmmm then it is going to be nice taking a drink that is older than my late grandfather.
President R. Mensah: Please do us the honours by opening it so that we enjoy the content together. Mmmm there has been something also bothering me, let’s say if you award a contract to someone where you agreed to pay the person a particular amount for the contract and later you get to know the person is doing something way below what you approved of, what will be your reaction?
Hon. Nii Nortey: (stops opening the whisky bottle) Ah your Excellency, that action by the person is a total fraud which if not for the fear of God, I will hand the person over to the police and terminate the contract.
President R. Mensah: Oh is that so?
Hon. Nii Nortey: Yes your Excellency, you know our government don’t have time for any greedy act.
President R. Mensah: Mmmm honourable are you familiar with the story in the bible where a king slept with one of his soldiers wife and wrote a letter and gave it to that same soldier to be taken to his senior officer?
Hon. Nii Nortey: Oh yes I do remember that story and that king was David, he took the wife of the young soldier, impregnated her and when he got to know that she was pregnant he called the soldier home and forced him to sleep with his wife. The soldier failed because he was at the battlefield, when David saw things were getting out of hand, he wrote a letter and gave it to the soldier to deliver it to his commanding officer for him to be pushed to the war front. He was killed in no time and David took his wife.
President R. Mensah: Ah you just gave me a pictorial account of how the bible stated it.
Meanwhile Gifty had also gotten to Kelvin’s house and when she called his phone, it was off. The mosquitoes also gave her an arousing welcome, as she felt she couldn’t take it anymore, she called someone.
Who do you suspect Gifty called?
What will happen to Hon. Nii Nortey?
Did Lovia take the right decision at the resturant?
Was the landlady fair to the landlord and Lauren?
Let the discussion flow as always across all platforms……..
Watch out for:
🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂”WHAT IF” 🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂🤷🏿♂
Dropping 🔜
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
✍🏾An Akoto Alexander Imagination✍🏾
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👑King Lexis👑
Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption . Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption. Corruption, Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei. Alex A. Adjei, Corruption, Alex A. Adjei.
Guest Writer: Alexander Akoto Adjei :: CORRUPTION :: EPISODE 25
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