The Last Kiss is rolling…
Alicia and her party arrive at the church house finally.
The decorations at the Church are also spectacular.
It is a fact that Vivian Ohene-Asare, the decorator, was expensive but Alicia feels she is worth every cedi looking at the love and passion she put into her work that day.
She does not use too many items for her decorations but the personalization and creativity make her work elegant and unique.
The chairs have flowers knotted into heart shapes tagged to their backs.
The aisle is lined with flower vases that has their pictures and initials.
Petals of flowers are lined on each side of the aisle all the way to the altar. The design with the petals end up as two big heart shapes in front of the altar. It is also interlaced for them to comfortably stand in as they take their vows.
Alicia feels like she is at heaven’s gate with all that beauty surrounding her.
Her heart warms up and tears of joy form in her eyes as she walks to the altar on her proud father’s arms.
She is deeply moved as “A New Day Has Come” by Celine Dion plays gently in the background.
The Officiating Minister gives his opening remarks as soon as the procession is over and members of the bridal party take their places.
“Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here today to witness the marriage ceremony between Alicia Tenkorang and Curtis Owusu-Mensah.”
[stextbox id=”alert” caption=”WARNING”]Exlusive Content to Do not copy or share on any other site. Do not share on any WhatsApp, Facebook or Social Media page. ONLY SHARE THE LINKS TO THE STORY[/stextbox]Curtis turns to look at the woman standing beside him. His heart warms up in gratitude, and his love is unmasked on his face.
Eighteen months seem like eternity.
He has played Alicia’s game.
They have enjoyed each other’s company without love-making and he has insisted they get married before making love. It is his way of proving to Alicia that he can wait a lifetime for her if he has to because he truly loves her.
The Officiant gives a short address emphasizing the importance of marriage and the roles each partner has to play to make it work.
He asks the couple to face each and take each other’s hand.
He asks that they look at each other’s hands.
“Your hands are your gift to each other. These are the hands of your best friend. Hands that are young, strong and full of love for each other.
Hands that you are holding on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today and forever. These are the hands that will work with yours to build a future together. These same hands will fervently love and cherish you through the years.
These hands will comfort and excite you with the slightest touch.
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These hands will hold you when fear or grief temporarily assail you. Yes, these hands will wipe the tears of sorrow and joy from your eyes.
These hands will tenderly hold your children and join your families as one. These hands will give you strength when you need it. It will support and encourage you to pursue your dream. These hands, even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch. May you always love and cherish each other now and forever.”
The audience choruses Amen in excitement.
The Officiant asks them to say their vows to each other as they still hold hands.
Curtis goes first.
“Alicia, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me.
Your eyes told me you are kind, tender, sweet, smart, beautiful, lovable and a woman to marry.
You inspire me to be the best I can be.
I promise to love you, respect you, honour you, stay faithful to you, and share every part of my life with you. This heart will beat for only you. I love you with everything I hold dear, I will love only you always.”
Alicia is so touched tears of joy fall from her eyes.
Curtis takes a tissue from the altar and wipes her tears tenderly.
“It’s your turn for the vows, Alicia,” the Officiant says gently.
Alicia tries to speak but nothing comes out.
“Curtis, thanks for finding me worthy of your love and sweetness,” Alicia said after Curtis’ friend’s tease her that Curtis has rendered her speechless and there is nothing more she can say.
“Curtis, today I stand before God, our families and our cherished friends very proud to have you love me the way you do. I know it took a while for me to admit to you that I love you. The truth is that I knew you were mine the very first time our eyes met. I promise to love you without reservation.
I promise to comfort you, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you both in mind and spirit. One look at you and all my barriers came down. I love you with my very soul. I will be open and honest with you. And I will cherish you for eternity. I love you more. You will always be the only man for me.”
The Officiant guides them to exchange rings and pronounces them husband and wife amid cheers from the gathering.
Curtis waits for his favourite part and when the officiant finally says, “You may kiss your wife,” he pulls Alicia into his strong arms and kisses her hard and long.
He whispers something in her ears when his lips finally leave hers and she smiles broadly, making her face light up beautifully.
The couple and their guests take turns for the photographs and soon all is set for the reception.
Once again, Vivian does a yeoman’s job.
Alicia simply cannot be happier. Her heart is full of so much love and happiness she feels she will burst in no time. It really feels good to be surrounded by all that goodness and love.
Events go on as planned and soon it comes to the couple’s first dance. Curtis tells the gathering the song for their dance.
He tells a little story with it and reads word by word the lyrics of the song.
He explains that three songs had been written on a piece of paper and he had been asked to pick one. And he had chosen “Close” by Westlife. The process had been repeated and Alicia also chose “Close.”
“Close” starts playing from the hidden speakers and the couple take the center stage designed purposely for their first dance as man and wife.
Vivian had used red and white petals to make a huge circle for the couple to dance in.
Curtis and Alicia turn and whirl and move to the song in such unique rhythm and style one would think they had taken classes in dancing but they knew it’s only the love they felt for each other that is binding and directing their every step.
Curtis’ ex shows up some time close to the end of their dance and insists he dances with her too.
She is so drunk she can barely stand straight.
Curtis gets her escorted from the event grounds when she starts creating a scene because she cannot have her way.
It is obvious she is still in love with him.
By half past one in the afternoon, everything is over.
Curtis and Alicia finally make it to their spectacular hideout after the reception and realize they had a lot of time on their hands.
Curtis helps Alicia out of her beautiful gown and kisses her so deeply, Alicia feels faint. He draws her closer to steady her and holds her tight, taking in the sweet scent of her perfume.
They both change into casual clothes a while later and go to town. Curtis takes her dancing, photo shooting and finally to a movie premiering Alicia’s favourite novel “45 Days”.
Alicia experiences another dizzy spell making it impossible for her to walk as they head for the car.
“Are you okay, my love.” Curtis says as he steadies her.
“Yea, I think so. Maybe all the excitement is getting to my head.” Alicia replies.
Curtis scoops her into his arms and carries her to the car.
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[/stextbox]When he is sure she is comfortable in her seat, he takes his seat and drives home. He stops by a hospital for Alicia to get a check- up but she insists she is well and does not plan to spend her wedding night in a hospital.
She teases Curtis about trying to get rid of her because he is nervous about their first night together as man and wife. Alicia teases him about the million and one things she wants to do to him and tells him what her expectations are for their wedding night.
Curtis titters.
He tells her she is the one who is pretending to be sick just to get away from him because she is scared of all the bashing she is going to get from him after making him wait that long for her.
He promises her playfully that he will be super gentle and she will eventually end up begging him for more and more and more.
Curtis drives back to the hotel when he fails to get Alicia to go for the check-up.
Curtis is dumbstruck when he enters their suite to a romantic dinner setting. The dim lights, the soft music on the background, the softly blazing candles and the flowers make his blood boil with an overwhelming desire for the one woman who owns his heart.
He pulls Alicia close and just holds on tight as if that will quench the thirst he feels for her sweet lips.
Alicia backs off seductively and takes a seat. She tells him she is famished and needs some carbohydrates in her system.
Curtis suddenly feels hungry too.
They eat in silence.
Alicia pretends she is choking on food.
Curtis is by her side in a flash.
She turns and kisses him with such intensity and emotion Curtis’ brain spirals with desire for the one woman who has totally taken over his whole being since their paths crossed.
He kisses her passionately, holding nothing back.
Alicia wraps her hands around his neck and pulls him closer, whiles their tongues explored each other, sending shivers of desire that feel like fire and ice at the same time coursing through them.
She frees one hand and touch him on his nipples.
Curtis trembles from desire. He feels like he has waited a life time for this.
Their clothes come off in no time and they both explore each other with a need so strong, so alive and so selfless. Each striving to please the other.
Alicia rides with Curtis as he steers affairs in a manner that makes her feel loved and special.
Curtis carries her to the bedroom still kissing her.
“You taste so good, Alicia. I can never get enough of you.”
He puts her on the bed and turns her to her side. A single click of her bra hook and it snaps open.
He kisses her back and she shivers from the pleasure that sweeps through her.
He traces a line on her spine and fondles her breast with the other hand, and then he takes off the bra and touches her nipples gently.
Alicia feels like she is going to explode with all that need exploding through her. She had wanted him since they stepped out of the church and she cannot take it any longer.
Desperately, she pulls Curtis down with her and quickly moves on top of him. She kisses his nipples making him close his eyes. His nipples harden with every kiss and she move down to his navel. That is when he moans loudly and pulls her close in a kiss.
Alicia guides him into her and she pushes up and down in a rhythm that binds the two in pleasure.
Curtis flips her over after a while and takes charge making Alicia moan with pleasure with every thrust he makes.
“Love you so much, Curtis. Will love you always.”
“Love you too, my sweetheart. Love you much, much more.”
Curtis turns her to the side and lies behind her. Alicia realizes she likes it like that. She is happy, so happy she feels like she is standing on top of the world.
Curtis gently guides her to the ultimate and moans as she shouts her joy in total abandon.
Moments later, Curtis reaches the summit and moans in ecstasy, his body convulsing in volcanic spasms.
They lie in the spoon position as they both drift off to sleep.
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