(American Ghanaian Setting)
Mrs Smith: (gasping for breath) Jeffery you are a monster. You have taken me to the point I so badly wanted to go. See the way my legs a wobbling!!
Jeffrey: (being sarcastic) You are welcome. I loved the way you were vibrating like a Nokia phone.
Mrs Smith: Oh leave me alone, you bedroom killer. You nearly made my brain blow out of my head. Trust me, I don’t remember the last time I got such feelings and truth be told, I so loved the way you handled me. Honestly, you have earned my respect, young man.
Jeffrey: Well there is more from where it came from and what you encountered was just a curtain raiser. We are now going for the real meal so what happened a while ago is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mrs Smith: Please don’t come and kill me before my time. You are harvesting from where you have not cultivated so steal with care and caution before the owner starts to hunt you down. (starts to laugh)
Jeffrey: If it’s because of you that I will be thrown in jail or shot dead, I will gladly embrace that with excitement all over my face. You don’t know what you mean to me?
Mrs Smith: Hey, don’t try to use those sugar-coated words on me. I know you have been screwing some other girls apart from me.
Jeffrey: Please don’t say that, my love. You know it’s you and you alone that has access to this magic stick, no one enjoys it apart from you.
Mrs Smith: (smiles) Once caught you are a criminal. You are trying to play smart but I have my reasons to doubt you. Yesterday when I came for the quickie, I knew there was a lady with you in here. I saw her pant hidden under your pillow and the first time I visited you, I saw a bra lying loose on the two-in-one couch over there. See, I don’t want to raise the alarm here because I am married and the two of us can’t be together. Trust me, I really like you not because of the way you bang me but I like you because you are dutiful and ambitious. Just make sure you don’t infect me with any STDs, screw me well and I will also help you stand on your feet.
Jeffrey: (feeling bad) Bae, you saw all these things and you never spoke about it until now?
Mrs Smith: I am not the nagging type who complains about everything. Again, I don’t want to be a greedy person who would take possession of your body and later not settle down with you. Per the bra cup size, I saw the other time and the pant size I saw yesterday under your pillow, judging as a woman, I can boldly say the owner of the bra is different from the pant owner.
Jeffrey: Bae why are you jumping to conclusions already?
Mrs Smith: Hey don’t push me to the wall because I will start biting when we get to that level. One thing you don’t know about me is that I was once a private detective and I worked with the legendary John Shaft right from high school till I graduated from the university. I chose to quit that job when I took seed for my husband, when I told you I was going to pull some strings for you to acquire the license to operate your own eatery, what came to your mind?
Jeffrey: (fumbling with words) I… I… don’t want to… I mean I wasn’t… I… I didn’t think…
Mrs Smith: Hey, I didn’t tell you that to scare you. Let me tell you another thing, if you don’t want to create trouble for yourself, don’t be deceiving the ladies so you have your way in between their legs because with that heavy and long thing you have down there and how good you make use of it, anyone who tastes it will surely come back for more. When it happens like that, you will always have a problem at hand because everyone will always run for your services. If it’s a serious business you want to start pretty soon, then you can’t mix pleasure with that because it will collapse the business in no time. I have offered to help you with the license and capital so just make yourself available for me anytime I want you. Hope I am not asking for too much.
Jeffrey: (shakes his head) Not at all, my dear.
Mrs Smith: Can I get my Swedish and French massage now? The baby oil is in my bag so please get it and help me with that massage, I need it badly.
Jeffery: I am at your humble service, my lady.
At the Hotel Spa:
Selina: Mmmm I really enjoyed the massage therapy you took me through. I feel so rejuvenated and my body feels better than I walked in here.
Masseur: Thanks for the compliment and for choosing me to be your masseur for today.
Selina: I will choose you over and over any time I visit this hotel. But do you do home service also?
Masseur: Yes but you have to book an appointment with the reception before that can be arranged.
Selina: No I am talking about outside this place.
Masseur: Ma’am what you are requesting is against the codes and conducts of my work. Yes, I can offer home service but if I go out of my will to ply that trade and I am caught, I lose my job instantly and every entitlement I will enjoy when I leave this place.
Selina: How would you be caught if I don’t tell anyone here and you also don’t do the same? Don’t give me the impression that you can’t keep secrets.
Masseur: Ma’am this job of mine deals with keeping the utmost secrets because I come across mind-blowing things every day but I dare not open my mouth to tell anyone about that. Mind you I saw you half naked but whatever I saw was for my eyes only.
Selina: Good, that is the reason why I want to do business with you.
Masseur: (looks left and right before talking in a low tone) What exactly do you want from me?
Selina: I want home service without going through the normal process.
Masseur: If I am seen doing this I might lose my job so I would have to find a way that I can communicate with you in detail.
Selina: Okay, what time will you close?
Masseur: My shift ends at 1500 hours.
Selina: Okay, I am in the executive suite and the room number is 306. You can come over so we discuss business. Please don’t keep me waiting for long because I don’t like to be kept waiting for long.
Masseur: Yes, ma’am.
Selina: Very well then, I will see you later and thank you so much for the perfect massage therapy. (walks away)
Masseur: Wheeeeew!!! If I don’t stop this work, I will always land myself in serious trouble with the beautiful ladies that come my way.
Colorado Spring High School:
Coach Ross: Roy I didn’t see your friend today, where the hell is he?
Roy: Coach honestly I don’t know his whereabouts and I am so surprised he is not here at training because I know very well that he is aware of the tournament ahead of us.
Coach Ross: Well if he doesn’t make it to the team, it is his own headache because I made my intentions known to every member of the team the day I was introduced to the school body and you guys.
Roy: Coach but Glenn remains our number one player in this school basketball team and he was the second-best high school player in this state and the third-best high school player in the entire country last year. The players who won the first and second positions all graduated from high school this year so this is the very chance Glenn will get to be crowned the best high school basketball player in this state and country.
Coach Ross: I don’t care if the person is Kobby Brandt, Michael Jordan or Lebron James. I don’t give exceptions to the laws I set so either you adapt or you perish. In my books, no one is above the law, you work hard for your position in my team and you won’t get my sympathy just because everyone thinks you deserve it. I told the principal that before I signed my signature on the contract letter to be the basketball coach of this school. What have all his accolades won at this school ever since he joined the school basketball team? If you walk out from this basketball court, check through the trophy gallery and ask yourself when was the last time this school won any basketball medal or trophy. I came here to win trophies and not to be manipulated by a single player who I am not sure can make it up to my first team even. I have already seen my captain and that is in the person of Richmond Gallagher.
Roy: But coach, that guy is our junior and besides, he only joined the team just last two months. Giving the captain’s band to him will spark a lot of controversies. Coach, can Richmond call me to order when I am wrong or backslide?
Coach Ross: Well he has my full support to call anyone to order when he sees something wrong on the court or in the dressing room. We are not having this conversation any longer. I have made my point so go shower and join your mates in class before I change my mind on you.
Roy: Sorry to step on your toes and thanks for your time, Coach Ross. (walks away)
Coach Ross: The pleasure is all mine, young man. When that young man you are fighting for comes around, I will tell him how you fought on his behalf to win the captain’s band for him. You are a true friend and I like the way you tried fighting for him, I just hope he will have your back just as you have his.
Roy: (talks to himself) Where the f**k is Glenn? He knew today was the day Coach Ross set aside to build his final team and he chose not to be here. Glenn your absence has caused us to lose all the benefits we enjoyed through you being the captain of the team. Now we have been humiliated by being relegated to the point where this young chap will order us around in this team. Damn you coach Ross for this hypocritical selection.
Coach Ross: (walks to his office) These kids are full of surprises, just look at the way this boy was trying to persuade me so I could go against my word. I am still wondering why that Glenn of a boy didn’t show up for training this morning. Everyone who loves basketball in this school has his name on their lips. I will love to see his performance before we start the main tournament next two weeks and I pray he doesn’t disappoint his fans.
Roy: (sees Glenn approaching) Yoo guy, where the hell were you when you were supposed to be at the basketball court for training?
Glenn: Dude I am in a real mess. There is a looming danger approaching and I pray before it gets to me, the strong waves of the problem will be subdued.
Roy: You are speaking in parables my friend, can you narrow your parable scope to my level of understanding because I can’t get the head or tail of your statement?
Glenn: (looks left and right before talking) Jack, I am just coming from Fiona’s end. She invited me over to her house to finish the agenda we started some weeks back.
Roy: (cuts in) My guy you are the man. You are the sharpshooter. You are the number one marksman who never misses his target. The only woman sniper I know who can shoot from a thousand yards without a sniper scope. You are the only guy I can always place my last bet on and will never disappoint me so far as it involves a woman. Jack, take your salute. (tries to salute Glenn)
Glenn: Roy cut this accolades bullshit for I am in deep shit.
Roy: (looks serious) Why did you play the game raw without protection or what?
Glenn: If it was about protection issues, I believe you know of contraceptives. Dude, the girl’s Dad came to catch us as I was about cumming and I spilt all my cum on him.
Roy: Hey tell me this is a joke.
Glenn: I am damn serious and you should know me by now when I am joking and when I am serious.
Roy: Holy shit!! Dude, do you know the kind of mess you just got yourself in?
Principal: (screams from behind) And what are you boys doing over there whilst it’s class hours?
Roy: Sir, we just finished with our basketball training and we are now preparing for class.
Principal: (looks at Glenn suspiciously) You don’t look like someone who took part in the training so why are you here?
Glenn: (plays smart) Sir I was at the training ground but the coach selected me to be part of the second team.
Principal: Oh I see, so coach Ross already has his first and second teams? Mmmm, he is really catching up fast with you guys and I can’t wait for you boys to win your first trophy for the school under my regime.
Glenn: We won’t disappoint you this time around, sir.
Principal: Alright then, now get going because your mates are busily studying. You know your final exams are also just around the corner and I don’t want you guys to fail, we have to raise the bar just like how your predecessors did.
Roy: There is no cause for alarm, Sir. We are very poised to even do better than our seniors did.
Principal: I like the positive spirit, now get going.
Glenn: Okay sir. (walks away with Roy)
Roy: Dude what if he confronts Coach Ross about the first and second teams you raised?
Glenn: That is his cup of tea, my guy. Right now my greatest concern is about Fiona’s Dad and everything apart from that, nothing is of relevance to me.
Roy: As I was about to say before the old man came around, I heard her dad is a captain in the army and I got to know he is a very strict man who doesn’t joke with his family.
Glenn: That is the very reason why I said I am so hot especially when I soiled his army uniform with my cum.
Roy: Dude I don’t envy you at all at this very moment even though Fiona is the hottest target on the radar of all the seniors in this school. But one quick one, how did you escape from that house in one piece?
Glenn: I don’t remember anything, the only thing I remember is me standing in the backyard of their house dressing up and an old witch neighbour of theirs throwing a series of annoying questions at me.
Roy: At this moment, the best thing you should be doing now is to start writing your will and biography. For me, you can leave Fiona, Gwendolyn and Tiffany in my care. I will grind them and take proper care of them so that they won’t even feel your absence again.
Glenn: You are mad Roy, if that statement was meant to be a joke, then it’s not funny. This is not the time for such silly utterances, Roy.
Roy: I am sorry, dude. I just wanted to make a funny comment to calm your hot temper down. We have to map out a counter strategy so we can curtail this problem before it escalates to a different level. As of now, do you have any plans under your sleeves?
Glenn: Jack, my mind has gone blank at the moment. In fact, I am not thinking straight so I am counting on you to help me draw a plan.
Roy: You know I have always got your back. Don’t worry I will think of something as I take my shower and I believe the plan will be solid but there is another outstanding problem back here.
Glenn: What the hell is that?
Roy: The captain’s band you have been hoping to keep until we are done with the school has been awarded to someone else.
Glenn: What?
To be continued…………………………………………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
✍🏾An Akoto Adjei Alexander Imagination✍🏾
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👑King Lexis👑
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