SAVED Episode Eleven:
(American Ghanaian Setting)
The closing bell rings to signal everyone that the school session is over. Roy sends a text message to Glenn on the unfinished business they have with Richmond Gallagher and they agree to converge at the school’s drama hall.
Roy: Richmond, we are meeting at the drama hall for a brief meeting.
Richmond: I wasn’t aware there will be a meeting after class today.
Roy: Well it’s an impromptu kind of meeting and we want to strategize on the pending tournament ahead of us. This meeting is solely for the first-team players who are likely to start the game. We want to draw up a plan aside from what Coach Ross will assign us.
Richmond: Won’t coach Ross be mad at us when he gets to know of this meeting?
Roy: I am not going to be the one to reveal this meeting to him and I don’t believe you will be the one also to tell him of our meeting. You know in the basketball team, one thing we are very good at is keeping our lips very sealed and tight. We remain loyal to each other and we don’t snitch on each other nor do we sell out with any information within our reach.
Richmond: You are very right on that senior. Ever since I joined the team, I have come to admire how team members work in cohesion and unity. Please let me offload some books in my locker so I join you immediately.
Roy: Richmond, don’t forget this is a secret meeting so no other soul must hear of this.
Richmond: You don’t have to worry about that, my senior teammate.
Roy: (smiles) I am glad you have acknowledged the fact that I am your senior in the basketball team. We will be expecting you in the drama hall and please be fast so we don’t have to stay long in the drama hall.
Richmond: Okay senior. (rushes to the locker area)
Wendy: There you are handsome.
Richmond: Hello beautiful, I thought you were gone already because I saw you rush out of the class the moment the bell went off.
Wendy: Well it’s that time of the month so I had to rush to the ladies just to mmmm…
Richmond: Oh, no need to explain yourself. I get the broader picture already.
Wendy: You are a bad boy.
Richmond: Please don’t blame me for I have three elder sisters and I am kind of close to them so they give me some little lessons on matters like this once in a while and trust me, I even know how to fix a sanitary pad in the pant when the need arises.
Wendy: Please I will alight here before you kill me with over speed. I came to get you so we walk home together.
Richmond: That is nice of you but unfortunately we can’t do that today. I have a basketball meeting and I don’t know the duration of the meeting especially now that we are preparing for the inter-schools tournament.
Wendy: Oh that reminds me, I heard you have been chosen to captain the basketball team this time around.
Richmond: (surprised) And who told you that because this news has not been made official yet?
Wendy: People do talk in this school and don’t tell me what I heard is a mere rumour without any iota of truth?
Richmond: Well, for now it’s only a speculation, my dear. The coach hasn’t officially made it known to the team but he told a few of us during a training session this morning that he intends to give me the captain’s band.
Wendy: Mmmm this is the best news I have heard in recent times. If you get the captain’s band, it will also increase my chances of getting the cheerleader position. What a nice way to solidify our relationship.
Richmond: Let me be on my way before you blow my ears with big vocabularies, madam cheerleader. I will pass by your house when we are done with the meeting and it’s not too late.
Wendy: I will be waiting for you with some baked cookies.
Richmond: You are a darling. You know exactly what I want and when I want it. Thanks for being there for me always.
Wendy: Don’t mention, my darling. That is what lovers do for each other and never forget you have a number one fan in me. Anytime you see me on the touchline with the other girls, just get to know that you are the one I am cheering for and not the entire team as it is perceived. I expect more dunks from you during this upcoming tournament so do well to bring your A-game when you step on that basketball court.
Richmond: (closes his locker) Consider your request granted, my lady. Let me be on my way before I am late. Leaders must always learn to lead by example and be time conscious.
Roy: (rushes to alert Glenn of Richmond’s approach) Jack, he will be here anytime soon so take cover and let’s work according to plan.
Glenn: I am all set for that slamming double-crossing fool. He thinks he can reap what he never sowed and live to enjoy it? That will indeed be over my dead body. By the time we are through with him, he won’t even be fit for the tournament not to talk about wearing that captain’s band that rightfully belongs to me.
Roy: I love it when you talk with power and authority, dude. Let’s teach that fool some sense that he will never forget in his useless and miserable life.
Glenn: You know how ruthless and merciless I can be when someone tries to rob me of my possession? Nobody born of a woman can ever take the birthright of Glenn Kofi Smith from me when I am still breathing and very well alive. I am of African descent and my father comes from a Fanti and Ashanti origin, no one wins a battle with me and enjoys his or her life the way it was before.
Richmond: (walks into the drama hall and talks to himself) And why is this place dark when we have a meeting here or I didn’t hear the exact venue that Roy mentioned to me?
Roy: You are at the right place, team captain. Just come forward to where we are and let us start our meeting.
Richmond: But where are the other team members?
Roy: Oh they are in a different place having their meeting. Glenn chose this place for our meeting and he will be here pretty soon as he monitors the other group and sees to it that everything is going as he planned. You know he has a whole lot of experience under his belt and until he lets out his last card, you won’t know what he has under his sleeves.
Richmond: (walks forward) You have a very good point senior. I can’t just wait for this tournament to kick start so I and you guys will knock the other schools from this tournament.
Glenn: (comes from behind with a baseball bat) Just exactly the way I am going to knock you out of this team, you idiot who thinks you can take what rightfully belongs to me. (hits the waist of Richmond with the baseball bat and again hits the right knee three times at the same spot)
Richmond: (cries out from pain) Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!!! Are you guys trying to kill me or what?
Roy: You better shut that gutter you call your mouth.
Glenn: By the time I finish with you, you can’t even have the legs to stand up and walk not to talk of running on the basketball court. Do you think you can reap where you did not sow and go scot-free like that?
Richmond: But what wrong did I do to you guys to warrant this barbaric act?
Glenn: When you meet God, you can throw your thesis statement to him and ask him for answers, you idiot.
Roy: Jack let us disappear before a whistleblower walks in on us.
Glenn: You are so very right my partner in crime. You are the brother I never had and this friendship of ours will never encounter any setbacks and troubles from anyone or anything.
Roy: You are indeed right but let’s get out of here before this idiot raises an alarm for someone to walk in on us. We are vehemently going to deny any confrontation that comes our way with our little encounter here.
Glenn: (looks at Richmond pathetically) Next time when a crown that doesn’t belong to you is given to you to wear, you will run for your stupid life. What I have done to you is just the tip of the iceberg and if you are to ever cross my path again in this school, I will skin you alive and feed your stinking body to the vultures to devour your flesh. I don’t like to repeat myself and neither do I give empty promises that I can’t keep, I walk my talk always so be rest assured of that if you think I am bluffing.
Roy: My original team captain has spoken and this is by far law. It has been decreed and declared that no man born of a woman can change or do anything about it.
Glenn: Let’s move before it’s too late for us, we don’t have to be seen anywhere near this idiot.
At the School Playground:
Wendy: Ivy have you seen Richmond Gallagher?
Ivy: No, I haven’t set my eyes on him today but are you sure he came to school at all today?
Wendy: Oh yeah he did, I was with him at the cafeteria when we came on break and again spoke to him immediately after we closed at the locker area. He told me he was having a brief meeting with his teammates and I should take the lead but I am used to walking home with him after school so I wanted to wait for him even though he doesn’t know I am waiting for him.
Ivy: Oh that is surprising because I didn’t see him in class today.
Wendy: You know the basketball tournament is fast approaching so maybe he was at the basketball court training with the others.
Ivy: You might be very right on that one. The last time he spoke to me concerning the tournament, he spoke passionately about the game and how he wants to help the team achieve its aim by winning the trophy at stake.
Wendy: One thing I so love about him is how passionate he is about everything he decides to do. I accepted to be his girlfriend because of that great quality about him.
Ivy: Madam lovebird, my dad is here to pick me home, do you care for a ride?
Wendy: Nah, I don’t think so. I will hang around for some time before I leave. I want to see my handsome prince before I leave for the house so don’t worry about me.
Ivy: If you say so. Then I will see you tomorrow but please don’t forget to call me when you get home and please I will be waiting for the pictures we took last week at the mall.
Wendy: Oh, I will send it over the very moment I put my phone on.
Mr Philips: (parks his car near the girls) Hello Wendy, how are you doing?
Wendy: I am very well, Mr Philips. Please how are you also doing?
Mr Philips: I am awesomely well, my dear. I trust your parents are also doing well.
Wendy: They are equally doing beautifully well.
Mr Philips: That is nice, are you not joining us home today?
Wendy: No please, I have a group discussion with some of my friends.
Mr Philips: Oh that is okay then, kindly send my well wishes to your folks and tell your dad we have an emergency meeting tomorrow at the clubhouse. He can call me for any further details concerning the meeting. It is very urgent so don’t forget to deliver my message to him.
Wendy: Consider your message delivered, Mr Philips.
Mr Philips: Thank you so much. I will see you some other time, my dear and do well to stay safe and out of trouble.
Wendy: Okay, sir. Ivy I will get in touch when I get home.
Ivy: Okay dear, please take care of yourself for me. (hugs Wendy and sits in the car as it zooms off)
Ella: (watches from a corner) Lisa come and see the bitch who wants to snatch Richmond away from you and also fighting to be the cheerleader of the cheer team.
Melissa: Who are you talking about?
Ella: I am talking about the bitch Wendy. She is alone over there at the playground.
Melissa: How about we get closer to her and have a girl-to-girl talk with her? You know what I mean?
Ella: Of course, my cheerleader. We have to wade her off from Richmond Gallagher and anything that you have an interest in.
Melissa: Of course, you know one thing that I don’t share with any other person is the cock I enjoy and since I am not done with Richmond, no girl dares come his way to block my view or catch his attention and fantasy.
Ella: I am with you through it all, my girl. You know I have your back always so let’s do this but let’s make sure no one sees us when we are dealing with her.
Melissa: Of course, we don’t have to leave any witnesses around when we are doing our illegal business. Let’s move before she gets out of our sight.
Back at the Drama Hall:
Richmond: (crawls and holds a seat to stand up but screams out of pain) Ooooouch!! So Roy and Glenn did this to me because of the captain’s band? I swear I will make the two of them pay with their blood. I will show them that you can’t step on the tail of the snake and go unbitten. I will spit the kind of venom that has no antidote to cure them.
I will bite deep into their bone when I decide to attack. I swear with the coffin of my late mother. Whoever has a hand in my current predicament will never go unpunished by me and I don’t care if it takes the life of anyone. I am a Gallagher and we don’t back out from the target we set our eyes on. May God forgive me for what I am about to do to these two people because I wouldn’t have remorse for my actions.
The battle line has just been drawn between Richmond Gallagher and Glenn Smith, who will have the last laugh.
Let the discussion continue on all platforms as you do always.
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination
All rights reserved worldwide
King Lexis
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