SAVED Episode Fourteen:
(American Ghanaian Setting)
Trust Hospital:
Don Simon: Hello who is in charge here? I have been informed that my cousin was brought here about an hour ago.
Nurse: Please calm down. First, give me his name so I check in our system if indeed this was the place your cousin was brought.
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Don Simon: His name is Richmond Gallagher.
Nurse: Please give me a minute as I go through the records of those who were brought here from 3 hours ago until now.
Don Simon: I appreciate you, nurse.
Nurse: (after a while) Oh yes the name is in our records. He was brought here by an EMT team and he is on the fourth floor at the moment. You can use the elevator by my left, when you get there a team of nurses will attend to you and show you the exact ward your cousin is admitted to.
Don Simon: (fakes a smile) Thanks so much, pretty lady. At the right time, I will come and show my appreciation for your assistance. Trigger and Honda, you guys should stay behind as I go with Viper and Oslo.
Honda: Okay, boss.
Don Simon: Guys let’s move. (they enter the elevator)
Back at the School:
Principal: Coach Ross with this side of the story that you gave me as to what you know, I will need you to go to the hospital with me as we can’t sit on this case and treat it like it’s not important. Nobody informed me that the cameras at the drama hall are not functioning. When we are through with this boy’s issue, there is this serious purging that will have to take place in this school. Some of you guys are taking advantage of my leniency in this school for granted.
Coach Ross: Sir, I don’t think the cameras are spoilt. I assume because that place has been shut down for some time, that is the reason why the IT department switched that camera off.
Principal: That is arrant nonsense if that is the lousy excuse they have to defend themselves with. They are paid to monitor and keep every single part of the school under surveillance so I won’t listen to any cock and bull story they cook for me. I hope you came to school with your car today.
Coach Ross: I did, please.
Principal: Very good, kindly convey us to the Trust hospital as I don’t find myself in the right frame of mind to drive to that place.
Coach Ross: That is not a problem, sir. Please give me a minute as I rush to my office to get my car key and also lock my office so we go to the hospital. (rushes to his office)
Back at the Hospital:
Doctor Cliff: It is good you are here on time because your cousin needs emergency surgery which requires any of his family members to sign a consent form before we can proceed.
Don Simon: Doctor please get me the forms so I append my signature immediately, no harm must befall my cousin.
Doctor Cliff: No need to worry yourself, sir, your cousin is in safe hands and we have dealt with circumstances much more severe and dangerous than that of your cousin’s.
Don Simon: Thank you for the resounding assurance but can you please tell me exactly what happened to my cousin?
Doctor Cliff: For now no one seems to know what exactly happened but let’s pray your cousin comes out from the drowsy injections we gave him to take the pain away from his body.
Don Simon: That means I can’t see him before you take him to the theatre?
Doctor Cliff: You can see him but can’t communicate with him for now. After the surgery, you can engage him in any form of conversation.
Don Simon: So how long will this surgery take before you can be done?
Doctor Cliff: This is a very delicate kind of surgery but the longest time it can travel is about 4 to 5 hours if all goes well.
Don Simon: Please take all the time you need, I and my boys will be out here until you are done.
Doctor Cliff: Very well then, Mr Gallagher. I will have to go prep up for the surgery immediately.
Don Simon: Doctor, I won’t accept any try-and-error feedback from you and your team. If this surgery is above you, I wouldn’t mind flying my cousin to Washington for my doctors to handle it over there.
Doctor Cliff: This is not my first time handling such an issue so please relax and let me go do what I do best.
Don Simon: (pulls the doctor) Don’t mess up with my cousin if not, I will pull this entire hospital down with just a snap of my finger.
Doctor Cliff: (frees himself) Save your threats for someone else who is in your league, now if you don’t mind, I have surgery to undertake so kindly excuse me. (walks away)
Don Simon: (lights a cigarette stick) If this doctor messes up, I will peel his skin from his body.
Matron: (snatches the cigarette stick from Don Simon’s mouth) You should know you are in a no-smoking zone and this silly thing you just did is never condoned in a prestigious health facility like this hospital. If you were in your 20s, I will have scolded you but a full grown-up man like you should know best as to how and when you execute some things.
On the box of the cigarette, it has been stated boldly that smoking is inimical to your health but human beings like your type will always overlook it and do as you desire. Don’t let me go and come and see you repeat your mistake. Do I make myself clear?
Don Simon: (swallows his saliva) It is crystal clear, please.
Matron: (smiles) Good boy, I am glad you have fallen in line. (walks away)
Don Simon: You nurse over there, who is that woman who just left this place?
Nurse: That is the matron for this floor, please.
Don Simon: She nearly made me pull my anger trigger. Is she the one to dictate to me what I should do with my life? Does she know the amount of medication I consume every day before I go to bed because of my smoking habit?
Nurse: Please don’t take what she said or did to heart, because of her position in this hospital, she always wants the right thing to be done anywhere she finds herself. I humbly apologize on her behalf.
Don Simon: Oslo, I need a cup of creamed coffee drink with a lot of sugar added to it.
Oslo: Okay, boss. (rushes to get the coffee)
Principal: (talks to the nurse at the reception) Hello my dear, a student of mine was rushed here by some EMT Officers about an hour ago and we are here to check up on him.
Nurse: Kindly let me know his name so I check our system.
Coach Ross: He is Richmond Gallagher.
Nurse: This young boy seems very important as people are trooping in to check up on him. Well, he is on the fourth floor but I think he is due for surgery any time soon. I’m sure when you get to the fourth floor, you will be briefed with any information that you need to know.
Principal: Thank you for your assistance, my dear.
Coach Ross: It seems this boy’s injury is more severe than I anticipated.
Principal: I am looking forward to being briefed about what exactly happened to him in that drama hall whether someone pushed him from the ladder or he slipped on his own or whatever. (presses on the elevator knob)
At the Smith’s Residence:
Mrs Smith: How was your day in school today?
Melissa: It was normal like the other days.
Mrs Smith: And how about you, Glenn?
Glenn: The new coach disrespected me by giving my captain’s band to a junior of mine who joined the team not long ago.
Mrs Smith: That is preposterous for him to have shown that gross disrespect to my super-talented son. So did you approach him to ask why he overlooked the fact that you are a senior player and he gave your junior that band?
Glenn: Don’t mind that coach mom. He claims we the seniors in the team will very soon be done with school so he prefers building his team around the juniors so that they can take the mantle very well the moment we are done with school.
Mrs Smith: But that still doesn’t warrant him disrespecting you the seniors in the team. So can that junior instil discipline in the team when some seniors are backsliding?
Glenn: That was the same question we asked that coach. He seems not bothered with his actions but I don’t blame him, I blame the school authorities for appointing him in the first place. If not for the fact that I wanted to win a prestigious award for myself before I complete high school, I will quit the basketball team.
Mrs Smith: No child of mine will quit what he or she starts. You don’t jump to the fence just because the heat is too much in the field of play. Just try and prove your coach wrong at the end of the day.
Melissa: Can we please drop this basketball topic so we enjoy the supper in peace?
Mrs Smith: Hey, there is no need to be rude to us, young lady. Lately, you behave in a hostile way towards everyone in this house, is everything alright with you?
Melissa: I am fine, Mommy but please let’s have this meal in peace without any drama.
Mrs Smith: Now I am into drama, right? I am only trying to be a good mother who is interested in the welfare of her kids but it seems my efforts are not appreciated by you. I can choose to also focus all my attention on my work at the office and we will see who will find herself wanting.
Melissa: (gets up from the dining table) Thanks for making me lose my appetite, Mom.
Mrs Smith: (looks at both kids) What did I say or do wrong Glenn?
Glenn: Don’t mind her Mom, almost all her friends in school are complaining about her attitude lately.
Mrs Smith: Tell me this, is she having a boyfriend in your school?
Glenn: That daughter of yours is very secretive so I don’t have an answer to your question.
Back at the Hospital:
Don Simon: How did the surgery go?
Doctor Cliff: Please follow me to my office.
Don Simon: I hope you don’t have any bad news to share with me.
Doctor Cliff: It will be appropriate for us to have our discussion in my office. Kindly follow me so we talk extensively about how your cousin is fairing.
Don Simon: Please lead the way to your office then.
Doctor Cliff: (sees the principal and coach following him to his office) I am sorry but who are you also?
Principal: My name is Jamie Baker and with me is Ross James. I am the principal of the school the young man attends. We came here purposely because of the boy.
Doctor Cliff: Well it’s rather unfortunate that I can’t debrief the young man’s current medical condition in your presence except with the permission of his cousin here.
Don Simon: Doc, I have not got all day to spend here. See, every second that I spend here makes me lose huge sums of money so just hit directly on the nail so I know my next line of action. The teachers here are the reason why my cousin is in this hospital so just let me know how the whole surgery went.
Doctor Cliff: Since you are okay with them knowing your cousin’s condition, I will start by saying the surgery was very successful but you will have to buy some expensive drugs so we infuse into his drip to help with his quick recovery.
Don Simon: That won’t be a problem because I intend to airlift him to a different place where I can monitor his progress swiftly.
Doctor Cliff: My brother there is no need to do that. Your cousin is already in safe hands here and stressing him with movements won’t help. Mind you, he just came out from the theatre and transporting him up and down might not be the very best alternative.
Don Simon: Thank you for the concern and first-hand information but I stand my ground that I want him to be conveyed to a different place where I can monitor him properly. This is a decision that has been carefully taken by the family so all I want you to do is prepare his medical bill for me to sort out the amount involved then I take my cousin away.
Doctor Cliff: If you insist, I don’t have any power over your decision but if anything goes wrong, don’t say I didn’t warn or advise you against your evasive decision.
Don Simon: There is nothing bad that is going to happen to him. kindly allow me to carry my cross in peace without any persuasive speeches.
Doctor Cliff: (shakes his head and exhales a deep breath) Let me go and prepare for his release forms and also your medical bills since you have made up your mind already. (walks to the door)
Don Simon: Now that is what I want to hear, thank you very much for your cooperation.
Coach Ross: I think you should listen to what the doctor said, Mr Gallagher.
Don Simon: (drops his phone that he was fidgeting with and looks at the coach) Shutting that thing you call your mouth won’t cause you anything so kindly zip it. My cousin is in that lifeless state because of your negligence in that school. When my cousin is fit to talk, I will interrogate him myself and if he tells me that any of his colleagues in your school is responsible for his predicament, I will turn your school upside down. Take this one as a direct threat this time around, Mr principal.
Principal: Please let’s first pray for his well-being. I believe we are all waiting to hear what exactly happened to Richmond and when we get to know what happened, we will then be informed of the next line of action but I want you to be rest assured that you have my utmost support and attention, Mr Gallagher.
Don Simon: Pray very hard that my cousin bounces back on time before his father gets to town from the state penitentiary if not only God can stop the fury of my uncle.
Doctor Cliff: (walks in) Please you can sign here and this is your bill, if you have insurance cover for the young man then the circled figure is what you will pay but if not, the bill below is what you will pay at the mini bank before your ward is released to you.
Don Simon: (signs the release forms and looks at the bill in his hand) Well, we are on an insurance policy but I don’t know if it will cover this so I will rather pay and later get in touch with my insurance company to sort this out.
Doctor Cliff: The ball is in your court then, Mr Gallagher.
Don Simon: So where do I do the payment?
Doctor Cliff: There is a mini bank at the left end of this floor close to the nurses’ station. When you are done with the payment, kindly let me have the receipts as I supervise the nurses to get your cousin ready.
Don Simon: I will be back. (steps out of the office)
Fast Forward:
Glenn dreams of being pursued by Captain Brown and his boys after that crazy encounter in his house when he was caught having an affair with his daughter and as he was running to save his life, he bumps into Richmond Gallagher’s crew.
He finds himself between the devil and the deep blue sea. The next thing he sees is that both parties have pulled pistols and were pointing them at him as they all cock their guns. He does a cross sign on his face before he hears the sounds of bullets rushing out of the guns the people were holding and all landing in his body.
He screams the name of Jesus Christ as he jumps from his bed to the floor and he touches himself to see if indeed he was alive or if his body has been destroyed by the multiple bullets fired at him in his dream.
After accessing himself and making sure that not even a bullet touched him but it was a dream, he wiped his sweating forehead and checked the time on his phone.
He says to himself “Oh so it was just a dream I had? I need to stop overfeeding myself lately and always go to bed with a clean conscience if not, I am always going to have nightmares from this idiot called Richmond Gallagher and his silly cohorts.
But one thing I have vowed not to repeat is to go to any lady’s house to satisfy my emotional needs. I am just glad that this girl doesn’t know my house and for the school, I doubt she will bring his father there. I will block her from any source of communication channel she can reach me on because the way I saw her father and how he was raging with anger, he might peel the skin off my body.
I am too young and handsome to die as I have a lot of things to accomplish and a bright future ahead of me. I must place my destiny in my own hand and live my life to the best of my positive ability.
My father always says his mother used to tell him that ‘if a snail will grow old, it depends on how it takes good care of itself.’
Let me go back to sleep for tomorrow is a very busy day for me at the school.
Please note that the free episodes for SAVED end here. Kindly pay any amount to continue reading the rest of the episodes. let’s show appreciation to our Guest Writers for their hard work.
Send your payments via MOMO to Eunice on 0244084955 (+233244084955). Kindly use SAVED as the reference. God bless you.
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination
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King Lexis
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