Maame Dufie:
(runs into the house screaming) Julia! Julia!! Julia!!! Where the hell are you? There is trouble on the mountain my dear, where are you?
(jumps to her feet) Hey, what is wrong with you that you are screaming my name all over the place like that? Do you want me to die of heart attack? Now tell me what the problem is?
Maame Dufie:
(panting for breath and talking at the same time) Miiiiik…. Mike ha…haha……haha has been arrested by the police that came around and they are taking him away.
(drops the bottle in her hand) Whaaaaat? Are you sure about what you are saying or this is one of your numerous pranks?
Maame Dufie:
Julia even if I will be playing a prank on you, you and I know this is the wrong time. Mike is being taken to the Police Station right this moment.
Oh so what are we waiting for right now? Let’s get going, but what is the crime he committed that the Police had to come in different cars to get him now that we need him around the most? Please get your car key and let’s get going. (they rush out and sit in Dufie’s car but the car refused to start)
Maame Dufie:
C’mon, don’t do this to me at this moment. Please start so we can join Mike at the Police Station and get him home.
Dufie what the hell is wrong with this car? Why isn’t it starting?
Maame Dufie:
I wish I could answer your question right now but I don’t know much about automobiles.
When things fall apart, the centre cannot hold! Why are negative things happening around this time? When was the last time you used the car?
Maame Dufie:
I used it the day I came to pick you at the Airport. I drove it to the car rental agency and coming home it was in a very good condition so I don’t know why it wants to embarrass me at this very crucial moment.
Well, that is machine for you but wait ooo, checking your speedometer I can see your fuel gauge is very low. Are you sure there is fuel in this car at all?
Maame Dufie:
Oh but I had more than a half tank the day I drove this car to the rental agency and I came back home to park the car. This is surprising or is my fuel tank leaking or what?
Well a professional mechanic can be the best person to tell you what the problem is. Since your car is a diesel car, I will advise you to stop starting it before the engine ceases. Mmmm let’s get a taxi so we get going, because time is not on our side you know.
Maame Dufie:
Taxi in this estate? My dear forget it. Unless we walk all the way to the main gate before we can get a taxi by the street because empty taxis are not allowed to come inside this estate.
So what do we do now Dufie? You know from your house to the main gate is not a small journey. I can’t walk like 20 kilometres this evening because I am very tired and stressed up.
Maame Dufie:
Okay I have just remembered; I have a transport app on my phone so let me book the trip so the car comes over to pick us. Oh about three of their cars are even close to us on their map, one of their driver’s will call me anytime soon.
Make it fast as I rush inside the washroom to ease myself. I believe by the time I am done, the car will also be here. (runs inside the house but drops her phone on the centre table next to Mike’s phone and visits the visitor’s washroom. She comes out and hurriedly takes one of the phones on the centre table)
Maame Dufie:
You are back on time. Our car is the red Daewoo Matiz approaching us. (they hop into it and straight to the Police Station)
At the Police Station:
My friend, take your jeans and top off. Lance Corporal Atsu, make sure you lock him the moment he undresses himself.
Michael Ansah:
Sir please can I make a call first before your man locks me up.
Look at him, I should allow you to make a call so you direct your men to this place huh? See if that is your plan then have a rethink because now, we the Police Officers are ready to compete with you criminals’ boot for boot and tooth for tooth. Now that the IGP has given us a shoot to kill order, we will kill you criminals like flies!
Michael Ansah:
Sir it will be better you allow me make that call because I know my rights and the things I am entitled to as a Ghanaian citizen. I will also advise you to stop calling me a criminal until the Law Court declares me one. You have no right to use that word on me. Now can you order your boy to make that call for me right now.
Oh so you know your rights huh? Was jumping into someone’s house part of your human rights?
Michael Ansah:
Sir I have said it on countless times that I am not a criminal. My ring fell in the compound and I decided to go for it quietly without disturbing the occupants of the house. I didn’t know that there were dogs in the house, I would have used the main gate rather.
Cell Leader:
Hey you dey there dey exchange words with the Inspector erh? You go come crush me for inside here. Swine!!!
Lance Corporal, call his number for him. I don’t want him to have anything negative to say against the Police Service and our professionalism.
Lance Corporal:
Sir yes Sir, hey where are you? Come and give me your number so I make the phone call for you, and mind you, it’s going to be only a single call and you will not talk more than a minute.
Michael Ansah:
(talks to himself) Who should I even call, should I call Maame Dufie or Herty?
Lance Corporal:
Hey man I have not got all day to spend on you, give me the number and let me dial it for you, I have a lot of things doing over here.
Michael Ansah:
Okay you call this number, Mmmm 02494461 mmmm is it 51 or 15 as the last two numbers.
Lance Corporal:
Hey which is which? This is not lotto that we are staking over here so be fast and let me lock you in the cell. Next time you won’t have the audacity to jump into someone’s house, and not just anybody at all, but my former boss.
Cell Leader:
Oooooh officer why you dey delay so, make fast then bring him inside the bunker. You today, you go see your ‘ngege’ for here. You dey counterback dey talk trash and dey run your mouth like you dey give commentary. Idiot!!!
Michael Ansah:
You think I am moved by any of the silly words coming out from your mouth erh? If you try me I will rearrange your face then I will rebrand your foolish body for you. If you don’t know me, go and ask of me in Kejetia and Bantama. I am the only person who stopped Abass the landguard from intimidating and terrorising people over there. Don’t let my fine boy deceive you at all because if you try me I pull all your teeth out from your stupid mouth.
Lance Corporal:
My friend, give me the number and stop bragging over there. Have you forgotten you have been arrested? This place doesn’t respect who you are and who you have defeated. One more stupid word from you and I will just throw you inside without any phone call. (Maame Dufie and Julia rush into the charge office)
Maame Dufie:
Officer we are looking for someone who was just brought here.
Michael Ansah:
Awwww thank God you ladies are here. I was finding it difficult to remember your number.
Lance Corporal:
Excuse me young lady, is this the one you are looking for? What and what did he steal from you ladies? Tell me, so I write your statement right now. Your cup is full today and the law will rigidly deal with you without any mercy or favour, you harden criminal!
(blows her nose before talking) I beg your pardon officer. Why are you tagging this young man with criminal offences? What is the reason why your people brought him here?
Lance Corporal: He jumped the wall of my former boss to go and rob him and unfortunately for him, today, he was nabbed by my boss and he called us to come for him.
Maame Dufie:
Ah I am confused here. We share a wall with the said Commissioner in the same estate. That young man behind you is my sister’s fiancĂ©, and they will be getting married soon. He came around our house just because we have a big funeral in the house this Friday and he has a very important role to play in the preparation towards that day.
Michael Ansah:
Tell him for me Maame Dufie. I have been trying to explain things to them but none of them was willing to listen to anything I say.
Lance Corporal:
Will you shut up, you thief? One more word from you and I will throw you inside the cell. I will……
(cuts in) Excuse me, Sir! I won’t have you insult my man while I am standing here. Do you know who he is that you are referring to him that way?
Lance Corporal:
I don’t think he is God or any of his angels huh?
Some of you Police Officers in this country are very rude and lack manners. No wonder, some of you die like fowls!.
Lance Corporal:
As if you will live forever. See, if you don’t leave this place this very moment, I will detain you right now.
Awwww I am so scared of your empty threat. Don’t blame anyone when you are transferred to a deprived community. You people think you are untouchable in this country erh? Don’t forget our taxes are what the government use in buying your uniforms and boots for you. I don’t know why some of you lack…
Maame Dufie:
(cuts in) My dear please let me handle this one. Mr officer please calm down. We didn’t come here to either exchange words with you or teach you how to do your work. We only came here to bail our future husband or take steps to his release. My sister is being hard and stubborn because we are bereaved and she is going through a hard time right now.
Lance Corporal:
For your wise counsel, I will overlook your sister’s insolence. Well, talking of bail, it’s rather unfortunate there is nothing anything of us can do about it.
Maame Dufie:
Oh but why?
Lance Corporal:
Well, looking at the time, it’s past 6:00 pm and bail cannot be issued after that time. Secondly, your ward has not written his statement yet, so there is little I can do to assist you.
Preposterous!!! Are you people serious at all in this country? You can’t do this anywhere in the States. Dufie let me call my boss so he comes down to this God forsaken place and solve this funny issue.
Lance Corporal:
You think you know people so you don’t respect anybody in this country. When your boss comes, we will see how best he can assist you people in this crisis.
Oh, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I mistakenly took Mike’s phone and I don’t have the number of my boss off head. What at all is this?
Michael Ansah:
Ah thank God. Julia, please go through my contacts list and call Henrietta Barnor and tell her where I find myself now. She is the daughter of the Regional Police Commander and through her everything will be okay. Tell her I have been arrested and I will need her to intervene on my behalf through her father. After that call, you can go home and relax because I will join you within a twinkle of an eye.
Lance Corporal:
You think bragging will set you free erh? The new Commander doesn’t entertain such nonsense, so if I were you, I will be preparing my cell dues so that I don’t get any problem with the cell leader when you are finally locked up. In the next 15 minutes, your sleeping place will change, so tell your fiancĂ© or whoever she is to help you by buying mosquito coil or repellent so you can have a peaceful night.
Julia does the call and steps out with Maame Dufie.
After a while, the Divisional Commander of the Police Station drives in.
Lance Corporal:
(stands up to salute) Good evening Sir.
Divisional Commander:
Lance Corporal where is the young man who was brought in by the Patrol Team.
Lance Corporal:
Sir please he is the one behind me.
Divisional Commander:
Release him right now.
Lance Corporal:
Sir, his statement has not been written yet, and Station Officer said he wants to arraign him before court tomorrow because of where he was arrested.
Divisional Commander:
I didn’t ask you who is in charge of this case or what crime that young man committed, and it’s because that is not important to me. I gave you a direct order which must be obeyed. I was transferred here just 8 months ago and I am not ready to be posted to any deprived community, so just shut up and do as I say. Anyone who has a problem with my order can see me in my office tomorrow for redress on this case. Now young man, get up and go home. You are a free person, and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Michael Ansah:
(smiles and turns to the Lance Corporal) Some call it luck, but I call it grace, and when grace speaks protocol breaks. I will forgive you for your ignorance today, but will advise you to work on your attitude towards civilians or people who come here. You are paid to serve with integrity, so please learn to discharge your duties with professionalism and respect.
Divisional Commander:
Youngman please pardon my boys and sorry for any inconvenience caused. Your father-in-law said you should call him the moment I order your release, so please do so right now for him to know the task he gave to me has been successfully carried out.
Mike walks out of the charge office feeling very exhausted, and the ladies join him to inquire if all is well with him, and what exactly happened. He fabricated a story to them and told them not to worry but the case has been closed and there was no cause for alarm. He took his phone from Julia and called Henrietta to thank her for assisting him to be released and promised to pay her family a visit the following day. Julia requested they go back to Dufie’s end, but Mike gave an excuse not to go with them and said he will visit them later, as he had some pressing matters to handle that evening.
Next Day:
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Thanks very much for accepting to meet with me even though the notice was short.
No problem my dear. You were sounding very optimistic on the phone that you have some very important information that I and my boss needed so very much.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
You are very right Sir, but before I open up to you, I will take an amount of Thirty Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHC30,000.00) without any reduction.
This is very interesting to know. For the first time in my life, I am perplexed to transact business with a woman on something she is yet to open up to me and quoting a whopping amount of money. All the same, I will oblige to the said amount if only the information is vital and correspond with the information you are carrying.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Well, to cut a long talk short, I will go straight to the point and not beat about the bush. I know a young man who has been on your radar for a long time. You left behind your call card the night you came looking for that guy at the hospital I work in…..
(cuts in as he remembers that night) Forgive my manners my pretty lady. Where is the waiter here? Please what do you want to take? (signals a waiter to come around)
Maabena Boaduwaa:
A fruit juice will be okay, since I will be going back to work again.
Mr waiter, please get us the best fruit juice you have in your restaurant.
At the Barnors’ Residence:
Mrs Barnor:
(opens the door) Hello, you are welcome to our humble abode. I believe you are Michael Ansah?
Michael Ansah:
Yes please, and good afternoon to you ma’am.
Mrs Barnor:Â
Good afternoon my son, indeed, you are everything my daughter described to me. Please sit down and feel at home while I alert my daughter that you are in.
Michael Ansah:
Thank you very much for your warm reception mommy.
Mrs Barnor:
Jupiter, get our special guest some chilled water to quench his thirst.
Henrietta Barnor:
(walks in) Ah there he is Mr handsome. Welcome to my house and please relax and feel at home.
Michael Ansah:
Thank you, my dear and thanks for your swift intervention yesterday. Your dad’s call did the magic.
Henrietta Barnor:
Don’t mention my Prince. My dad just wishes to see the young man who has stolen the heart of his daughter and would not let anyone be if the guy is in trouble or crisis.
Michael Ansah:
Hmmmm I hope I will not go through any drill this afternoon because chasing after the Regional Commander’s daughter is a real big deal, you know.
Henrietta Barnor:
I have assured you not to be worried. My dad is different when he is at home, and different when he is at work, so be rest assured that you are in a safe hand.
Commissioner Barnor:
(walks in with the wife behind) Who do I have sitting in my living room this afternoon?
Michael Ansah:
(stands up from his seat to greet immediately) Good afternoon Sir.
Commissioner Barnor:
(extends a hand to shake Mike’s hand) Good afternoon my boy. Well my daughter didn’t lie with the photogenic descriptions she gave about you and I hope you will not betray the love and trust she has in you? (squeezes Mike’s hand harder)
Michael Ansah:
(swallows his saliva hard) Not at all Sir, your daughter is a diamond among stones and a real gem to come by, so I hold her in high esteem. She is a priceless jewel that I will greedily and jealously protect from the world and all men.
Commissioner Barnor:
(looks at his wife with astonishment) Oh and he is a good poet too? Sit down and feel at home, because we have a very long way to go. I have this feeling that we will tag along pretty well since my daughter has given me a green light about you and her mother has also thrown her hundred percent support behind you. For me, I will satisfy my curiosity as time goes on and trust me, if I find you wanting, oh heaven will bear me witness as to what I will do to you. My beautiful wife, please is everything set for us to eat?
Mrs Barnor:
Yes please, you can please proceed to my dining table with immediate effect, and with the speed of a hurricane. Today I have a big surprise for you on that dining table.
Commissioner Barnor:
You know I love surprises my bone of bone, mmmm Mike, right?
Michael Ansah:
Yes Sir.
Commissioner Barnor:
Let’s move to the pitch where my beautiful wife is in charge, and Herty, get me the wine I brought home last night from the bar. Today marks the beginning of a new friendship between our family and Mike our potential son-in-law.
The whole family together with Mike sat down and did lunch together happily, and after that, they came back to the living room to continue with the ‘knowing me knowing you’ session. When that was done, the real deal for the day commenced.
Commissioner Barnor:
Mike, my daughter your girlfriend, told us that you have this very important information which this family has great interest in. She said a lot but now that you are here, it would be better to hear it from you personally and on this note, I would like everyone with the exception of my wife and Herty to excuse us for now.
Mike narrates everything he saw that night and further brought his laptop and phone out of its bag to play the content of it to the view of the Barnor’s, but warned them of viewers discretion. Mrs Barnor couldn’t hold herself, when she saw pictures of her nephew pleading for mercy for his dear life.
Mrs Barnor:
(weeping) Ah God will punish the perpetrators behind this gruesome death of my boy. Someone who got married not long ago and the wife is expecting to give birth to a set of twins. Darling this people must never go unpunished ooo, the law must take its full course without any merits or favour.
Commissioner Barnor:
I had always suspected this man of not been clean with the business he does. My doubt has been justified at the long run. All this money you have been throwing around is drug money, and now that I have credible evidence to pin you down, I will so deal with you that you will not see the blow that hits you. I will not hesitate to rub the palms of my hands in the cheeks of your face and personally handcuff you. Mike, thanks very much for this very important information and evidence, and with this, I can apprehend this man who thinks he is untouchable in this country and have some sleep finally.
Michael Ansah:
It is my pleasure, Sir.
Commissioner Barnor:
For your reward, I would like to let you know that you have my one hundred and one percent support in marrying my daughter, and I will sponsor your wedding when the time comes.
Henrietta Barnor:
(screams and runs to hug her father) Thank you! Thank you, daddy!! Thank you, daddy!!! Mummy, please help me thank daddy.
Mrs Barnor:
You do deserve it my dear. Since your childhood, you have always brought joy and happiness to us. Every difficulty this family goes through, with your help and personality, we find a concrete solution to the problem.
Michael Ansah:
Thank you very much Sir, I didn’t see this coming. I am so overwhelmed that I simply don’t know how to express my joy. Today I also pledge my commitment to your daughter that, I will see to it that she becomes one of the happiest women to ever live on earth. I also promise never to make daddy regret on the solid weight he has thrown behind me, and mummy, please help me thank daddy.
Commander Barnor:
It’s God we should be thanking and not me. With the information at hand, I have to hit the grounds with my boys. I will take your phone for now since it contains the important evidence we need to pin that murderer down. I will return it later when the investigations have been closed. Also, I will do my best to hide your identity so that no one will ever know who leaked this information. Mrs Barnor, please meet me in our bedroom and help me choose the dress I will wear, since I won’t be in a uniform today.
Mrs Barnor:
Okay my heartbeat, I will join you soon. Mike, this is now your home, so feel at home and enjoy the best of the Barnors’ (walks away)
Henrietta Barnor:
Mmmmm I can see somebody is in a comfortable lead. Let’s go to my room if you are feeling shy here. We will get much privacy there and then start planning our beautiful future together.
At Dufie’s Hall:
Maame Dufie:
Julia, what’s eating you up? Your face doesn’t look cheerful to me and it looks like you didn’t sleep the whole of last night. What is the problem?
Dufie, indeed I didn’t sleep the whole of last night. Something is not right somewhere, and it’s hunting me down badly. Anytime I try to sleep for some days now, I begin to see strange and ugly things.
Maame Dufie:
Strange and ugly things? Ugly things like what?
I see people lying down dead, and I see a terrible attack on us by some strange looking people. Even last night, I had a dream where you were lying in a pool of blood dead.
Maame Dufie:
(goes closer to Julia and touches her forehead) Are you sure it’s not fever that you are developing or is the death of aunty hunting you, now that you have started hallucinating and seeing things that do not exist?
What do you mean by saying I am hallucinating? If you know what the spirit is telling the masses. like you won’t be there spewing nonsense to me.
Maame Dufie:
Julia, is there something you are not telling me or I need to know? You are scaring me with your weird behaviour this afternoon.
Nothing is hidden under the sun and nothing stays hidden under the sun forever. Somethings are better not known because it takes you from harm’s way and it prolongs your life span. Curiosity has always been what killed the cat, and you will know when you are supposed to know what is there to be known. I am driving to the saloon to get my hair fixed.
Maame Dufie:
You can’t drive in the condition I find you in. Let me take you to the saloon since I am not doing anything at the moment myself.
You worry yourself for nothing my dear sister. I have sat behind my steering wheel to drive on a five-carrier road and nothing happened back in the States, so why worry your head over me in a country filled with traffic? It’s better you stay behind because, the printing firm will be delivering the funeral brochures. I won’t be long in town (she walks away)
Maame Dufie:
Julia is really acting strange this afternoon. Should I call in the family psychologist or is she on a high drug that is making her to go paranoid? God please intervene on my sister’s behalf because she is the only family I have got now and whatever the case, I Dufie will get to the bottom of it.
Back at the Restaurant:
(sips on his juice before talking) Well I have accepted the price that you mentioned, but make sure the information tallies with your price tag.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
If you know the enormity of my information, you will even add more money to what I have requested for.
So, can you go straight to the point now, since I have an important business to take care of.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Okay, I know the whereabouts of that guy you and your team have been searching for. I mean the one you came to the hospital to look for that night.
(eyes open wide) Are you sure about what you just said?
Maabena Boaduwaa:
Ah, what do you take me for, a clown? See, I don’t go about saying things I don’t know and the rule here is very simple, “money for hand back for ground” and I am not accepting anything apart from physical cash.
Let me make an important call so I organise your money for you right away.
Maabena Boaduwaa:
As you make that call, I will also visit the ladies to ease myself. I believe you will be ready by the time I return.
Maabena gets up and walks to the ladies leaving her phone and purse behind, but in her absence something unexpected happens which won’t go well for her at the end of the day……….
What do you think happened when Maabena visited the ladies?
Do you think Julia is safe and sound?
What will be the fate of Mike?
Leave your reply.