The Silent Vow
Yawa stood behind the tall gates to their home with mixed feelings. For a spell, she was sad things got out of hand, especially with her.
Eddy was good to her and turning her back on him the way she did was not the best, but she just could not help it. She just fell in love with someone else, and she knew the best thing was talking about it, but she did not know how to go about it. A part of her also did not want to close the Eddy chapter completely, in case things did not go well with her newfound love.
She quickly shook off the blues and looked through her bag for her set of keys praying Eddie had not changed the locks after he cancelled the ATM Card on their account. That did not surprise her one bit, and the truth was she was not bothered at all. She had taken enough money to last her for a while, and Kwesi had money too. As for the move on the property, she admitted it was the dumbest thing she ever did, but she still wondered how he found out before the change was effected.
She cursed under her breath when she found out her set of keys were not in her bag. Then, she remembered she had changed bags the day they went to see her parents.
Her parents had tried a million times to reach her, but she had ignored all their calls. Her mind was made up, and that was that. She did not want any advice or anything.
She remembered there was a furniture shop around the bend to their house and asked the cab driver to take her there.
The owner had closed for the day and was just about getting into his car when Yawa arrived. Being a cherished customer in the neighbourhood, he had stopped to attend to her needs.
After explaining her situation, the gentleman grudgingly did her bidding. He was not too sure why she could not just wait for her husband when he could be home any minute from that time.
He picked his tools and went with Yawa in the cab. It took him close to thirty minutes to break open the fortified gate and the main entrance to the house.
She was not surprised to see the place was spotless-clean. That was one of the things she loved about Eddie. He loved his surroundings clean and would not wait for anyone to do that for him. As far as he had the time, he would do what he had to do to keep comfortable.
The idea was to pick up as many of her clothes and accessories as was possible, but once she gained access, she got new ideas. She felt she needed to pay Eddie back for the stunt he pulled at her parents without talking to her first.
She went upstairs to check the safe and was even more surprised to see it locked. In truth, she was sure the safe gave her away but now, she is not sure what to think anymore.
Feeling naughty, she pulled the sheets from the bed and threw them on the floor, stepping on it as many times as was needed to get them dirty.
She pulled her suitcases and threw the rest of her clothes that were hanging in the wardrobe inside.
Then, she went to the kitchen to eat as much food as she could whilst the cab driver packed her things into the cab.
On second thought, she pulled her car from the garage and parked it in the yard and instructed the cab driver to pack as many things that can fit in the four wheel drive she owned.
Then, she picked an axe from the garage and went upstairs for her last act.
Eddie was a lover of Aquariums, and if he had his way, he would have filled the whole house with them. He settled for one in his bathroom though, and the one who built it did a marvellous job. The exposed floor of the bathroom was one big aquarium with thick glass on it since they will have to walk or stand on it most times. It was his favourite part of the whole house.
Yawa stared at the beauty before her. She recalled the first time he had brought her to that very spot in the house when they were dating. When he had indicated he wanted to show him something in his bathroom, she had been sceptical about entering since they had not been intimate then.
And she had fallen in love with it so much, she had found it difficult to leave that day. That was the first time she spent the night, and as gentleman, as he was, he did not take advantage of the situation.
She unplugged the drain and watched as the water cascaded on the secret stairs from their bathroom to the living area.
Then, she tried to break the glass with the axe but try as she did, the glass never yielded. When she got tired of trying, she stepped out of the house, paid the cab driver and hopped into her car and she had a satisfied look on her face when she drove out of the gates of the house that was once home for her, leaving the gate ajar.
Eddie parked his car in the driveway and was walking towards the closed gate when Naadu, her neighbour for about two years came out and started walking towards him with worry on her face.
“Eddie, wait!” she said when she realized she might not be able to catch up with him before he got to the gate.
Eddie was surprised since all they did when they bumped into each other was to greet, ask about how they were doing and that was enough.
“Yawa was here. I heard some commotion going on, so I watched her from my place. I tried calling you, but I got the phone switched off message every time.”
“Yea, the phone is dead, and I left my charger in the office,” he replied as he braced himself for the worse when he heard his wife had stopped by. With the way Naadu was behaving, he knew nothing good had happened.
Naadu Lartey briefed him on what she saw and confessed going into the house just to check if there were was anything that needed immediate attention.
“I wasn’t trying to snoop around or anything, but I felt I should check,” she said shyly.
“I know. You could have been hurt though, but thanks anyway.”
Eddie walked cautiously into the house and breathed with relief thankfully Naadu had plugged back the drain lock of the aquarium but a considerable amount of water had sipped out, and it looked like the fishes were in distress.
Naadu followed him at a distance not sure if he would be alright to see the place tossed around like that. If there was anything she had noticed about her neighbour, it was the way he worked at keeping his surroundings clean most of the time.
Eddie sighed and switched on the pump for the aquarium.
He went downstairs to check on the guest bathrooms since the stairs in their bathroom lead directly to the corridor where the guest washrooms were. He was appalled to see that the beautiful carpets were soaked to high heavens. Thankfully, the water had not come to the living area yet.
He used the connecting door to the living room and came to stand in the balcony with his mind racing and his anger at its peak.
“I didn’t know you two were fighting?”
Eddie just laughed and looked at her without really seeing her. His mind was far away from where he stood. Just that morning, he had thought about calling his friend at the land registry to transfer the title to the property to his wife, if that was what will make her feel loved. He did not understand why she was so bitter towards him. He’s been nothing but good to her.
“Do you know someone who can fix the locks for me this night?” he asked, ashamed that he did not have the number of the guy a few blocks away even though he engaged him from time to time to do jobs for him.
“Yes, sure. I’ll have to go and get my phone. Maybe you should come and sit down for a while.”
“Yea, maybe I should. I’m getting stressed just seeing this. I don’t know what I did for her to do this to me.”
“I’m sure she is just angry about something. It will pass.”
“I hope you are not suggesting we will go back to be man and wife business again. After pulling something like this, I should get a restraining order against her. I can’t trust her for even a second.”
Naadu did not say anything because she did not want to be the third party in a lovers’ feud.
They had reached her porch now.
Eddie lowered himself into the sofa in the porch whilst she went inside to call the handyman. After a little while, she came back with a bottle of chilled water on a tray, and Eddie laughed out loud.
He did not remember the last time anyone served him water in that fashion. He gladly took it, thanked her,, and asked lots of questions as they waited for the locks to be fixed.
“There’s this cleaning company, Dial A Maid, they are very good at what they do. If you don’t mind, I can give them a call in the morning to come and tend to the wet carpets and all.”
“I will be most grateful.”
By the time the handymen were done fixing the lock, he had gotten to know Naadu a lot better. She h. ad also asked a lot of questions and gotten to know him much better.
When he entered the bedroom and saw the mess the bed was in, he just picked his pyjamas and walked into one of the guest rooms to sleep.
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Premium Story:: THE SILENT VOW :: EPISODE 9
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