The Bitter Enemy
It was the following day and Private Investigator, Appiah Kubi, having seen that it was Koo who had called him throughout the night, sent him a message that he was going to pass by on his way to work.
So, driving in his red Toyota Corolla that morning, he saw Adiza and a sexily dressed lady standing by the roadside, obviously waiting for a cab. He stopped the car.
“Where are you girls off to?” he asked.
“We are going to the Market Circle to buy some items.”
“Nice one,” he said. “I’m on my way to see a client at Harbour but  I’ll make a detour and drop you gals at the Market Circle.”
“Wow, thanks”
“Is this your sister?”
“She’s my Bestie. Please meet Marvelous Mavis, my sister from another mother.”
“A beautiful lady with a wonderful name.”
“Hahaha, thank you, sir,” Mavis said, batting her eyelashes at him.
“I’m not, sir. I’m Appiah A. K. A IGP, Hahaha.”
“IGP paa, hahaha,” she laughed, flirtatiously.
They clicked instantly, forgetting that Adiza was in the car with them.
“Hellooo, I’m here too okay?”
And they laughed at that and included her in their banter still making her feel like an intruder.
They got to their destination, alighted and said their goodbyes but not before IGP slipped his complimentary card into her palm at the blind side of Adiza.
Meanwhile, Kweku Hima had gotten to the Office and what he saw was total destruction.
The Audit report he had spent hours on and prepared were torn into pieces, with the computer lying on the floor, broken into pieces. Even the CPU wasn’t spared. It laid scattered on the floor.
He was staring open-mouthed at the destruction when Appiah Kubi appeared from behind him.
“Thank God you are here IGP, see what someone has done to me. What at all is happening to me?” he said, almost crying.
“Don’t worry, we’ll catch him.”
“What do you mean by saying …” he paused midway through his sentence when he saw IGP place a chair under the office light bulb to remove it.
“But what are you doing?” he asked.
But IGP paid him no heed. The only sound that emerged from him was some Asafo song he was humming to himself.
He took out the bulb, pulled out a box-like device from his bag, fixed the bulb to it, and fixed the connected AV cable to his laptop. He inputted a series of codes and the screen of the laptop lighted up. Koo went to stand behind him to get a better view of what he was doing as he was completely at sea at what IGP was doing.
 Presently, it showed a masked man walking stealthily into the office to take the nozzles away and the screen went blank.
It lighted up again to a masked man, obviously the same person but wearing different attire, walk into his office, throw the complex monitor against the wall, shattering it, and also smashing the CPU to the ground and tore some papers into pieces.
“Ohh my god. This looks like Diego.”
“Who’s he?” Appiah asked.
“He’s an engineer from Italy.”
And as if to confirm this, the man on the screen removed his mask, spit into the office and was gone.
“Gotcha,” IGP said triumphantly.
And so, Koo and IGP, armed with the overwhelming piece of evidence, marched into the Area Manager’s office to brief him of their findings and he was extremely angry, to say the least.
“Diego, please step into my office right now,” he called him on the intercom.
In about ten minutes, Diego as cocky as ever, sauntered into the office and as soon as he saw Koo, he grinned and said,” Kweku the fuel thief, how are you?”
“What do you mean by that, Diego?” the AM asked.
“I heard he was fired from his previous workplace for stealing fuel, the same way he stole our nozzles.”
“I see, Mr Appiah Kubi, show us your little movie. Use my TV, it’s larger.”
IGP needed no second bidding. He smiled at Diego and in no time, they were watching how Diego does his damages.
“Now Diego Trappitoni, I want you to go home, pack your things, leave Takoradi in the next five hours and present yourself at the Emirates Airlines booth. Your ticket would be waiting for you there,” he said. “And if by tomorrow you are still in this country, I will personally make sure that you spend the next five years in jail. And mind you, you’ll not like to spend even a week in a Ghanaian jail.”
Diego was escorted out of the office premises by two security men and IGP, who ensured that the only thing he took out of that office was his laptop bag.
Later, after Appiah Kubi had left after pocketing the fat cheque given to him for his services, the Area Manager apologized to Koo.
“Kweku, sorry for all that you went through because of Diego. He has always been bitter about the fact that you were made the Operations Manager instead of him.”
“I see,” he said, shell shocked about the whole turn of events.
After a few pleasantries, Koo also left for his office to see to the replacement of the damaged items and left. Once he got to the house, he narrated everything to his wife and she was so happy that she forgot to tell him her own good news, that she could be pregnant.
Strangely enough, Koo also forgot to tell her of his plans to celebrate their first anniversary which was four months away, in a massive way.
That night, as Koo and his wife laid in bed holding each other, even in sleep, Appiah Kubi and Marvelous Mavis were also in bed, enjoying what Appiah has been starved of for some time.
They had been talking for some time and MM as IGP loved to call her, had been everything his wife Joanna wasn’t. She gives him a listening ear, listening to his problems and offering solutions, so it was a pleasant surprise to him when she called to invite him to a friend’s birthday party that was being held at a Hotel in Sekondi and it was no wonder that they ended up in a hotel room making love to each other throughout the night. If Appiah was a Bull in bed, Mavis was a Tigress in bed. They matched each other boot for boot, stroke for stroke, wriggle for wriggle.
Whilst they were catching their breath, Mavis said.
“IGP, let’s go another round”
“Aww, MM let’s sleep small, am not sure it can get up so soon o.”
“It will surely stand tall with my technique. It never fails.”
She did the technique and lo and behold, his manhood sprung up, tall and proud and performed, excellently.
“Yes,” Mavis gasped. “You are the MAN.”
“And you are wonderful.”
“You really are a wonderful man and I love you.”
“I love you too, MM” he said, glanced down at his midriff and said
“MM, can we go another round?”
She looked at him in amazement, climbed  on top him and he said, “I’m dead today.”
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