Common Mistakes Tax Relief Applicants Make
Below are some mistakes we have seen tax relief applicants make and their effect on the process timelines.
- Name and Staff ID Mismatch
This arises when the staff ID provided does not match the name saved in the CAGD system. When this happens, the system rejects the entry completely. The applicant’s tax relief cannot be implemented in this case. Fortunately, we are alerted, in most cases, when there is a staff ID and name mismatch. We would have to get back to the applicants with such errors and start the process at CAGD all over again. This delays the process since we must wait for another window to submit the correct data.
Please make sure the staff ID and the name you provide are the same as the ones on your payslip.
- Staff ID Omission
Quite a number of applications come without the required staff ID Numbers. This is supposed to be written in the Tax File No section of the application form. When this happens, it delays the whole batch because, without the staff ID, the application cannot be processed. Our team usually goes through a tough time trying to get the Staff ID numbers from applicants, and the task becomes a daunting one when the application does not have any contact details provided.
- Incomplete Ghana Card Numbers
A few applications come with incomplete Ghana card numbers, and since it is a requirement, it delays the processing of that batch.
- Ghana Card Number omission
A number of applications come without Ghana Card numbers. This is a requirement and without it, the application cannot be processed. We go the extra mile to call clients with such issues but most times this delays the processing time for the batch.
- Mother’s Maiden Name Error
Most applications come with only the first name or surname in the Mother’s Maiden Name Column. The requirement is that the full name on the mother’s name before marriage be provided.
For example, if your mother was Selina Abeasi before she married and changed her name to Mrs Selina Atta-Kesson, Selina Abeasi is the maiden name.
- Children’s Education Institution Error
The common mistake we see in this section is that applicants write the education level of their children (i.e. primary, university, secondary school). What this section is asking for is the name of the school the listed children attend.
- Omission of Telephone Numbers
A few applications have come without telephone numbers at all. Others come with incorrect or incomplete telephone numbers.
The issuing authority periodically verifies applications by calling the numbers provided. In cases where the applicant is not reached, the application is shelved.
- ‘Blank’ Applications
Some applications do not qualify for any relief. This happens when an applicant does not apply for any of the reliefs stated. An Application is considered blank if the applicant ticks single, has no entry for the children section, is not disabled and does not provide any aged dependents.
Tax reliefs are given for;
- Responsibility (Anyone take care of more than 2 children whether married or not
- Marriage (When one is married)
- Child Education (When one has children of school-going age. A maximum of 3 children can be claimed under this relief category.)
- Aged dependents (When one has dependents who are 60 years and above.) This can be your direct parents or relatives such as uncles, aunties and in-laws. A maximum of 2 aged dependents is allowed under this relief category.
If the ‘blank’ application is sent to the authorities, it will not be worked on.
What we do is contact the applicants, again delaying the batch.
We are committed to delivering on our mandate and ask applicants to help by ensuring their applications have all the information required to reduce the time we spend on validation before other processes can take place.
Kindly help us by providing the correct information to help deliver fast and problem-free tax relief application facilitation.
Kindly share with your colleagues for education.
Thank you for trusting SafeNest with your tax relief application process!
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