Diary Of A College Girl
“But you don’t even know where I live!” I exclaimed.
“I picked up your address from your file before we set off.”
“But you’ll have to go all the way and then come back,” I protested.
“Don’t fight it, Cher. You won’t win. I’m taking you home.”
Realising his mind was made up, I finally stopped resisting him.
We sat in silence, his hand clinging to mine till he pulled up at my gate.
I made to unbuckle my seat belt and alight, but he still held my hand.
“Ummm… Kwasi….”
“Yeah?” he replied without looking at me.
“My hand…” I said.
He turned his face to me.
“I know you feel it too, Cher… the intense attraction. I felt it on the first day I set eyes on you,” he stated, and his voice sounded choked.
“What are you talking about…” I asked innocently, my heart racing. “Come on Cher, please. Don’t do this. Don’t deny it. Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who feels this. I believe strongly it is mutual,” he said.
“I’m sorry, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said without looking him in the eyes.
He let go of my hand instantly.
“Oh, I’m very sorry I brought it up. I just thought….”
“That’s okay,” I countered.
The dejection in his voice said it all. I couldn’t look him in the face. I unbuckled my seat belt and he called out my name.
“Yes?” I replied, without looking at him.
“Could you please look at me?” he asked.
I turned slowly and faced him, my feelings evident on my face. He took a look at me, reached out and placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. His lips lingered on my forehead for a while, then he pulled back. My heart was racing, I couldn’t speak.
“I don’t know what this is Cher, but I want to see where it goes. Would you please just go on a date with me? Just one? I won’t let you go if you don’t accept,” he said.
I stared at him and slowly nodded.
“Alright. Just one date. Please just let me go….” I practically begged.
He released me and I immediately opened the door and walked out.
I stood there, waiting for him to drive off, yet he didn’t move. Bending, I peered into the car, wondering what was wrong with him, and his head was on the steering wheel.
I could feel the fear rising in my throat as I opened the door.
“Kwasi… are you alright?”
He lifted his head and looked at me with raw emotion.
“Cher… do you really not feel anything? Is it only me?”
My guards immediately gave way seeing him so vulnerable, and I sat down and wound my arms went around him.
“I feel it too Kwasi. I thought I’d loved before, but it’s never been like this. This feels so dangerous. I’m very scared. If things go wrong, I might never recover from the heartache…”
I paused and he looked up at me.
“Please,” I continued. “Let’s not do this. Perhaps it’s because we’re always together. I’ll take trotro to work henceforth. I’ll stay out of your way, so these feelings can pass, and I’ll…”
“I don’t want them to pass!” he interjected, almost violently. “Don’t you get it? Damn it! I’m falling in love with you! How am I supposed to get my heart to just stop? How will separation help us? I’m just going to miss you and fall sick!”
He paused and lowered his voice.
“Just a date, Cher,” he said, practically pleading. “I’ll leave you alone if you ask me after that. Please…”
I finally nodded.
“Fine. But you have to leave now.”
I climbed out of the car and he finally drove off.
I walked into the house.
“Good evening!” I yelled while rushing to my room.
I got under the shower.
As the water cascaded over me, I stood there reliving the night’s moments. I didn’t know whether to be excited or sad. I felt butterflies in my tummy, and the idea of a date excited me.
“Ah, God… steady my heart, steady my heart nyinaa… now look…” I thought to myself.
I finally got out, dressed up and went to the living room.
Sister Yaa and mummy stared at me.
“What?” I asked.
“Are you okay?” they both looked concerned.
“We heard you passed out in the office,” Sister Yaa said.
“What?” I said, shocked. “From who?”
“That’s not important, Princess,” Mummy spoke up, her voice sounding concerned. “Are you alright? Should we go to the hospital?”
“I’m alright mum. I’ve just been feeling a little weak after last week’s stress.” I replied.
Sister Yaa spoke.
“Mummy, I kept telling her to slow down and eat well and get rest but she refused.”
My mum looked at me and opened her arms and I hugged her.
“I appreciate the care my dear, but now I’m better. Time to take care of yourself. We’ve prepared chicken light soup for you,” she said with a smile knowing how much I loved that particular soup.
I smiled back.
“Did you cook yam too?”
“We even cut it in small cubes and they are very soft,” she said smiling. Sister Yaa stood up giggling.
“Let me get you a plate,” she offered.
I got up and smiled back.
“Please lead the way. The poor food needs to be eaten,” I retorted, and we laughed.
I followed Sister Yaa to the kitchen.
Dinner was served and we had another beautiful family dinner.
The next day, Kwasi was in front of my gate when I stepped out.
I greeted and sat down in the car.
En route, I asked why he came to get me from home.
“A princess deserves princess treatment,” he said calmly.
I laughed and asked if that was all.
“No. I wanted to spend more time with you before we pick up Juan.”
I smiled.
Truth was, I was dying to bring up the previous night’s topic but he seemed in a good mood. I decided to forget it, but he ended up bringing it up.
“About our date, is there anywhere specific you want to go?”
“No… not really. Just make it nice.”
He smiled and put his hand over mine.
“This Friday. After work. We leave early, get rid of Juan and I have you to myself.”
“But what about my family? They’ll be worried,” I said.
“What time must you get home?” he asked.
“Latest by eleven, even for outings with best friends. My mum is quite strict,” I answered.
“Deal,” he said. “I’ll get you home by ten.”
I looked at him and said nothing.
“It’s a deal then,” he muttered to himself and focused on the road.
I was excited, and then scared, and then excited again.
I knew better not to raise my expectations because we’d be going in our work attire, but I was excited nonetheless. And I couldn’t wait for Friday and yet I couldn’t skip to Friday.
I had to endure the wait.
The days before our date were quite uneventful, except for the newest development in our rides home; I had become permanent front seat resident in Kwasi’s car.
Juan was very displeased and stopped talking to me. She only said a few polite hellos and hi’s and that was it. I refused to be bothered though. Nothing could spoil my mood.
I tried to imagine what it’d be like. Then I’d remember not to raise my expectations. Finally, I decided on believing that it would either be an iced cream or a coffee date. Two work colleagues, drinking coffee after work, nothing extra. There was even a coffee place at the stop where Juan alighted. I was convinced we’d go there.
Friday finally arrived. We set off as usual. Kwasi kept stealing glances at me and smiling. His happiness was so obvious, and I was sure Juan noticed but kept it to herself.
We dropped her off, and then he entered the mall and parked.
“Bingo!” I said to myself. “I thought as much.”
Quickly, I unbuckled my belt and made to alight.
“And where are you going to?” he asked.
“Into the mall. Our date is here right?” I asked, a little confused.
He smiled a little.
“Nope. Our date is very far from here, but office attire is inappropriate for a first date. I bought you a dress. I wasn’t sure of your size, but the lady saw your picture and said you might be a size twelve or fourteen.”
And I looked at him, dumbfounded for a moment.
“I am a size twelve,” I said finally. “Which one did you buy?”
“Both,” he replied.
I stared at him as my heart raced.
“Well, I couldn’t have the first date being ruined because of a dress no?” He got down and I followed suit.
We went to the trunk and he pulled out both dresses. I picked the size twelve and he said I should try on both, see which size I preferred.
He also pulled a beautiful shirt out and we both went to the washrooms to change clothes.
Turned out… I had to go on a diet. Sister Yaa and her prophecies of doom. The size twelve didn’t fit at all. The size fourteen looked good on me.
The dress was golden, sparkly and frilly. It had little threads hanging from the hands to augment its beauty and thankfully, was knee length. It was beautiful! After admiring myself in the mirror, twirling a few times and taking hundreds of selfies, I saw his call coming through.
I picked up eagerly.
“Umm…” his voice came through. “Is there something wrong with the dress?”
“No. No… it’s perfect,” I answered.
He chuckled.
“I’ve been standing here in front of the ladies for ten minutes, Cher. People are beginning to stare.”
“Oh, my goodness. I didn’t realise! I’m so sorry.”
I applied lipstick, carried my stuff and stepped out.
Hi I’m Grace
I’m an Akora and a graduate of KNUST where I read computer science.
I love reading novels and apparently, I can write too.
Life in the imaginary world is beautiful, and I hope this story takes you on another wild ride in the life of our college girl.
Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love, Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love, Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love, Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love, Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love, Diary of A College Girl, A Touch Of Love
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