“SAVED” Episode Three
(American Ghanaian Setting)
At the Mission House:
Pastor Myles: Honey can you please serve me my lunch? I am starving and I feel like I can swallow a whole whale.
Mrs Myles: Give me a few minutes and I will dish out your lunch for you, my king.
Pastor Myles: (smiles) I am the luckiest man on this planet called Earth. God, thank you for blessing me with such a beautiful, caring, dutiful, enterprising, friendly, gorgeous, loving and supporting partner. I will choose you again in my next life because you make my life worth living.
Mrs Myles: And you also make my life complete. I can’t imagine life without you, my king.
Pastor Myles: Well I don’t know how mine was going to be but I am glad I never backed out when you were giving me sleepless nights. Honestly, if I gave up on you so early, I would have been the biggest loser on this planet.
Mrs Myles: Well nothing good comes easy you know. I also had to stretch you when you were chasing after me because I wanted to be sure you meant what you were saying.
Pastor Myles: Three years was no joke and even after you gave me a little hope, it took me another whole year before I could even hold your hand. Honestly, the day you told me you had accepted my proposal, it was on my mind that if you didn’t give me a positive sign that day, I will look elsewhere. I couldn’t imagine, me of all people, begging for attention whilst those girls in your class were also longing to have me as their boyfriend.
Mrs Myles: Sweetheart the truth was, I was also afraid to give in because I was scared you will later dump me and go after them since they were the ones who were always wearing skimpy and tight dresses that were appealing to the eyes of the young men.
Pastor Myles: Well you are right but to an extent, you are wrong. No responsible and rational human being will go after such kind of girls because you could see they have no proper future. The last time we went to Texas, you saw Helen who has now turned into a full-time junky and had been taken to rehab. In Boston, Jasmine has turned into a pimp. Audrey is having five children with five different men. Somewhere in Florida, your best friend, Nicole is in jail because she ended up with a notorious drug dealer. In Ohio, the beautiful sexy Kate is now looking like a 70-year-old woman even though she just turned 42 years.
Mrs Myles: Please say no more because with what you are saying, I am only getting memories of the time we were back in high school. (drops the serving tray on the dining table)
Pastor Myles: Do you remember on our first date, you asked me why I wanted to date you instead of those hot girls and I told you beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?
Mrs Myles: Yes, but I wasn’t convinced with that statement simply because amongst all the girls in my class, I was the one who was odd and not that hot. Sometimes, I used to think you were trying to make fun of me by asking me out.
Pastor Myles: (smiles as he walks to the dining table) I knew the value in you that is why I spent a whole lot of time waiting for you to say yes. I saw something more than the eyes could see even though some of my friends tried to discourage me. Now looking at all those hot, sexy and beautiful ladies I aforementioned, who is prettier than you? Who is well endowed like you? Who can rub shoulders with you? In fact, who can stand where you choose to stand?
Mrs Myles: I beg, please don’t over-flatter me with words.
Pastor Myles: If you have been surfing the internet well and following the current Ghanaian president, you will see how he cherishes his wife and always acknowledges her beauty when he is talking. Even during his corona pandemic updates, he always ends by acknowledging his beautiful wife. I think I have to add that to my style of preaching henceforth.
Mrs Myles: Now this brings this to mind, from my observation so far, I don’t think some members of the church like the way you make emphasis with the Smiths. I could see some faces dropping when you referred to Gilbert and Edna.
Pastor Myles: They can go to hell for all I care. With the input the Smiths bring onboard to the church, how many of them can do even a quarter of that? How much tithe and offering do they give at church? How many of them pledge and fulfil them? They can choose to move to another church and fellowship with them since we have over a thousand and one churches in this state. You know I don’t condone any sort of jealousy or insolence.
Mrs Myles: Please calm down my love. I was only telling you my observation and who knows, I might even be wrong with what I am thinking.
Pastor Myles: Your instincts have never been wrong and never has it betrayed you but I just don’t care what any of them think about my illustrations my dear, to whom much is given, much is definitely expected from that person.
Mrs Myles: I beg of you to calm down and enjoy your meal. I am sorry for raising this topic at this time.
Pastor Myles: I am not angry at you, my queen and I can never forfeit your delicious meals just because I am upset or angry. Even on my sick bed, I will crave your food and eat it before I die.
Mrs Myles: I beg for we have not gotten to that chapter yet. I am not ready to be a widow till the next 40 or 45 years ahead of me. I want to enjoy you till we grey and become toothless old folks with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren around us. I would like to have sex with you in our old toothless age with the help of an aphrodisiac.
Pastor Myles: You are so tempting and you have a way of boosting my libido. Let me finish my meal for I have an unfinished business with you tonight.
At the Smith’s Residence:
Mr Smith: Now you two should sit down over there for I have a meeting with you guys. Melissa, since when did you become so lousy that you had to raise your voice at your Mom at a public restaurant?
Melissa: Dad, I don’t see what wrong I did.
Mr Smith: Why will you see anything wrong when we have over-pampered you? How will you see your wrongs when your Mom and I fail to correct you when you are at fault? Is this the kind of woman we are raising you to be? Let me be honest with you, the next time you repeat that silly and uncultured attitude to your mother or myself, you will only find yourself on the next available flight to West Africa Ghana in economy class to stay with my mom, your grandma.
Melissa: Dad you can’t do that to me. You can’t send me to that shit hole for mosquitoes to feast on my beautiful body and I can’t imagine eating that local delicacy of theirs which stinks and leaves a foul scent on your hands for over three days. Mom, are you going to allow Dad to treat me that way?
Mrs Smith: What do you expect me to say?
Mr Smith: I gave you an option so the choice is in your hands. One more silly mistake and you can kiss this place bye-bye.
Glenn: (tries to move from the hall) I guess this meeting is meant for Melissa so I want to go and freshen up.
Mr Smith: You better sit your ass down because you are the very reason why I called for this meeting. You think you are untouchable right? If you know the plans I have down my sleeves, you will not do anything to get into my negative books.
Since your birth, I have worked my ass off and broke my back just so you and your sister won’t lack anything physically or materially. For me, I never got to see the face of my useless father who decided to run away from his fatherly duties as he gave birth to eighteen children with six different women. My mother had to sacrifice her happiness just so she could fend for my siblings and myself.
The rice you eat daily, I and my elder siblings ate that meal only at Christmas and sometimes on special occasions. For Coke or soda, I and two other people had to share one bottle because getting that drink to consume was only by grace. I wore oversized torn school uniforms and walked to school barefooted for almost three miles.
I never went to school with money in my pocket. I had to run home for lunch when we came on break and after school hours, I had to help my mother sell on the streets. I sold graphic papers in the morning before I rushed to school and after school, I sold polythene bags after which I hacked kerosene at night because electricity was not common by then. At night, I had to learn with a lantern because I had to catch up on what we were taught during the day.
I vowed to myself that with the hardship my father made me and my siblings pass through, I won’t allow my kids to face the same so I decided to put my destiny in my own hands and make a meaningful life for myself and my children yet unborn. If this is the nonsense you kids want to put up, I will cut all the fat allowances you enjoy and drop all the privileges that come your way. I didn’t stress or bother my Mom the way you two are trying to do to your Mom and me. This will be the very last time we will have such a conversation and if you decide to do otherwise, I believe you will have yourself to blame. Now, the two of you should get out of my sight. (walks to his study)
Glenn: (frowns and walks to his room) You don’t have to channel your anger on me for I am not the one at fault here.
Melissa: Mom, Dad can’t do that to us. He can’t send us to that God-forsaken place all in the name of punishing us. I know my rights and I won’t allow him to do that to us.
Mrs Smith: The last time I checked, you were 15 years and still under the care and custody of your parents. Your Dad gave you guys an option so it depends on you as to what choice you make. I wouldn’t like to come in between you guys. (phone rings)
Melissa: (walks away angrily) Jeez!!! You both are the same. Always ganging up on us and throwing your frustrations on us the innocent ones.
Mrs Smith: (speaks in a low tone as she answers her phone) Hey handsome, this is the wrong time to talk to you. There is tension in the house and I will see you tomorrow morning as I promised.
Jeffery: Oh okay but please don’t get me waiting for long because I have missed you so much and I can’t wait to have you in my arms. I can’t wait to hear you moan and mention my name asking for more strokes of my…
Mrs Smith: (cuts in) Stop it Jeff, you know you get me so wet and turned on when you start those things on the phone. I don’t want you to arouse my emotions for me to end up giving myself to my husband instead. The one who works for it should be the one to enjoy it so don’t start something that will make an innocent person get to enjoy your labour.
Jeffery: I can’t help it, baby. You need to see how the veins on my magic stick are all fully erected like a soldier on parade. Gosh, I don’t know what you have done to me that at the mention of your name, then I am so hard down there.
Mrs Smith: Have patience lover boy. I will be at your end the very moment I drop my kids at school and we will have the whole day to ourselves because I won’t go to the office.
Jeffery: You don’t mean it, my love.
Mrs Smith: Believe every word I am saying, Mr Lover Boy. I am for the first time going to spend over six hours non-stop with you so I will advise you to reserve your comments and energy because it’s been long I had a very good orgasm.
Jeffery: Say no more, my beautiful lady. Consider me your slave the moment you get here and just text me the kind of service you would like me to provide for you so I start to research about it for you. I want to give you a mind-blowing and standing ovation performance tomorrow when you come over.
Mrs Smith: I know what you can do and how you can do it so I won’t bother you with any extra duties. You know where to touch and when to touch some parts of my body so I leave everything in your capable hands. I am not in a comfort zone to talk to you so let’s talk later when the coast is clear.
Jeffery: Okay but before you leave me, what should I prepare for you before you get here?
Mrs Smith: Anything you serve me will be well appreciated. I know you have got taste for quality things so I leave that to you. You can call it a surprise.
Jeffery: Very well then, my beautiful Edna. I will leave you with the memories we have shared and brace yourself for another masterclass performance from me. Please when coming tomorrow, try and get some baby oil as I will give you a French and Swedish massage.
Mrs Smith: Oh my God, Jeffrey you know what I want and when I want everything. I don’t know how my life would be if I didn’t come across you. I bless the day I set my eyes on you and whatever brought you to that coffee shop that day, I believe it was the doing of the Lord.
Jeffery: Thank you for also giving me the chance to come close to you after I spilt coffee on your beautiful white dress. I still don’t believe how you decided to follow me to my house so I clean you up and I believe that was the turning point.
Mrs Smith: Let’s continue this conversation later for I see my husband approaching. (ends call swiftly)
Mr Smith: I just got a call from Washington and my presence is needed there urgently. Can you please help me pack my things?
Mrs Smith: How long are you staying this time?
Mr Smith: It’s a five-day conference and after that, there will be a dinner on Saturday. Shortly after the dinner, I will be on the next available flight to Colorado so let’s say, latest by Sunday morning, I should be back in this house.
Mrs Smith: Okay, I have heard you.
Mr Smith: I need to call the airline and make my ticket reservation so I will join you in the bedroom soon.
Mrs Smith: (picks her handbag and heels as she walks towards the staircase) This is a blessing in disguise and I will use this opportunity to my advantage. Gilbert you can decide to stay for a whole year and I don’t give a hoot about that when I have Jeffrey around me.
Mr Smith: (talks to himself) Wheeeeew!!! That was so easy, I was thinking she was going to put me through a tough questioning process. Let me quickly call Selina to prepare because I have not gotten much time for her since we started this romantic escapade two months ago. She is going to have me to herself all week and this is my chance to also enjoy her to the maximum satisfaction but first let me call the airline and make our reservation. For the hotel, I can book our room when I get to the airport.
Mrs Smith: (excited about the new development) Mmmm so Christmas chose to come early this year. Awwwww Gilbert you don’t know how excited you have made me and how you have made my day? This is the best news I have heard this month. Unfortunately, I can’t sleep over at Jeffrey’s end but I will spend more than 12 hours with him every single day. Jeff this body right here is going to surrender to you in submission. Gosh flirting with a young blood is the ish.
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
✍🏾An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination✍🏾
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