The Silent Vow
Eddie was not surprised to walk into an empty house when he got back from work.
He knew he was up to his head with the nonsense from his wife. Most times, he wished he knew what had gone wrong along the line.
Even though he had not been deeply in love with her, he had been good and faithful. He had committed to her without reserve, and so her recent behaviour left many unanswered questions on his mind.
He was not the type that jumped into conclusions, but his wife’s recent behaviour left much to be desired and had the unpleasant ability to make his mind wander.
Feeling bashed with worry, he entered the bedroom and saw that the bed was made nicely for a change with fresh flowers in the vase on the bedside drawer on his side of the bed.
He placed his laptop bag on the low table beside the wardrobe and began taking off his clothes.
When he was down to his boxers and socks, he moved to the living room and noticed the food warmer sitting on the dining table at the far end of the living area.
He smiled to himself, unsure of what he found amusing.
The thing was, Yawa had not cooked for him for months, and any time he had tried to broach the subject, she had plainly stated that she was not his mother and if he wanted to eat, he should be able to cook.
It was not like Eddie didn’t know how to cook. It was just overwhelming to come back home from a hard day’s work to cook before eating. He had tried cooking over the weekends after doing his laundry but what had happened was that Yawa brought her friends over when he was out of the house and ate virtually everything they found in the freezer. To cut things short, he had just decided to order food from the office canteen. He thus ate his dinner in the canteen before coming home to avoid any arguments over food.
He turned on the 64-inch smart TV and tuned to the sports channel to catch up on games he had missed.
For some reason, he could not concentrate on the games. He was getting increasingly worried about the waywardness of his wife and wished he could end it without any hard feelings.
He locked up eventually and went upstairs to the sanctuary of his bedroom and noticed that the top drawer of the file cabinet they kept their valuable documents in was not well closed. That surprised him deeply because, to the best of his knowledge, he was the only one that opened it with the combination. Yawa had always pretended she didn’t know the combination whenever he wanted her to take something from that drawer.
Intrigued, he moved closer and was even more surprised when it yielded on the touch. The documents were in a state of disarray when he took a look inside. He took his time to arrange them. Then, he realized the documentation for the house he owned in another residential area was missing. He could swear he had not touched the documents from the time the transaction was legally completed. That was a few months before they got married.
Since he didn’t want to jump into conclusions, he left the safe unlocked and went to take his bath.
It was when he got out of the bath that he heard the hammering on the front gate of the house. That annoyed him so much because it was dead night and the neighbours were fast asleep. What he didn’t understand was the fact that they both had a set of keys to the house. He thus did not understand why Yawa would not just use it to enter the house.
He had decided that morning to stop encouraging her by waiting up for her when she was out on one of her wild adventures with the hope that it would help make her see her folly.
Eddie could hear her shouting his name, and when he didn’t make any attempt to answer the door, he heard her cursing and after a while heard the front door opening and slamming shut.
He was just in time to see her walk into the bedroom with rage. She opened her mouth to rain more insults on him, but he spoke first, cutting off her intended tirade.
“I am not going to take any more nonsense from you. If you want to stay in this house, you will show a little respect to the hand that feeds you. I’ve had enough of your tantrums and your show of disrespect for my authority,” he said quickly and coldly.
Yawa was shocked to the bone. She had never seen him that angry before. For all the time she had known him, he had never raised his voice at her. And the rage she felt in his voice and tone was something she had never heard before.
Not trusting how he was feeling, Eddie walked out of the bedroom and went to check on the gates and as usual, she had left them ajar.
He dashed upstairs and found her sprawled out on the bed with her shoes on.
He pulled her off without a second thought, and she would have fallen awkwardly if he had not steadied her with his free hand.
“You better go out there and lock the gates. I’m done locking up after you, and you better do it now, or you will regret ever coming back here like this.”
That got to her and, without another word, she rushed downstairs to do what she had been told.
Eddie watched from the bedroom window as she went to close the door in anger and when she came upstairs, she picked a few things from the bathroom and dashed to the guest room, slamming the bedroom door in the process.
If Eddie was affected by her actions, he didn’t show. He changed into his pyjamas, went downstairs to make sure the door to the house was locked, put out the lights in the living room and went to bed.
Eddie woke up to the bright sunshine streaming through the curtains. For some reason, he had slept like a baby. He got off the bed and panned to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, he was all dressed when he came downstairs, ready for the office. He had made lots of money as an Investment Analyst early in his career when a personal investment he made had yielded more than its worth.
He was surprised to see that Yawa was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Eddie popped in to tell her he was off to work only to find her in her panties and bra bent over the stove and stirring something on fire. It knocked him off a bit seeing her like that, but he managed to compose himself and spoke.
“I told your mom yesterday that we are coming over this weekend and I expect you to make time to go. It’s not for discussion.”
“Your breakfast is almost ready, won’t you wait for it?”
He meant to walk away, but on second thought, he decided to wait it out. He wasn’t sure what Yawa had up her sleeves, but he was ready to go the extra mile to unearth it.
“If you want me to,” he said without any emotion.
“Yes, I want you to.”
Eddie went to the living area, wondering if he was doing the right thing by staying. He knew from what had happened in the past that she could poison him if she wanted to, but he wanted to see how far she could go with whatever she was planning.
A few minutes later, they sat at the table facing each other and ate in silence. He was the one who had always taken the lead in making peace after an argument or a fall out whether it was his fault or not, but this time he was determined to go the mile without smoking the peace pipe.
He was more than convinced that Yawa was planning something. First, he had found out a week ago that she was taking quite a substantial amount of money from their joint account without talking about it and now the title to his favourite property was gone when works on some extensions were still ongoing.
Eddie waited until she had taken a bite before starting to eat, making sure he took as little food as he could.
Even though Eddie was tempted a few times to ask about the missing documents, he kept his cool since he did not want to alert her of his discovery just yet.
When breakfast was over, he said his goodbyes, fighting off all the sexual suggestions and advances from his wife, and left the house as if everything was well.
As soon as he was a safe distance away from the house, he placed a call to the friend he made some years back when he went to register his first property.
“Hey, Danny! Are you in the office?”
“Yes, Ed. What can I do for you? You sound worried.”
“I’ll need you to check something for me. Is your system up this morning?”
“Yes, it is. Just tell me what you want.”
“I’m sending you some details of a property I own. I want you to check if there’s been recent activity on it.”
“Sure, send it through this very instant.”
The Silent Vow, Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A. Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A, The Silent Vow . The Silent Vow, Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A. Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A, The Silent Vow. The Silent Vow, Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A. Eunice A, The Silent Vow, Eunice A.Â
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