the fulfilled woman: Sep 2
The Fulfilled Woman
Fri, 2 Sep 2022
Topic: Distracted Raising Your Children?
Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.
Psalms 127:4-5 (NLT)
Sober Reflections
Having to raise godly children amidst serious economic crises in a technological world is a huge challenge for the modern-day Christian.
Both parents in many homes have had to work extra hours to make ends meet which is often to the detriment of the children. Many resort to employing Nannies and other domestic workers to assist and this comes with its own problems.
In 1 Samuel 2:12, the Bible tells us about the unscrupulous sons of Eli, the Priest. They did not fear the Lord and treated the sacrifices offered to God with contempt.
What could be the reason?
Even though Eli was a priest, he was not intentional about raising his children in a godly manner. And they all suffered the consequences.
As Christian parents, we need to keep our eyes (physical and spiritual) wide open and ears on the ground with current events and happenings. The devil is bent on corrupting our future generations. Gen 3:15
Have you watched the cartoons you are buying for your children to watch? They may have been compromised, look closely.
LGBT is being introduced to toddlers in many unsuspecting ways.
Sisters, let us wake up before it is too late. We are being distracted by work, promotions and making more money.
Jesus tells us in Matt 13:25, that while men slept, the enemy came to sow tares among the wheat (good seed).
We need to be intentional about raising our young children.
Teach them the Word, the days of reciting only Bible verses are over.
Joel 2:28a says, And it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my spirit upon ALL FLESH…
All flesh includes very young children.
May the Lord give us wisdom.
Thank You Father God for the wake-up call to be intentional in my children’s upbringing.
Holy Spirit, please open my eyes to see beyond the physical and give me the wisdom to bring up godly children who will be like arrows in God’s Kingdom in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen!
Scriptures For Meditation
1 Samuel 2:12-22, Psalms 127:3-5