The Author
He pees into the bowl, flushes, and puts down the lid.
He sits on the WC and slowly takes out the little stone from its rubber pouch.
He leans over, opens the tap in the sink, and uses a finger of his left hand to put two drops of water into his right palm.
He begins to grind the stone in the water, and very soon, true to Ato’s words, the mixture becomes a chalky white.
Kofi Kuntu uses the tip of his left forefinger to scoop the liquid, and he smears it over the top of his penis.
He waits, but he does not feel anything.
No stinging pain as Ato had said.
Is that bastard shitting me? Why is this thing not smarting me? Could it be expired?
He repeats the process, making the mixture a bit thicker than the previous experiment and rubs it over the head of his penis.
He waits, still no stinging pain.
Kofi Kuntu uses more water and more Jamaican Stone, this time whipping up a real paste, so that the stone whittles down to less than half its original size.
This time he smears it all along his penis, disregarding Ato’s first warning that it must be used only on the penis head.
He puts the stone back, and shakes his head with disappointment.
Fake, fake, fake!
He stands up, and his flabby penis dangles over the top of his testicles, smearing it with some of the Jamaican Stone concoction.
He walks to the bedroom and plods down naked on the bed.
He stares at the murals above, and presently he feels very sleepy, and begins to doze.
And when Akweley comes in almost an hour later, she finds him soundly asleep.
She looks at him and shakes her head.
She glances at her watch and quickly locks the door.
She steps out of her dress and hangs it carefully on the swivel chair because she will be wearing it again.
She slips out of her undershorts and white panties, and then she falls on the bed.
She reaches for his manhood, bends and puts her lips on his manhood, blowing him hard.
She grimaces with sudden disgust and sits up, shoving his thighs hard.
Kofi wakes up with a grunt and looks at her.
What the hell did you put on your dick, love? Tastes so bitter.
Kofi looks at her, horrified.
You didn’t… oh, hell! You’re not supposed to taste it! I haven’t even washed it off! Damn, love! I’m supposed to wipe it off with water and soap before anything! You’re not even supposed to put your lips on it!
What’s it, Kofi? Is it poisonous?
(shaking his head)
Uh… nothing, nothing! Just something Ato gave me! Supposed to delay ejaculation and make us enjoy more minutes of lovemaking, you know! It wouldn’t let me come early.
And you put it on tonight, when we’re not alone and all we’ve got is about twenty minutes or so? What’s the matter with you, Kofi? You don’t even need that thing! You’re already a long-stayer! Do you want to kill me?
Kofi grins stupidly.
Just wanted to try it, love, but it didn’t work anyway!
Right, whatever! I feel too horny! Give me a quick roll, my love!
She deftly turns in the 69-position and lowers herself onto his mouth.
She wipes his penis off with a corner of the bedsheet, and then she puts it into her mouth again and begins to suck him!
Kofi moans with pleasure and flicks his tongue across her excited clitoris, and then he grabs her waist and shoots his tongue deep into her moist, hot love hole!
And that is when he begins to feel the pain!
It is as if someone had just poured hot lava from an exploding volcano onto his balls and manhood!
It is a pain no human being is expected to feel!!
Kofi is lost in bliss as he grabs her waist and runs his tongue around her clitoris, tasting her salty wetness and feeling her lips on him as she slurps…and doing his best to forget the explosive pain in his genitals!
And then, without warning, the pain just escalated as if someone had doused petrol on his penis and balls and set fire on them!
It is the master of all pains, the capo di tutti capi of pains, the boss of bosses of pains!
It is like suddenly his whole penis has been stuffed down the heart of a volcano!
He gasps, and tears sprout into his eyes, and he removes his head from between her thighs and cries with a fierce grimace on his face.
Akweley suddenly bucks up and jacknifes off his body!
She does not appear to hear his scream because she is suddenly off the bed and rushing towards the bathroom with muted cries herself.
Kofi tries to get off the bed, but the excruciating pain is killing the whole of his penis and balls, attacking his lower body with such terrible aggression that he cannot even stand up.
He is moaning, and he feels the tears of agony tearing down his cheeks.
He begins to crawl towards the bathroom as he moans.
And then Akweley comes back into the bathroom, and she is prancing around and weeping and looking increasingly hysterical.
Ahh canshhh feeesh ma massshhh!
Kofi looks up at her through a blur of tears.
He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, cupping his flaming groin.
What? What did you say?
Yoush froush! You froush! I canshhh freesh ma massshh!!
(getting scared)
Come here, honey, please! What’re you saying? I can’t hear you!
She begins to cry and fan her lips with her hands.
And then it dawns on Kofi!
Ato had warned him to use just a tiny mixture of the Jamaican Stone!
But he has applied it over and over again!
He has gone way above its dosage, and now he is in agony!
Not only that…
Ato had warned him that he should not let it touch any woman’s lips, but in performing fellatio on him, the damn thing has now attacked Akweley’s mouth too, making it numb, and it is also paining her!
She is weeping now as she quickly flies into her clothes.
Kofi gets off the floor in agony and approaches her.
He cannot walk straight, and so he is doubled up as the excruciating pain blazes through his penis and balls.
Hey, my love, darling…
Akweley turns round and gives him a really healthy slap across the face as tears bubble down her cheeks in her agony.
Don’tsh darlinshh meesh! Don’tsh yoush daressh darlinshh meesh, yoush bashtarsh!
Kofi is weeping now!
This is turning out to be a horrible night!
Akweley has always been his ally, but now it seems she is hating him.
He notices suddenly, to his horror, that her lips are now quite swollen rather badly. They are puckered and red and inflamed, absurdly huge as if they had been inflated with an air pump.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Whatsh? Whatsh?? WHATSH???
Your mouth! Your mouth is biiiiiig!! Oh, Lord! your lips are so biiiiiiig!!!
She slaps him left and right, and runs to the dressing mirror.
She takes one look at her face and gives a blood-curdling scream.
Kofi approaches her, panicking.
Oh, Oh, no, Akweley, Akweley, no, no! Not your father!
She runs past him, unlocks the door, and runs out, screaming and crying as she goes.
Kofi slowly walks to his clothes and begins to dress painfully, crying as he pulls on his trousers.
The thing is both burning and extremely painful.
The skin around his penis and on top of his balls are now bunched together in a rubbery way.
Every single movement sends shards of agony through him.
And then, after what seems like an eternity, he finally finishes dressing up.
His boxers and briefs are jammed into the pocket of his coat because he cannot bear the agony it brings him when he tried to put them on.
The door suddenly opens, and Mr. Laryea Odamten enters.
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