Until You
The consistent pleasant chirping of the birds outside her window woke her.
She looked at the huge gold-framed clock hanging on the wall facing her and realized it was half past five in the morning. She had slept for a good eight hours uninterrupted and had not stirred even for bladder release.
The previous day had been fun but a bit tiring. To commemorate their fourth anniversary, Nii had taken her to their Safe House on the outskirts of town and had spent a luxurious night of bliss together. They had enjoyed a cosy candle-lit dinner and made love all night.
Since she got permission for a night away, they had returned late afternoon the following day.
Naa Shika and Nii Lantey Lamptey had grown up together in the same neighbourhood. They had attended the same school from basic to the sixth form and were now in one of the prestigious private universities in the country.
Their little romance had started when Nii came to offer her a rose during prep time in lower six, and since she was available and he was incredibly handsome and popular, known and adored for his charisma and brightness, she had consented to his proposal to be his woman, as he put it that day.
Their romance had soared from that day and she had enjoyed a most beautiful time with him. He was quite the charmer and made it impossible not to love him. He was romantically personified and that went a long way to warm Naa’s heart even the more. Nii knew just what to say, where to touch and when to take action to make her soar in happiness.
That was not to say that they did not have misunderstandings. They had had the usual fights and squabbles every relationship experienced from time to time, but the two had sailed through and were now four years along.
That was the longest time Nii had ever been in a relationship.
Their sex life was top notch and everything was good as far as those two were involved. To say they were a good pair in bed was putting it mildly.
One thing they had argued about most in the four years of being together was Nii’s social life.
He had a lot of female friends and sometimes Naa had seen them in compromising situations that had triggered some fireworks. It was not like it was his fault though. Most women adored Nii, and Naa was aware some wanted more than just friendship.
Usually, the two engaged in morning jogging any time school was on recess. Nii would pick her up for jogging around the neighbourhood every day. She loved it because, apart from the health benefits, she got to see the love of her life every day.
Her room was located on the N-Wing of the second floor of the huge castle-like building her Dad had put up with care and elegance.
The building was in a plush area in the capital city of the Ashanti Region and had been built on five or more acres of land with lots of green grass, flowers, pools, and fountains to complete the design.
It had a single entry to a big living area, and then five walkways branched to every wing in the building from the stairs located at various points on both sides of the living area hidden by a door.
The whole building was painted spotless white with the doors and gates to the edifice painted metallic black. The compound was huge and breathtaking. The windows were adorned with heavily tinted reflective glass.
Money was not a scarce commodity in the Martey household.
Her father had come by money early in life as an oil and gas expert and had invested his earnings judiciously. He could now boast of a chain of oil marketing companies and supermarkets all over the country.
Added to his riches, he was blessed with a beautiful and committed wife and five adorable children.
The house was built with the five children in mind and from afar it looked huge and very beautiful to behold. It had wings like complete flats which were expertly joined to make something really magnificent.
Naa Shika’s schoolmates had always fallen in love with her place at first sight.
Her wing, known as the N – Wing had three master bedrooms, a big fully-furnished living area, a kitchen, a gym and a study.
She got off her huge bed feeling excited and stepped leisurely onto the balcony, something she did every morning when she woke up. She allowed the morning air to caress her bare hands as she looked over the beautiful expanse beyond her and loved every bit of it.
Naa saw the gardener watering some plants around the entrance and marvelled at how dedicated the staff of the house were in keeping the place always sparkling. She had to put up a huge fight to be allowed to take care of her apartment without help when she entered the university. She believed she had to be self-sufficient to take care of her own home someday.
After enjoying the morning air for a while, she stepped back into her room and went straight to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, washed her face and cleaned up the sink.
She stood in the huge mirror and looked at her figure, looking for any possible weight gain or otherwise and smiled to herself when she convinced herself there had been no gain whatsoever.
At twenty, she looked like she was sixteen because she was extremely beautiful, the prettiest among the three beautiful girls her parents were blessed with.
The clothes for jogging she chose that day were a bit tight and hugged her body so perfectly one could see the curves and incredible slopes of her body without much effort. As she applied mild makeup on her face and lips, her phone rang, making her smile broadly since the tone was for the love of her life, Nii Lantey.
Hurriedly, she picked up her waist bag and strapped it around her waist with her phone inside as she fixed the wireless earpiece in her ears.Â
“Good morning, my Prince.”
“Morning, my Princess. Your humble servant reports for duty, Your Highness,” he replied with humour.
“I’m coming downstairs, my love,” she replied as she took the stairs two at a time to her heartbeats.
They shared a hug and a brief kiss when she got down and began their run for the day.
Within thirty minutes, they had covered the targeted miles and were headed back home.
Nii insisted they stop at the ice cream shop in the corner close to her house, and then he bought two huge cones of iced cream.
They took the backdoor to her wing of the imposing house, took a long shower interspersed with lovemaking and rested a bit in each other’s arms.
After a while, they both got dressed and parted for the day.
Naa joined her family for breakfast and engaged in chit-chat with her siblings after breakfast.
Two hours later, she rode the lift to her wing. Suddenly, she felt lonely and had the strongest urge to talk to someone to shake off the blues. She called her best friend but the number was out of coverage area. Idly, she turned to her phone and flipped through it with no particular interest in mind.
She was the only one without a pair in the family and sometimes that really got to her. She was sandwiched between a set of twin boys and twin girls and this made it difficult for her to attach to any of her siblings even though her Dad tried to meet her halfway on that score.
To make things worse, her siblings schooled abroad and only came home during the holidays. It wasn’t like she wasn’t offered the same opportunity though; she had opted to complete at least the first degree in Ghana mainly because of Nii Lantey Lamptey, the only person who loved and cared for her deeply. It was not difficult to fall for him. He was a real gentleman on all scores.
Unconsciously, she dialled Nii’s number and realized he left his phone pack in her apartment and was surprised he hadn’t come looking for it because he and his phone were quite inseparable.
Since he lived three blocks away, Naa Shika decided to deliver his pack in person. She applied a few touches to her make-up and left the house.
When she got to his home, the gateman told her he was not back from jogging yet. Â That was a shock to her but she did not allow it to worry her; of course, he had left his phone and could have had any number of reasons not to be home. Naa used the backdoor to his room. It was empty when she got there. She placed his phone pack on his bed and left.
Since she didn’t feel like going back home, she decided to check up on a coursemate who lived a few blocks away from Nii. They weren’t the best of friends but hangout from time to time.
Naa stopped at the bakery shop nearby and bought a box of doughnuts and some fruit juices. Her mother had taught her to visit with a gift or sort every time.
With the items in hand, she felt a bit happy that she would at least have some company to shake off the loneliness that was tearing at her that morning.
The Author
Until You, Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A. Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A, Until You . Until You, Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A. Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A, Until You. Until You, Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A. Eunice A, Until You, Eunice A.
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