Will Our Love End?
He managed to get the audio from one of his friends. I listened to every bit of it.
“That sounds like me but it’s not me.”
“I knew you would say that.”
“No, I’m serious, that’s not my voice. The person sounds like me but it’s really not me. I would never say that to you. I…I love you, Kwame.”
“Stop saying you love me. I told you to forget about us. It’s been three years. Why not tell me the truth instead? I have come to a point in my life where I don’t want to argue with anyone. Especially the mother of my kids. The audio came from your WhatsApp and I remember calling you afterwards but I heard nothing from you or from your roommate, Maame.”
“Oh Lord…what is this?”
I was getting frustrated. I rubbed my belly. He saw me in the act and smiled.
“I loved you. Sika. You have to swear by the heavens that the voice is not you cus something wants me to believe you. Trust me I never did but your roommate confirmed it.”
“You mean Maame or the other one? I had two roomies.”
“Maame. She told me you recorded it when she was with you.”
“Me? With her? When? Ah. This is serious oh, she said I was with her when I recorded this trash? Wait. I have her number. I want to ask her if she really said that or another person cus she rarely slept in our room. I’m very surprised.”
“You do not have to do that.”
I was already on the phone.
“Hold on.”
My heart was thumping in my chest that I could even hear it.
He nodded.
“Hello, Maame”
“Hey girl. Whatsapp?”
“I’m good oh. How are you?”
“Same here o madam.”
“Maame, I really have something to ask you”
“Please go on. I’m all ears.”
“Three years ago, did I record any audio and send it to Kwame?”
“Erm…but you recorded audio’s for him?”
“Yes, but this one, it was about me saying I want a rich person in my life and all that nonsense. Something like a confession.”
Kwame was listening.
“Ah, no. You never did. Besides you would have told me.”
“Yes, Thank you. Let’s talk later.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes, don’t worry. Bye,” I hung up.
“She told me you recorded an audio.”
Kwame was confused just as I was.
“I think she is lying or both of you are.”
“I don’t know what to tell you but I’m telling you the truth.”
He looked at me with pity.
“I have an idea. I will call her in two days and ask her the same thing myself. If she says otherwise, then she lied, else I wouldn’t know what to think.” Kwame voiced out.
I agreed with him. Something fishy went on and I had to know. I have to know why we broke up.
“I’m sorry Akua called Aria that. I hardly spend time with her and she thought she was in the position to call her that. I’m really sorry.”
If I’m supposed to be jealous, then that’s not what I felt.
“I want Aria to be left out of my mistakes and even yours. Trust me, I did not hurt that woman enough. She pressed my buttons and I gave her what she deserved.”
“She’s fine”
“And our second?” I didn’t expect it but he held my waist and kissed my tommy.
“He’s fine.”
“I will make it up to you for what happened today.”
We patched things up before he left. Not our love life though.
Just the happenings in our life.
The next day being a Saturday, I told my parents about the pregnancy. Dad was silent and my mum, hmm.
The first thing she asked was the guy responsible which I told them. Dad found his voice and congratulated me.
He gave me a couple of advice before heading to bed. Leaving mum alone with me.
“What is he doing about this?”
“He hasn’t really said anything. I’m positive he will figure something out.”
“So, are you going to throw your life away like this?”
“No, let me finish. Your mates are getting married o Sika. Soon you will have two kids with no husband and no man in your life but that rascal. The last time I checked, he was with another woman.
Be careful o Sika. This is not a joke. I told you not to get pregnant again especially by him but you did not heed to it. Your dad is displeased.
He will not tell you but he’s very disappointed. Let me end here.”
After my mum’s lecture and complaints, I sought to alcohol.
I drank it all up till I was very drunk. You’re surprised I’m taking alcohol even though I’m pregnant, right? Yes, I was angry. Angry at Kwame for getting me pregnant.
He’s the reason no man approaches me. The moment I’m on a phone with someone, he calls to see Aria or talk to her on my phone.
Even when I’m on a date with a man, he calls to say goodnight to Aria. Not that he was aware but he always calls at the wrong time.
Now, I want to drink myself to sleep.
I picked up my phone to text the first person on my chat list. Anything on my mind was typed. Whoever saw what I typed will think I was crazy. I hope I did not text my boss or else I’m doomed.
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