Bad Girls Don’t Love
The Author
Ella Silk felt all eyes on her, and she moved rapidly towards the entrance.
“Sorry, Rashid boy!” she said flippantly. “I didn’t know you were engaged. I just wanted my money. Ciao!”
“So, this is what you did after you drugged me,” Rashid said softly. “Jesus, Ella! How could you do this to me?”
She did not stop, but wriggled her fingers over her shoulders.
“No use denying it, baby. You wanted the pussy, you hit it, you wanted kinky photos, you got it. You made your bed, loverboy, so lie in it! No use running from what your dick did, baby. Stew in it, blame it on the rain, cry, do whatever you want because, seriously, I don’t give a fuck!”
And she was gone.
“You despicable bastard!” Aku cried. “Ahh! Rash! You disgust me! To think I gave my body to you!”
Rashid pushed the photos into the envelope and looked at Aku with tragic eyes.
“It is clear she framed me, my precious flower,” he said calmly. “And she knew we would be here today, and she chose today to make her move, and she knew exactly who to give the photos to. Don’t be so naïve, my love. It should be plain to you that this is a set-up! That girl wants to ruin us, and I will find out why. But your actions in the next few minutes will decide what will happen to us. I beg you, it is not as you think. I don’t remember any of this, my love. The drug she used must have been a powerful retardant, and I don’t remember any of this. But they’re poses, just poses! I never willingly did this! You must believe me, please, I beg of you!”
“You make me sick!” Mabel shouted in his face. “You’re still denying this? You damn, bloody liar!”
“Bastard!” Ethel threw at him spitefully. “Go back to your prostitute! This is over!”
Aku turned away from him, and as Rashid took her arm desperately, she spun once and slapped him again as she burst into tears.
“Keep your dirty hands away from me!” she screamed, then she whipped the engagement ring off her finger and threw it blindly at him. “It is over, Rash! I don’t ever want to see you again! You devil!”
“Aku, don’t do this!” Rashid said desperately as pain ripped through his heart and he tried to hold her again. “Please, let’s get out of here and talk!”
Aku Laryea screamed with pain, picked up a metallic stew pan, swivelled, and crashed it into Rashid’s face with terrible violence. Dazed, Rashid crashed to the ground with stew on his face and all over his body.
He was aware of laughter, of Aku running out of the room.
He could barely see as the stew stung his eyes and clogged his nose!
Cameras were snapping away, videos being taken.
Randy pulled a big tablecloth off one of the table, scattering the plates, cups and drinks, and rushed to his friend’s side. He bent and cleaned the thick stew from Rashid’s face, then looked up belligerently at the guests taking pictures and recording.
“Get the fuck out of here, you bloody leeches!” he screamed with anger. “Fucking bloody idiots! Come on, pal. Lemme get you out of here!”
Everything then happened in a daze for Rashid.
He was aware of being led outside, of being helped into Randy’s car, and being driven away. Randy gave Rashid’s car keys to Yao to follow them.
Two hours later, Rashid emerged from the shower with a towel tied around his waist, and found Randy and Yao waiting for him in his luxurious living-room.
He sat down morosely and put his face in his hands.
“Pour you a drink?” Yao Kolo asked gently, his voice unsteady.
Rashid shook his head and kept it bent as he took deep breaths to stem the bouts of pain shooting through his body. Randy sat down beside him and put a comforting hand on his arm.
“Thanks, buddy, for not giving us up,” he said, his voice remorseful and holding a trace of shame. “Damn it! What does that whore want? How could she pull some shit like this?”
“Rash, maybe you did request the photos, you know, and you did bone her,” Yao Kolo said as he poured himself more wine. “Nowadays they got some real sick drugs, man, weeds and mushrooms and more shit. You take one and you lose control over everything, could even make you fuck your own mother.”
“Do you think that’s what happened?” Randy asked, puzzled. “Maybe, whatever she drugged you with made you lose control totally, buddy. Let’s admit it, you look glazed and totally out of it in the photos. Maybe the drugs made you do some real shitty things. You admitted you barely remember what happened after that.”
Rashid sighed and rubbed his forehead hard, then he lifted his head and looked at them gravely.
“You guys are missing the real picture,” he said calmly. “Yes, maybe I did some sick things with her after she drugged me, and maybe I did request the photos. But I doubt it because it all doesn’t make sense. First off, why should she drug me? According to her, Joe had already paid her three thousand cedis for three hours, right? She’s a damn prostitute for Christ’s sake, so she’s all about the money. So, once she had the money, she was under no obligation to screw me if I didn’t want to. It should have made her happy, because that was three thousand breads without having to do any work!”
“Shit, you’re right, Rash,” Randy said with a gasp. “Money is all that matters to them, so if you didn’t want to have sex, she just should have relaxed and taken the money.”
“Exactly,” Rashid said with a bitter smile. “But that girl just wouldn’t give up. From slipping the key into her panties and drugging me. She was intent on getting me naked, on getting me to sleep with her. The question is, why?”
Yao Kolo nodded as he took a sip from his glass and sat down.
“Obviously, her only motive could be money,” he said dazedly. “Damn, Rash! This is scary. Are you implying someone is behind all this? Maybe someone paid her to get the incriminating photos and fuck up your life?”
“That’s it,” Rashid said softly. “That’s the only lucid explanation I can think of, unless she has something against me or Aku personally.”
“Then let’s go back to that whorehouse and beat the shit outta her,” Yao Kolo said savagely. “I don’t trust Aku’s grandma and her mom, fuck. They’re a pair of evil bloodsuckers. They could be behind this.”
“We might not have to beat her,” Rashid said carefully. “That girl is certainly only after money, and would sell her soul to the highest bidder. If we offer her money, she would readily reveal her intents.”
“So, what are we waiting for?” Yao shot fiercely. “Let’s go get her.”
“I’m worried about Aku, and how badly she was hurt,” Rashid said and stood up with a groan. “I have to convince her to go along with us, and listen to the truth herself or I’m afraid she might never believe me.”
“Then call her,” Randy said. “Call her now.”
Rashid called several times but Aku did not pick up. Randy and Yao tried, but she eventually switched off her phone. Rashid called her mom, and she screamed invectives at him and told him never to show his sick face in her house again, and that Aku was not home.
She slammed the phone.
Scowling with pain, Rashid activated the tracking app on his phone. He and Aku shared the app to know where each one was at any moment. Aku had actually installed the app on both their phones when he had been reluctant at first to do so.
She had switched off her phone, but the app showed her last location.
He showed it to his friends.
“She was last seen at Labadi,” Rashid said with a scowl.
Yao Kolo gasped softly at that and looked at Rashid with sudden trepidation, but he said nothing.
“Then let’s go find her,” Randy said quickly.
“What if she had left?”
“Then we’ll come back home, try another time.”
“Look, Randy, let me go with Yao, okay? Go back to your wife.”
“Stop that crap, buddy,” Randy said gently and patted Rashid’s shoulder. “Your troubles are mine, remember? And you stood up for me. Will tell Rose I need to stay with you for a while. C’mon, pard. Get dressed and let’s roll.”
Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love . Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love. Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read. Donate to Read, Bad Girls Don’t Love, Donate to Read
Donate-To-Read: Paid Story:: BAD GIRLS DON’T LOVE :: EPISODE 6
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