The Mortician…
(Nii Dromo The Mortuary Man)
The three months that my landlord gave to me came to pass as if someone was chasing after it.
Again, I was summoned by my landlord to be given an extra three months and for this one the moment it expired my things were going to be thrown out of the room because that was the laws the rent control board had stipulated to the citizens of this country.
Calls kept coming from the accounting firm and I always gave the callers stories.
One evening my lady boss paid me a courtesy visit to interrogate me as to why I was delaying to accept the job offer the firm was giving to me on a silver platter.
That evening I took time to explain into details the reason why I hadn’t accepted the offer that was being thrown to me. I even called the man of God and placed it on a loud speaker for my boss to hear from the prophet’s own mouth.
She asked if there was nothing that could be done but the man of God told her that provision was better than kiosk and that prevention was better than cure.
Furthermore, obedience was better than sacrifice so if there was another way she could help, she should do so. After the call she felt pity for me and promised to see what she could do to help me along the line.
Some days later she called me to prepare my CV and meet her at the mall. When I got there, she went through my file and was satisfied for my presentation in the CV.
She then directed me to a company which needed a young accountant with a First Class degree minimum but as I got there and passed through the interview I was disqualified because I wasn’t having any working experience with a known company after I did my national service.
Secondly, I was not married also, hmmm, you could imagine the pressure that was on me at that very moment. I left the house very early and came back very late because I was avoiding to come in contact with my landlord since the extra three months that was given to me had also expired.
One day I heard a commercial advert on the radio that a very known bank was in search of a young and dynamic fresh graduate with First or Second Class upper degree to employ, so I took the details down and on the scheduled date I made my way to the interview premises.
I waited and eventually my time came and I was called to meet the interviewers. The panel was chaired by one fair, saucy and beautiful woman in her late 40’s or early 50’s per my calculations.
I gave a great presentation about myself and how I would change the fortunes and modules of the bank if I got the job.
I was so on point and confident of myself that after my presentation I received applause from all the interview panel members.
As usual, I was given the favourite quotation after an interview “you will hear from us soon.”
I left for the house hoping to hear from them positively.
I went home to wait for their response.
Around 1 a.m. my phone rang and when I checked it was an unknown number. I answered the call and it was a female voice, the caller asked if this was Nii Dromo Mensah Steven she was talking with.
I replied yes, and she introduced herself to me as Madam Hellena Gah and that she was the head for the panel of interviewers at the bank.
My face beamed with joy and hope because I taught the call was to inform me of my appointment at the bank but hell no, Madam Hellena had her own agenda for calling me.
She told me that although I had an impressive CV and presentation done early on there were equally good persons who even did much more than I did and even some had Master’s degree and the other panel members were looking at those people.
However, she preferred me to any other person but if I wanted to get the job then there were some terms and conditions attached to it.
First, I thought probably she would ask for a percentage from my salary but no, her conditions were far from what I was anticipating.
She told me that she was the MD of the bank and her husband was the overall chairman of the bank but for the past seven years he has been down with a spinal cord sickness which had kept him in bed all these years.
She stressed that for all these seven years she had been left unattended to as a woman and that when she saw me at the interview room her passion to get closer to me increased.
Furthermore, for the past 25 years as she met her husband, she had never felt that way for any man like that until she set sight on me.
This woman asked if I would warm her bed for her and in return she would provide for me anything I ever thought of having on earth even if I chose not to work so far as I gave her quality satisfaction on bed she would provide my needs for me.
As the conversation was going on, I heard a very heavy knock on my door. I kept quiet for the first time and the knock came again this time with a voice accompanying it.
Guess who that was?
My landlord was out there with some macho men to throw me out of the room because he claimed I was doing hide and seek with him but for that dawn there was no escape for me.
After I knew who was at the door, I told Madam Helena that I would please call her back the following day because there was an emergency in my house that needed my attention urgently, and so I ended the call.
My landlord was not compassionate that early morning and he ordered his macho boys to throw me out together with my belongings in the room. He didn’t have ears to listen to any pleas or any word I uttered that morning because he only came to throw me out from my room.
He claimed if I had money in my hand that very moment he wouldn’t accept it because he was fed up with me and my broke face living in his house and for my information my room had already been rented to someone and that the person would be moving into the room very early in the morning.
My belongings were sent out of the compound and in a twinkle of an eye as my belongings were thrown out it started raining heavily.
I managed to collect some of my valuable belongings and sent them to a shade close by.
In fact, that night happened to be my very worse night since my entire world caved on me like some folding mat.
Who was I going to turn to for help?
The very place I knew I could get help from was also a no-go area. I came to understand the world that it was like a game of chess and that any wrong move you made came with a great results being it good or bad.
I was at the cross roads now, my predicaments reminded me of the picture which had a man stuck in a tree with a poisonous snake ready to bite him, on the ground was a hungry lion waiting to devour him and the river next to the tree also had a crocodile spying on the man just to make a move into the river.
Every action the man took had a great danger waiting for him.
I had to make a bold decision at all costs, as the day broke, I decided to sell most of my valuable belongings to raise money for me to rent a smaller place and go out in search of a job.
After selling most of my belongings at a very cheap price I got a kiosk to rent in the slum and now I thought about the offers on the table critically.
Well should I suffer on earth and also miss heaven at the end of the day? After all everyone would one day surely die.
I decided to take the sugar mummy’s offer because she had given me a choice which to me was okay.
I was going to have the opportunity to satisfy Nii Dromo down there since after my ugly encounter with Juliana I had never dropped any female panties and also fill my bank account again.
So, I dressed and made way to the office of Madam Helena Gah with the all-die-be-die notion in my head. On the way going I couldn’t get a car to board so I decided to walk to the next junction where I could get a car to board to my destination.
I saw an old man who could hardly walk and was asking for help from anyone who passed by him, at first the question that came to mind was, is this man not having relatives or family relations close to him that has made him come to stand by the roadside to beg for money for food?
I walked pass him and after taking some steps away from him something inside me asked me to come back to the old man and give him something small from the money I had on me.
Mystified, I obeyed and came back to the old man, the 5cedis I had on me for transportation to Madam Helena’s office I handed it over to the old man, who was amazed with the amount I handed over to him and he thanked me for sharing the little I had with him and that with this kind gesture he prayed to God for him to open bigger and better doors for me because he saw a bright future ahead of me.
I smiled and continued my adventure to meet madam Helena at her office. As I took some steps forward I heard the old man screaming “Gentleman! Gentleman!! Gentleman!!!”, I turned and he signalled me to come, I did and when I got to him he told me to please go back home because the mission I was embarking on was a diabolical one which would bring my life to a miserable end.
As the man made this comments I started shivering inside me because this man in question I have never met before and neither had I discussed my mission to Madam Helena’s office with him, moreover the man of God who prayed for me to get redemption from the hands of the man that tried to assaninate me.
That pastor had warned me strongly about any sugar mummy who came my way, immediately I felt like throwing up so I turned to vomit but when I turned again to face the old man he was nowhere to be seen.
The place we stood was a plain ground without any curves where you could see for a long distances if anyone was coming or going but this old man who could hardly walk had vanished into thin air, the speed I used to run back to my kiosk can’t be measured even when the police comes in to use their speed detector to measure it.
We are always given signals when we turn the wrong path or page but most at times, we are so stubborn and we refuse to listen and obey simple instructions.
Can you imagine the goosebumps Nii felt on his body when the mysterious old man started saying things that were above the understanding of the human?
Stay safe.
I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. Basically, I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert
The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei. The Mortician. Alexander Akoto Adjei.
To be continued……………………….. #Yeb3toaso
An Akoto Alexander Mindset©
All rights reserved®
Guest Writer: Alexander Akoto Adjei :: THE MORTICIAN :: EPISODE 14
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