Know Your Kleva Authors
This Month’s Feature is Isaac Segun Anubi
Anubi Segun Isaac is a student at National Open University, Nigeria, studying Computer Science. He loves good stories and is a big fan of stories written by Aaron Ansah Agyeman.
He loves reading, listening to music, and travelling.
Isaac is the author of Love Changes and Bleeding Heart. These educative and thrilling stories are available on
A rerun of the Love Changes and Bleeding Heart is coming soon…Keep your eyes on the Facebook page.
For those who cannot wait for the rerun, kindly follow the steps below:
Mobile Phone Users:
- Click on this link
- Tab on the Site Menu (3 horizontal lines on the left side of the page)
- Tab on Select A Story
- Scroll Down to Guest Writer Portal and tab on it
- Scroll Down to Isaac Segun Anubi and tab on it.
- The two stories will appear in the dropdown.
- Tab on the story you would like to read first.
- All the episodes of the chosen story will be listed either in ascending or descending order.
- Tab on Episode 1 to start reading.
- Remember, a tab on the next episode link in each chapter or episode will take you to the next one.
Desktop Users:
- Click on this link
- Look for the Site Menu (right after the Site Icon – Items listed on the Site Menu are Home… About Us… Privacy Policy… Select A Story…etc)
- Hover on Select A Story
- Move to the Guest Writer Portal
- Locate Isaac Segun Anubi.
- The two stories will appear in the dropdown to your right.
- Click on the story you would like to read first.
- All the episodes of the chosen story will be listed either in ascending or descending order.
- Click on Episode 1 to start reading.
Remember, a tab on the next episode link in each chapter or episode will take you to the next one.
And do leave a review after reading a story.
Happy happy birthday to the “Love Changes” and Bleeding Heart Author!
Share this on your Facebook timeline and or WhatsApp status to push the Kleva Dream.
Much Love…EAA
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