Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
Sweat broke out on his face, and he had a hard time breathing. He felt like an insect in a tarantula’s web, and as exposed as drop of blood on ice. All eyes were on him, and probably judging him guilty by the myriad of expressions and physical changes he was going through.
“Rash!” Aku screamed, grabbing his upper arms and shaking him. “What’s the meaning of this?”
He closed his eyes and forced the panic down, once again telling himself savagely that it was about time he grew past his panic attacks whenever there was a crisis. He took a deep shuddering breath and looked into the pained face of the woman he loved.
“Take it easy, precious flower.”
“Don’t tell me to take it easy, you bloody bastard! Do you know her? Are the pictures real?” Aku screamed at him, shaking him as tears fell down her face.
“I know her, yes,” he said calmly. “I met her once, but nothing happened between us. And what pictures are you talking about?”
“You met a prostitute?” Aku whispered and let go his arms as if he was covered with leprosy. “Whilst you were dating me? Whilst you were making love to me, you also visited prostitutes?”
Her voice was nasty, her words making him feel dirtier by the second. He tried to hold her but she slapped his hands away and stepped back from him with a look of disgust on her face, and a tortured look in her eyes.
“Please, Aku, my precious flower, you have to trust me on this!” he said desperately. “I have never cheated on you, not with her or anybody else! I don’t know why she’s doing this, but I’m beginning to suspect that she has an agenda, that somebody paid her to do this! Trust me, please! You know the kind of guy I am! Don’t let her come between us, please!”
Aku looked desperately into his face.
“When were you with her?” she asked, her voice spiteful. “Was it recent? When were you with her, Rash?”
Rashid began to speak, then he looked up and his eyes met those of his best friend, Randy, whose expression was one of intense horror with his wife beside him! And, beside him, Yao Kolo was also looking terrified as his girlfriend, Jemima, stared at Rashid.
He knew they were counting on him to protect them, and he knew he could not betray his friends publicly like this, maybe never, because telling Aku the truth would definitely mean Rose and Jemima would hear, and that could put an end to Randy’s marriage and Yao’s relationship.
Effectively, he was trapped in the secret web of Ella Silk.
“Rash, when were you with this prostitute?” Aku screamed as tears poured down her face.
“I’m sorry, precious flower, but you have to trust me on this,” he said earnestly. “We can’t talk here.”
“Oh, you damn cheat!” Aku screamed and slapped him across the face. “You bloody liar, Rash! Damn you, damn you! You were sleeping with prostitutes all along!”
“Pull yourself together!” Rashid shouted harshly then, and his sudden fury made Aku shut up, because it was the first time he had raised his voice at her in their relationship. “Damn it, you have been in a relationship with me for five years, Aku! Is this how you see me? This shouldn’t even be an issue! I know it is bad, yes, but you should know me for the kind of guy I am! I will never cheat on you, my precious flower!
Not with that witch, or any other woman! She’s just trying to implicate me! I met her under circumstances I can’t divulge now, and she was pressing for sex. I refused her, she agreed, we shared a drink, and I blacked out! That’s the truth, Aku. I couldn’t remember anything afterwards! She’s out to ruin our relationship for reasons known only to her! You have to believe me, precious flower! Trust me!”
Her eyes moved across his face earnestly, and she kept gasping as if she could not breathe, then turned and held out her hand to her mother.
“Mom, the envelope!” she said in a broken voice.
Her mother, grim-faced, came forward with a white A4 envelope in her hand and handed it to Aku.
“I knew it, Rashid!” Mabel said spitefully. “You’re such a despicable man, Rashid! Oh, haven’t the chickens come home to roost? Your evil deeds finally caught up with you, on a day like this! You evil bastard!”
“What did you expect?” Ethel said as she put an arm protectively around Aku’s shoulders. “I kept telling you people like him cannot be trusted! A northerner will and can never stay with a single woman! Their culture permits them.”
Weeping, Aku brandished the envelope at Rashid.
“Your prostitute brought this!” she said in a murderous voice. “Apparently, you demanded for pictures at an extra fee. She came looking for you, and wouldn’t give it to me until I paid her an extra thousand cedis that you owed her, and pretended to be your sister! Look at your shame, Rashid, you bloody bastard!”
Rashid took the envelope and slid out a bunch of big glossy pictures, then he winced with horror.
It showed him with a drunken expression of debauchery on his face in various kissing poses with Ella Silk. He was fully dressed at first, then his clothes were off in the next shots, and he was down only in his boxers with the naked girl’s hand inside his boxers. Next shots showed them both naked, and showed sordid sex acts with the prostitute although their genitals were not shown clearly. Ella was straddling him here, and he was behind her in another shot, then crazier nude shots of sex acts followed, most showing his unfocused face but none really showed Ella’s face.
She had protected herself!
“Jesus!” Rashid whispered with horror, then his dazed eyes moved past Aku, and he looked at the calm face of Ella Silk behind them. “How could you do this? What did I ever do to you? Why do you want to destroy my life? Who are you, Ella Silk?”
Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love . Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love. Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read
Donate-To-Read: Paid Story:: BAD GIRLS DON’T LOVE :: EPISODE 5
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