Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 25
The men who had beaten him were still on the floor in various positions, totally destroyed by Baluu, and Kofi felt a great sense of remorse and guilt as he looked at them.
The young man was still pressed against the wall, still trembling and uttering gibberish, and Kofi felt so much guilty for the man’s predicament, and regretted setting Baluu on them. Maybe he should just have scared Baluu with the ‘jabujabu’ threat and left him alone in the cell.
By setting Baluu on them, in his fierce moment of pain and bitterness, he had also allowed himself to sink to the despicable levels of Bobo Dovlo.
There were some sounds down the corridor as Nii Lin suddenly appeared with two guards, two nurses and Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah.
They rushed to his side and looked at all the carnage around.
“Goodness me!” Nii Lin whispered with shock. “What happened, bro? We saw the Director fleeing down the compound and we thought something might be wrong. We went to your room and you were not there!”
“Let him sit down, Nii!” Elsie Ansah said with sudden alarm. “He’s weak, he might pass out!”
Nii Lin was helping Kofi on to the gurney when everything went dark, and Kofi didn’t see anything anymore.
He was unconscious.
The door of the infirmary ward opened, and Director Bobo Dovlo sauntered in casually, his hands linked behind his back.
There were six beds in the ward, three on each side. They were all empty except for the one at the extreme end of the ward where Kofi Kuntu was lying.
Doctor Joan Kankpe was adjusting the flow speed of the intravenous infusion in Kofi’s right arm. At the foot of the bed were Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah and a very scared-looking Maa Abena Nyantie.
The three women turned and looked at him with various degrees of fury and disgust as he approached, and he made a mental note to do something about them, especially Elsie and that Maa Abena girl. He stopped beside the bed without greeting and looked at the swollen face of Kofi.
He sighed deeply. It seemed the boys had gone a little too far and beat up the boy too severely, but then again, no one would know that it was the security men who had beaten him up. It could all be passed on to that crazy Baluu.
“And what happened here?” he asked calmly, and saw the fury sizzling uncontrollably out of Elsie Ansah’s face.
“My goodness, Director Dovlo, how can you stand there and ask such a question?” she shot back at him furiously, and he turned his cold eyes on her.
“And why can’t I ask that question, Nurse Ansah?” he asked calmly.
“The security men went to his room and beat him up!” Nurse Ansah said angrily. “And as if that wasn’t enough, they strapped him to a gurney, took him to the fifth floor and dumped him inside Baluu’s ward! Baluu almost killed three security men, and they are all on admission at the Central Hospital! The one that was spared, the young man, Fiifi Aidoo, confessed that you ordered that atrocity! If it is true, Director, I’m going to make a formal complaint to the Board!”
Director Dovlo looked at her impassively.
“Well, go ahead and make any complaints you want, Nurse,” Director Dovlo said with hard eyes. “I sent the men to take Kofi, that’s true. I told you I am working on new treatment schedules for both Kofi and Baluu. Kofi should have been docile, but when the men went there, he struggled with them. Do you know what that tells me? It only means that for some reason I don’t understand, either the medications I’ve prescribed for Kofi are not working, or someone is not giving him those medications. That was why he became so hostile, and we needed to subdue him, though I must admit that the men seemed to have gone a tad too far. So now, go ahead and report, Nurse Elsie, and I’ll also order lab samples of Kofi’s vitals. If I find out that somehow there are not expected levels of his prescribed medication in his streams, that will make this case criminal, and believe me I’ll have anyone responsible for not giving a mental patient the required medication thrown into jail. Do you understand me, Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah?”
He had uttered his last words in a furious shout, and the three women looked at him with sudden trepidation. For one brief moment he had seemed almost unbalanced himself, and they all knew that here was a man who was too dangerous to cross.
He turned his attention to the doctor.
“How’s the patient doing, Doctor Joan?” he asked abruptly.
“He’s badly bruised,” Joan said carefully. “No signs of internal haemorrhage though. Dehydrated too. He would run a fever for a couple of days, but nothing serious. He should be up and about in a week, as soon as he recovers from the wounds he sustained.”
Season 2 Episode 26
“Good,” the Director said and ripped off a Lab report form, and proceeded to scribble on it quickly.
“I want these tests done on the patient as soon as practicable,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” Doctor Joan said. “I’ll see to it myself.”
“Good, doctor, and let me have the results as soon as they’re ready,” the Director said and turned away without another word.
Doctor Joan Kankpe was reading through the ticked lab requests that the Director had effected on the form. She looked at Senior Nurse Elsie with a worried little frown on her face.
“What’s going on here?” she asked carefully, and saw how Elsie and Maa Abena exchanged sudden worried looks.
“Why are you asking, Doc?” Elsie shot back in an unsteady voice.
“The lab request from the Director,” Doctor Joan said carefully. “Evidently, he wants to find out traces of some medication in Kofi’s blood streams and other vital organs. These traits come with extended use of some of the drugs he prescribed. If Kofi has not been taking the drugs, the results will indicate this aspect.”
“Oh, goodness me!” Maa Abena said, her countenance obviously very disturbed, causing Nurse Elsie to put a comforting arm around her.
“Anybody mind telling me what’s going on here?” Doctor Joan asked carefully.
Elsie Ansah deliberated with herself for a minute, and then she sighed and told the Doctor everything she knew about the Kofi Kuntu case.
“But that’s absolutely preposterous!” Joan exclaimed with disbelieving eyes, shaking her head in denial. “If what you’re saying is right, then the Director is nothing less than an animal! No, I can’t believe him capable of an atrocity like that! He’s too much of a professional to allow himself to stoop that low!”
“I know it’s difficult to believe, Doctor,” Elsie said calmly. “I couldn’t believe it myself. I told Nii Lin to have them fix secret cameras in Kofi’s ward since I needed evidence before going to see Judge Buabasah. Well, this morning I let them play back the video recording inside the ward, and I transferred it to my phone. Here, take a look at this.”
Nurse Elsie took out her phone and went to media. She selected the video and gave it to Doctor Joan, who watched it with mounting horror. She saw that the security men did not wake up Kofi, but began beating him mercilessly with their cudgels and batons as soon as they surrounded him on his bed and whilst Kofi was virtually still asleep.
“Oh, dear Lord!” Doctor Joan said, looking at them with horror. “This is terrifying! Goodness gracious! You’re right! They did this to him and then threw him into Baluu’s cell?”
“Exactly, dear Joan,” Elsie said softly. “By some miracle that boy escaped the horrors of Baluu, who could’ve killed him. The Director’s behaviour is both unprofessional and dangerous! We need to do something about it!”
“Yes, yes!” Doctor Joan said, horrified. “Listen, I’ll falsify the report on the lab form, okay? I’ll let it show appreciable presence of the medication elements. But whatever you’re doing, you must do it fast, otherwise I fear for Kofi’s life!”
“Thank you!” Maa Abena said and hugged Doctor Joan hard. “Oh, thank you so much! Thank you so very much!”
“It’s alright, my dear,” the doctor said with a gentle smile. “Seems to me you care for him a lot. Hmm, can’t blame you. He’s a real dish!”
They all laughed.
They chatted for a while, and then Nurse Elsie and Maa Abena left after the doctor had promised to take very good care of Kofi.
Director Bobo Dovlo had two residences.
There was the residence inside the Adada Asylum, officially fully-furnished for his comfort. And he had a house of his own, the one he had built and occupied with his late wife, located on the Boi Hills around Abokobi.
There was a caretaker in the little quarters he had built away from the main house. The caretaker’s name was Asiedu, and he knew that Sunday evening his master came around and spent the night with his mistress.
The car horn came, and Asiedu opened the huge gates; he had already opened the garage doors so Bobo Dovlo drove straight through to the garage and parked.
He got down and shut the garage door, and then the passenger door opened as usual and the woman stepped out. As it were, Asiedu had barely seen the woman before.
Bobo Dovlo and his mistress took their small bags into the huge house. They took a bath together, and then she prepared some tea for both of them, after which they retired to the master bedroom and made love once.
Afterwards they lay on their backs in the dark and checked their phones. After a while the woman drew closer to him and put her head on his shoulder.
“So what are you going to do, dear?” Doctor Joan Kankpe asked. “I’m getting worried. If Elsie takes that tape to the judge it will be very dangerous.”
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 27
“I know, dear,” Bobo Dovlo said, and he indeed sounded worried. “I didn’t know they have managed to fix secret cameras inside Kofi’s ward. They didn’t say when they will take the videos, did they?”
“No, dear,” replied Doctor Joan Kankpe. “I tricked them, like I said, and pretended to go along with it. My worry is also the testimony of that young security man, Fiifi Aidoo. If he collaborates Elsie’s claims, it could hold dire consequences for you, dear.”
“Don’t worry about Fiifi, my dear,” Director Dovlo said. “He’s the son of a friend of mine, and I was only helping them when I engaged him as a security man here. I’ll have him resign tomorrow, and find some money for him. One of my friends will employ him and send him to Nigeria. It is the video Elsie has that is the problem. I didn’t know she and Maa Abena Nyantie and Nii Lin were up to such evil undertakings.”
“If you can arrange to have that Fiifi Aidoo out of the Adada, that’s such great news, my dear,” Doctor Joan said. “I don’t think the other security men will betray you.”
“I can’t count on them,” Bobo Dovlo said. “When heat is mounted on them I don’t know what they will say, but I can definitely deny any knowledge because I wasn’t captured on tape. I will call the judge tomorrow. I’ve already called the Director of the Board and informed him about how nurse Elsie Ansah had been undermining my work and turning the staff against me in a bid to make me unpopular and drive me away so that she could be appointed the new head. Luckily, the Director is the best friend of Judge Buabasah.”
Doctor Joan Kankpe laughed lightly in the shadows and hugged Bobo Dovlo hard.
“Wow, darling, that is magnificent!” she said happily. “That’s what I love so much about you…that evil mind! Now you have to tell the Director of the Board that Elsie even has some videos of some security men misbehaving, and threatening to send them to the judge to paint you black.”
“Yes, I know,” Bobo Dovlo said softly. “But first, maybe they would decide to check for themselves, and send Kofi to another institution for a mental and psychological evaluation. If he passes, I would be in trouble. I’m now convinced they had not been giving the boy the medication I’ve been prescribing. This is what we’re going to do. Keep Kofi in the infirmary for a week. I would be giving you a specific drug to inject him with every day at four o’clock in the afternoon. It is going to make him completely insane after one week, and then I wouldn’t care about any request for re-evaluation of his mental faculties!”
“I’ll do that, my love!” Doctor Joan said happily. “I’m just praying that you can get rid of Elsie and Maa Abena too.”
“Don’t worry, dear,” Director Dovlo said thoughtfully. “I’ll begin pressing for her to be suspended, and then later transferred or preferably dismissed, together with Maa Abena and Nii Lin. And then I’ll have you appointed as Assistant Director, dear. After that, within a year, we shall get married. Right now, however, we still have to keep our love affair a secret until everything falls into place!”
Doctor Joan Kankpe laughed with happiness and leaned over to kiss him hard and long.
“I’ve been worried, but your plan is now making me relieved, happy and horny! Feel like you can manage another one?” she asked lustfully.
“I don’t know,” Bobo said, feeling down for his joystick. “He seems flat. Let’s see if you can make him stand like a soldier!”
Joan Kankpe giggled and sidled down lower, and then put her lips on his flaccid member…
Season 2 Episode 28
It took two days before Kofi Kuntu opened his eyes slowly inside the infirmary, and saw an elderly female doctor gently removing an intravenous feed from his arm.
She was slim and pretty, and she looked down at him without smiling as she swabbed his arm with methylated spirit in a piece of cotton wool, and then she applied a strip of Elastoplast to the needle point prick in his vein.
She was wearing a green dress underneath a white doctor’s tunic. Her hair was cut short, and she was wearing contact lenses, and her lips were a bit too red from the lipstick she was wearing.
“Hello,” she said briskly. “I’m Doctor Joan Kankpe.”
Kofi stared at her, a little startled, trying hard to suppress the amused smile that threatened to explode out into gales of laughter.
“How’re you feeling now, Kofi?” she asked, and he wondered idly why her voice sounded so mechanical, as if she was really not feeling what she was verbally expressing.
“Where am I, Doc?” he asked from a dry throat. “I feel thirsty.”
She nodded.
“Yes, and you must be famished too,” she said. “You were involved in a rather bad encounter with one of the inmates here, Baluu, two days ago. Do you remember?”
Kofi squeezed up his face.
“I seem to remember something like that,” he said slowly. “But what’s going on, Doc? I feel so weird. So tired. And I have a splitting headache.”
“Yes, you’re going to be a bit unsteady for a while,” she replied. “You took quite a few bad knocks. You’ll be fine in a bit. Just rest now. You’ll be given some soup to drink, and then we would run a few tests, okay?”
She walked away before Kofi could utter another word.
He lay on the bed, strangely disoriented, and sometime later Nii Lin came in and stood by his side.
“Hi, buddy, how’re you?” he asked with a concerned expression. “You gave us all a scare, especially Maa Abena. You good?”
Kofi nodded slowly with a weak smile on his face. “Yeah, Nii. I’m good. Just hungry.”
Nii smiled. “Cool, bro. Maa Abena is rustling up some chow for you. Come, lemme help you take a bath. By the time you finish she might be here.”
He helped Kofi into the bathroom, and then after almost thirty minutes they returned to the ward, with Kofi wearing a blue gown and looking clean and shaved.
Maa Abena was in the ward, sitting at the foot of the bed.
She was wearing a simple blue dress, but it fitted her like a dream. Her hair was in a new style, a braided coiled beauty that set off her face to perfection.
Kofi stayed in the doorway for a while, just staring at her.
She looked at him too, with unblinking eyes.
Time stood still for a moment, making that slice of time a most magical and heart-stopping moment, grabbing them in a fierce cocoon of self-awareness that was both scary and sweet.
“You better sit down, Kofi,” Nii Lin said with a chuckle. “If this staring thing lasts a second more I’ll begin to think you’ve become a statue.”
Kofi shook himself free from the web of that frightening moment, admitting to himself that he had indeed not felt this overwhelmed ever in his life. For a moment there all he had wanted to do was rush to that beautiful girl and take her in his arms. All he had wanted to do was hold her gently in his arms for eternity and feel her heartbeats in tandem with his.
There was a slight frown of uncertainty on his face as he was helped by Nii Lin to sit down at the side of the bed.
“Well, guess I’ll leave you two for now,” Nii Lin said and patted Kofi on the shoulder. “Will come back later.”
“Thanks, Nii,” Kofi said weakly. “I really appreciate your efforts.”
When Nii Lin left Doctor Joan approached with a hypodermic needle already filled with a greenish drug.
“Just need to inject you with this, Kofi, before you drink your soup,” she said gently, and smiled at Maa Abena.
Kofi tried to stand up, but the doctor put a warm hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, dear,” she said kindly. “I’ll inject you on the arm. No need to get up.”
After administering the injection, which turned out to be excruciatingly painful, the doctor also excused herself.
“I have a few rounds to make,” she said with a smile. “I’ll be back after you’ve eaten, Kofi.”
She left quickly, leaving Kofi with Maa Abena, who had not uttered a word so far.
And then, when the door closed behind the doctor, she stood up suddenly and walked toward him. Without warning she stood in front of him and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
Kofi slipped his arms around her, and buried his face in the side of her neck. He could feel the length of her against him, feel the pressure of her breasts against his chest. He held her tight, drawing her even closer to him. Her heart was thudding, and she was trembling slightly.
She smelled so fresh, so gentle. She was so beautiful, so precious!
It was the most comfortable position he had ever been…right there in her arms!
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode
She had prepared him the sweetest light soup he had ever tasted, replete with tender meat and succulent fish bits.
She fed the soup to him slowly, refusing to let him take the bowl because he was in a hurry to drink it and not take it bit by bit from the spoon as she was doing.
Afterwards, they chatted for a while.
Kofi was alarmed because he was feeling slightly dizzy, and he was developing a headache somewhere in the regions around his eyes.
“I don’t know what’s happening, Maa Abena,” he said carefully. “I should be stronger, but I’m getting quite weak and dizzy, and there’s this pain around my eyes.”
“Please, lie down then,” she said quickly, pushing his chest gently. “It must be because of the beating you received from the guards and when Baluu threw you against the wall. Don’t worry, Doctor Joan is a good doctor, and she’ll get you on track very soon.”
He lay back in bed, and looked at her with hooded eyes.
“She should,” he said. “I miss our times together in the ward, Maa Abena.”
She seemed to stiffen, and her eyes dropped suddenly.
“Well, then here is better,” she said in a rush, feeling the sudden tension that had sprung up between them. “I can visit you as often as I like here, Kofi, and stay for as long as I like. When you’re in D-Block I can only be there during my shift.”
He smiled weakly.
“Then I’m glad,” he said. “Then Doctor Joan better keep me here forever, so that I get more of you. I can’t get enough of you, Maa Abena.”
She looked up at him then, giving him the full blast of those lovely eyes, that beautiful face, and those full sensuous lips, which now seemed to quiver a bit.
“Why, Kofi?” she asked calmly, a slight frown puckering her brow now. “Why do you want to see me?”
He knew immediately that this was the first tentative steps of that alien thing brewing up between them. They both knew it was there, and although it was an exhilarating thing, with such powerful emotions, it was scary as well.
By some silent converging of mutual agreement none of them had broached it till now, and as he looked at her it dawned on him quite suddenly that she had become an integral part of his existence. In all his afflictions, she had been there; somehow, she was that balm that had stood between him and absolute madness.
“I won’t lie to you, Maa Abena,” he said quietly. “Not a single second passes without me thinking about you. You’re the last thought on my mind before I sleep, and the first when I wake up.”
She raised her eyebrows, and she suddenly looked disappointed.
“Really?” she said quietly. “You don’t disappoint, Kofi Kuntu. You think such cheap sentiments mean anything to me? You’ve probably used those same words on tens of girls already. I know your history, remember? You told me yourself! Don’t expect me to be one of your conquests, Kofi! This is one body you’re not shagging!”
She was surprised at how hurt she was feeling all of a sudden. His words, in their cheap perfume, had really hurt her, and kindled up an alien feeling in her.
She tried to stand up, but he reached out and held her wrist.
“Abena,” he said quietly, and she saw the earnestness in his eyes. “If indeed you know my history, then you’d also know I’m not one to spend my time saying those cheap clichés like you’re the apple of my eye, the sugar in my tea, the sunshine in my life, I’ll go to the moon and back just for your love! I’ve always considered those words to be cheap sentimental trash! I’ve never uttered them to any girl! When I want a girl I go out and get her! I don’t waste my time with words and romantic crap! I go out there like a man and tell her like a man that I want her! It had never failed me! But you, damn it, Abena, you do something to me! I want to stick flowers in your hair and walk hand-in-hand with you on the beach on a moonlit September night! Yes, damn it, Abena, I feel all those silly things I’ve always scorned! I want to write you a poem! I want to ride to the moon for you! I want to serenade you with a fiddle and dance to salsa music with you! They may be cheap sentiments but goddamn it, girl, you make me feel them all!”
He released her wrist and fell back on the bed, quite spent, quite aware that he had blurted out things he didn’t even know he had in his heart.
She stood by the bed and looked at him, all beautiful and glowing like some fresh angel God had breathed into, her eyes dancing with unshed tears and her face glowing with the beauty of the stars.
She clasped her hands in front of her and looked at him with abject misery and a suppressed desire, feeling the crushing waves of a craving need buffeting her in a tumultuous volcanic rhythm deep in her heart.
Season 2 Episode 30
“I’m an only child, Kofi Kuntu,” she said, her voice unsteady. “I’ve waited at the feet of the Lord all my years, because my parents brought me up a Christian. Many young men have proposed to me, and some I agreed to their proposals on the basis of Christian courtship, but they all failed simply because I refused to sleep with them before marriage. They were never faithful. I broke off these relationships, and I never hurt because they didn’t really enter my heart. All my life I’ve waited for the good Lord to bring me a worthy life partner, because I’ve been faithful and I’ve kept myself chaste according to His statutes! So why is my heart troubled now, Kofi? Why is it that all of a sudden I feel this way for a boy who has never lived in the ways of the Lord? A boy like you who has done everything appalling, everything sexually sinful? How can a girl like me feel this way for a boy like you, huh?”
She stood trembling, and when a single tear rolled down her right cheek like a diamond, he reached out and spread his hand and the tear dropped into his palm, because he couldn’t bear the agony of having her tears hitting the ground because of him.
With a groan he swung his legs off the bed so that they hung on either side of her, and then he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her near, burying his face in the pit of her stomach.
She gasped, and put her hands on his shoulders, and she pushed him away hard, but he would not budge. He held her tightly, drawing her strongly into his embrace. Finally, she gently wrapped her arms around his neck, and drew him closer, lowering her chin on top of his head.
They remained like that for a long time, and then he spoke against her stomach, his voice muffled. She lifted her head.
“What did you say, K?”
She felt him chuckling against her stomach, and then he raised his head, and his face was all handsome and shining with an inner glow of naughtiness that sent her heart yammering and fluttering like a torn kite in a gale.
“I like that,” he said with his eyes half-shut. “I like that a whole lot.”
“What?” she whispered.
“That ‘K’ thing,” he said, and they smiled at each other.
“You said something before that,” she said eventually. “What did you say?”
“I said you’re the stew on my rice,” he said, and then both of them burst out into uncontrollable gales of laughter.
“And that particular one always filled me with such wrath!” she whispered after a while. “But coming from you, it sounds romantic, can you believe that?”
“I can believe that, Maa Abena,” he said, and he was no longer laughing, and his face was quite serious. “This thing between us, Abena, this thing we’re trying to talk about in such inadequate ways. There are problems, you know?”
She raised her eyebrows.
She was aware that he was still holding her, that his chest was still pressed against her, but she really enjoyed it, although it was the closest any man had ever come next to her. There had been hugs, yes, from men, but those had been perfunctory and barely felt.
But this was different.
This was…awesome, yes, and it scared the beJesus out of her.
“Problems,” she said, looking down at his face. “Which kind?”
“Well,” he said seriously. “For one I’m here in an asylum, Abena. I don’t have any work right now, I’m cooped up in an asylum. I don’t have much money saved, and to all intents and purposes, I’m completely impotent. Now, that’s not the kind of guy for a girl like you, Maa Abena.”
“Well, that’s not a problem,” she said with a little smile. “I’ve served God all my life. Those things you see as problems would be fixed in a jiffy if I accept you and pray to God to help you.”
“Oh!” he said, quite flustered. “You see it is as easy as that?”
She chuckled.
“You don’t know the God I serve, Kofi,” she said gently. “And that’s another thing. I can’t accept you if you don’t give your life completely to God, Kofi. That’s why I brought you the Bible. You should start life on the cleanest page when you leave here, and there’s none as clean as true repentance.”
“Yes, I’ve been reading up on that and my mind is made up, Abena,” he said earnestly. “I truly want to be a Christian, believe me I do, and I’ve begun the journey, so trust me on that.”
She smiled happily.
“I do trust you on that, K,” she said, and they smiled at each other. “But, you still have some problems, don’t you?”
He nodded, his face worried now.
“Yes, Abena,” he said. “I’m worried about you and Ato.”
She scowled and carefully stepped back a step, forcing his arms to drop from around her waist.
She looked at him with a worried expression on her beautiful face.
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 31
“Ato,” she said. “What about him? What has he told you?”
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
“He’s my best friend, Abena,” he said quietly. “He’s been more than a brother to me. I love him above all men, and he’s very dear to me.”
“I know all that already,” she said in a rush. “But what has that got to do with you and me?”
“Oh, come on!” he said, almost agonised. “I knew about you from Ato, Maa Abena! He had a display photo of you on his phone, showing only your eye! He showed it to me several months ago! He told me you’re the only lady he would love to marry, you know, and we have this code we live by, the ABCD Code!”
“Interesting,” she said, and the fire had disappeared from her face, and she looked very disappointed. “ABCD, I see. And what’s that?”
He tried to hold her again because suddenly she was scaring him, but she moved back a pace, out of reach of his arms.
“Tell me about this ABCD thing, Kofi.”
He looked at her, saw she was serious, and he sighed.
“It’s nothing, really, please,” he said unhappily. “It’s just a silly initialism for Area Buddy, Code Desert. It just means that if your friend has shown an interest in a girl, you never ever try to win the girl yourself even if she didn’t accept your friend’s proposal. In other words, you can’t date your friend’s ex, or relative, or a girl that refused to date your friend.”
She was definitely hurt now, and she tried to speak for a moment, but she could not. She licked her lips, and then when she looked at him her lips trembled.
“Wow, I see,” she said in a very soft voice. “So, because Ato told you he wants me, whatever that means, because he had not expressly intimated anything of the sort to me. So, if my understanding is clear here, Ato told you he would want to date me, and because of that I’m now out of bounds to you?”
He nodded miserably.
“Something like that, Abena,” he said slowly. “Look, after that I never really spoke to Ato. But I have to speak to him, you see, and find out if he really meant what he said. I’ll also tell him what I feel about you.”
“Okay, let me get this straight,” she said, and nodded. “So if you speak to him, and he confirms that he likes me, or even loves me, let’s take it like that, then you can’t be with me even if it is you I prefer?”
He nodded, looking absolutely shattered now, his face pained beyond recognition.
“Yes, Maa Abena,” he said. “But I will –”
“But nothing, Kofi,” she said in a hurt little voice, shaking her head, and once again tears glistened in her eyes. “You’ve really disappointed me, Kofi. I don’t think you’re the kind of man I want to fall in love with.”
She moved away from him and snatched up the basket, and then she began to walk away.
He was alarmed, and terrified immediately.
He felt a sudden pain in his chest, a pain he was not accustomed to, a pain that tore through him with ferocious intensity.
“Maa Abena, please wait!” he cried and tried to get out of the bed. “Don’t do this to me, please! This is all new to me! I’ve never felt like this before, please! Just wait and hear me out, please!”
She stopped and turned to face him, and she was gasping with pain, her eyes filled with unshed tears and her lips trembling.
“It is not me you want, Kofi Kuntu!” she said tremulously. “Your claim of love is as shallow as it is fickle! You better go fight for your Akweley. For your information, she found a new man. I saw her when I had my day off. She is going to get married to one of her father’s associates this weekend. Let Doctor Joan call her for you because she won’t pick my call. Tell her to wait for you. The two of you deserve each other. Just leave me alone, Kofi Kuntu!”
And with that she turned away and rushed out of the infirmary, leaving Kofi all alone in his misery and hurting so badly that he could barely breathe.
It dawned on him quite suddenly that he felt more for Maa Abena than he had admitted even to himself!
Season 2 Episode 32
When Senior Nurse Elsie Ansah entered the plush office of Judge Akwasi Buabasah, she was quite shocked to see that Dr. Hassan Braimah was also present.
Hassan Braimah was the Chairman of the Adada Board, and she knew him to be a hard man. She had first considered taking her evidence to the Director, but she had known that he was a good friend of Bobo Dovlo, and she had been worried this would compromise the Chairman’s judgement.
She had concluded that coming to Judge Buabasah was the best option. One, the judge was convinced that indeed a wrong had been committed against Kofi, he would reach out to the appropriate authority.
She had called the judge and set up a meeting through his personal secretary, and here she was this early Tuesday morning, which was her off day. She had spoken to the judge, who had expressed interest in what she was going to say. She assumed that the gist she had given the judge was the reason why he had summoned the doctor.
Elsie knew that under normal circumstances she would have been happy that the Chairman was there, but the fact that he was Director Dovlo’s best friend rather cast a dark slur on the whole issue.
“Hello, Miss Elsie, I presume?” the judge asked and indicated a chair next to the chairman’s chair.
“Please, have a seat. We have been expecting you. I take it you know Dr. Braimah?”
Nurse Elsie smiled sheepishly as she greeted and sat down.
“Yes, I do know the Chairman of the Adada Board, sir,” Elsie said nervously.
“Good, good,” Judge Buabasah said and leaned back. “Hassan, this is the lady I spoke to you about. Actually, when Ruth set up the appointment I had her call Elsie yesterday, and we spoke. She had some really depressing news about one of the inmates I sent to the institution, Kofi Kuntu. She claims there is nothing wrong with the young man, who Director Bobo Dovlo, on the orders of the court, run a psychological analysis on and concluded that he was quite insane. I was present when the boy exhibited some rather insane antics, and I had no option than to remand him at the institution. Miss Elsie now tells me that Kofi’s reaction in my presence was induced by some injection Bobo Dovlo gave him.”
Hassan Braimah, a large swarthy man wearing a smock and black trousers, turned his cold eyes on Nurse Elsie.
“That is a really serious and dangerous allegation you’re making, Nurse Elsie, to put it mildly,” the Chairman said, and it was quite evident that he was displeased. “Now why on earth would Bobo Dovlo set out to intentionally drive a young man insane? It beats the imagination, and it is quite preposterous! I’ve known Bobo for quite some time now, you know. I was in Middle School with him, right down to the university, even before he married his first wife. What you’re inferring is absolutely mind-boggling, unethical, criminal, inconceivable and so barbaric that I just can’t wrap my mind around it. Give me a reason, just one, why a professional like Doctor Dovlo will do such a thing!”
Elsie looked at the Chairman without batting an eye.
“Because, some years ago, Kofi Kuntu made the unfortunate mistake of having a short affair with a woman he didn’t know was married,” Elsie said carefully.
“That woman was Mrs. Naana Basiwaa Dovlo, the late wife of Doctor Bobo Dovlo.”
There were sharp intakes of breath from both men, and then they exchanged startled looks.
“Go on, Miss Elsie Ansah,” Judge Buabasah said tightly. “Tell us about this. Everything you know!”
Events took quite a frightening turn later that afternoon!
Maa Abena, hurting in her room after that painful moment with Kofi, heard a knock on her door, and when she opened it she saw Nii Lin standing there with a happy expression on his face.
“Looks like you just won the lottery, Nii Lin,” she said, intrigued.
“Wow, more than the lottery!” he said with a grin. “You know Miss Ansah went to see that buffoon of a judge?”
Maa Abena smiled but she scowled at him too.
“Yes, she told me, and I’ve been praying,” Maa Abena said. “Is she back?”
“Yes!” Nii Lin said with a broader grin. “She came back with the Judge and the Chairman of the Adada Board! They’re all in Bobo Dovlo’s office. I was sent to call you.”
“Oh, thank God, thank God!” Maa Abena said with a happy triumphant smile. “Just a moment, Nii Lin. Let put on my canvas shoes.”
A few minutes later they rode the elevator to the fourth floor of the administrative block and entered the functional conference room where most meetings were held.
Judge Akwasi Buabasah and Doctor Hassan Braimah, the Chairman of the Adada Asylum Board of Directors, were sitting at the head of huge glass-topped conference table.
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 33
Doctor Joan Kankpe was sitting at the right side of the table, whilst a grim-faced Bobo Dovlo was sitting at the left. Around the table were three men and two women from the National Medical Board.
An unsmiling Elsie Ansah was sitting at the foot of the conference table with chairs on each side of her. Doctor Braimah instructed Nii Lin and Maa Abena to sit on either side of Nurse Elsie Ansah.
“Well, since you’re all here, I’ll get straight to the subject,” Judge Buabasah began with a grim face. “You’re all aware that Mr. Kofi Kuntu was remanded here on the orders of the court, and to all intents on purposes we were waiting for him to get well, if it is possible, so that the substantive case against him can be heard in court. Well, we are privy to some rather disturbing and shocking information and videos, and these have necessitated our presence here today. The brief synopsis is that Mr. Kofi Kuntu was allegedly remanded here in this institution by Doctor Bobo Dovlo on a false psychological evaluation report. Furthermore, it is alleged that the security men, on the orders of Director Dovlo, have been meting out some cruel treatments to Mr. Kofi Kuntu. As you all know, such shocking revelations need to be investigated. We made it known to the National Medical Board, and a few decisions had been reached. I’ll leave it to Doctor Braimah to communicate these decisions.”
Doctor Hassan Braimah sat up straight and pulled the microphone closer to his lips.
“We have spoken to Doctor Bobo Dovlo, of course, and he has categorically denied these allegations,” the man said with a severe look on his face. “He also alleged that Miss Elsie Ansah is on a personal agenda to paint him black on any excuse, and turn the staff against him in a bid to ensure that he is sacked from his position.”
“What?” Elsie exclaimed in a scandalized voice, looking at Director Dovlo with incredulous eyes. “Me? You said that of me, Director?”
“Be quiet, Miss Ansah, I’m on the floor!” Doctor Braimah retorted in an angry voice, his eyes boring into Elsie Ansah. “Madam, you have made a worst allegation against the doctor, so allow me to speak! Now, the image of this institution is at stake, ladies and gentlemen, and so is the whole medical institution as a whole! So we don’t want the press to get wind of this! We should all treat it with utmost confidentiality. Is that clear?”
There were stunned nods all around, and the tension in the conference room was absolutely indescribable.
“Well, this is what we’re going to do,” Doctor Braimah said with a steely glare around the room. “Director Bobo Dovlo, Miss Elsie Ansah, Miss Maa Abena Nyantie, Mr. Nii Lin, Mr. Atakora Nana and three other security officers are to proceed immediately on suspended indefinite leave. You would be paid monthly, but all other allowances would be suspended. Doctor Joan Kankpe will hold the position of Acting Director until investigations end. The investigation committee, led by Doctor Aidly Boamah, has two weeks to submit a report to the Board of Directors, copied Judge Akwasi Buabasah. So, from here, you’re all expected to vacate your premises and offices immediately. Thank you. Everyone dismissed.”
There was stunned incredulity in the room.
Maa Abena could barely breathe!
She couldn’t understand how it had come to this!
Suddenly she was very scared! She had parted with Kofi on the most painful note, and not being able to see him brought sudden and irrepressible pain. The fact that none of them would be around to help him and take care of him was very terrifying indeed.
She reached out and grabbed Elsie Ansah’s arm.
“What’s going on, madam?” she asked fearfully. “Please, what’s going on?”
“This is serious o!” Nii Lin exclaimed with shock. “There’s something really, really bad going on here! Something absolutely suspicious!”
“Don’t worry, guys,” Elsie Ansah said, trying to stop her own fears. “This is a painful moment, but we must be glad. Doctor Joan Kankpe is a good woman. Kofi is in good hands. Let’s all pray that the right thing will be done for that boy.”
Everything was a blur afterwards!
The security men were on top of them everywhere, not allowing them to settle!
They were forced out of their rooms with their packed bags.
Maa Abena, Nii Lin and Elsie tried to see Kofi inside the infirmary, but the hard-faced security men would not let them. They tried calling Doctor Joan Kankpe, but her phone was switched off.
In deep distress, they were forced out of the Adada Asylum, and they drove out in Elsie’s car.
Director Bobo Dovlo looked at them from the window of his office, and he smiled grimly.
He turned away from the window as Doctor Joan Kankpe joined him.
They embraced, and kissed long and tenderly.
Bobo Dovlo then picked up a packet from his desk and handed it over to Joan Kankpe.
“Increase the dosage, darling,” he said softly. “Two ampoules a day, eight hour intervals. Should drive Kofi Kuntu pretty mad in a few days.”
“Yes, my darling!” Joan Kankpe said. “He’s done for!”
Season 2 Episode 34
Ato Sey was exhilarated!
He had finally done it!
He had been going to the Golgotha Heights International Church Revival service for three nights in a row, just like he had promised Maa Abena in their WhatsApp chats.
He had come to the realization that he needed something, somebody, more in life than his playing ways allowed. He had not been able to tell anybody about the horrors going on in his bedroom. Nowadays he used the guest bathroom attached to the hall and had moved almost all his clothing from the bedroom to the hall.
There was something scary in the bedroom!
At night he could hear the violent movements in the room, the strange voices, the crazy sounds that scared him so much that at times he moved the student mattress to the corridor outside to sleep.
He had wanted on so many occasions to broach it to Maa Abena, but he had been scared that she might think he was going crazy.
And for Maa Abena Nyantie to think of him as mentally-imbalanced was something he just couldn’t allow. The reason was simple: he knew he had found someone rare in Maa Abena.
They had been speaking on phone, and chatting on WhatsApp, and he was simply besotted with her. She was always on his mind, and there wasn’t a second that he didn’t think about her. He wanted the perfect setting to let her know just how much important she had become to him. He had been amazed by her zeal and belief in Christianity, and her insistence that God could make everything right.
He had listened to her, and when she advised him to try and attend the revival, he had been reluctant at first. He had missed the first three days, but then he had decided to go for the evening services since he wasn’t sleeping well anyway. He had hoped to find someone to help him with the horror in his bedroom.
It had been a revelation!
The second night had been a half-night service, and when the preacher had appealed to people who wanted to accept Christ to step forward, Ato Sey had not hesitated!
He had accepted Christ, and had been baptised that dawn, and the preacher had told them they were new beings, and could do anything they wanted to do, and that they should not allow the devil to take over their lives.
He had been waiting for a chance to speak to the preacher, but when he heard he was a new creation and could take on his problems, he decided to confront whatever was in the room himself! He knew that even if a preacher came with him to help, he would always be afraid of that room, and so he decided to take it on with his new-found faith!
On the third night he reached home about thirty minutes shy of midnight.
He entered the room and put his bag on the sofa and stood staring at his bedroom door. He had locked it many days ago and put the key on a shelf in the kitchen.
He could see and hear the door rattling, as if there was something in there trying to get out. For a moment Ato was assailed by a strong terror, and then he swallowed painfully, but he steeled his nerves and began to sing one of the gospel songs he had heard at the revival, The Lord Is My Strength!
He walked to the kitchen, still singing, and got the bedroom key.
He walked back to the hall and approached the bedroom door.
Everything was quiet behind the door now, and he smiled to himself. He inserted the key, turned it twice, and slowly pushed down the handle, and pushed the door inward.
It was pitch-black inside the room, but a terrible scent assailed his nostrils, making him gasp.
And then he heard the evil voice crooning!
“The Mallam Busanga! He say yew keeked his haid! Yew keeked the Busanga head!”
It was the voice of an old woman, and it brought such horrible terror to Kofi’s breast that he almost turned and walked away. He took a deep breath, and began to pray silently under his breath. He entered the room with an effort and reached over and switched the light on.
Two things happened at once: one door slammed shut behind him, and the key turned in the lock, from the hall side of the door, locking him inside the room! Secondly, the window slides began to slide shut, slide open, slide shut, slide open…with maddening intensity!
Ato took a look around the room, and then he saw the people, and then he began to scream!
“Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!” Ato screamed shrilly as he felt warm urine sliding down his legs with the depths of his fear. “Yiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!!”
Apart from the fact that the room was in an unbelievable state of disarray, there were two people in the room!
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 35
The wooden parts of the bed were all broken into little slabs! His mattress, clothes and papers in the room had all been shredded! The doors of the wardrobe had been ripped out! Every piece of wood was broken, and every piece of fabric was torn!
And standing in one corner of the room was a very old, bald, naked man, and a very short evil-looking thing which was standing in a calabash! It looked like a little boy, but it was holding its head under its right armpit!
Both of them were smeared with thick white clay from head to foot, and their eyes shone a bright red!
The naked old man raised his left forefinger and pointed at Ato, and his eyes blazed with malevolent evil!
And that was when Ato began to scream his lungs out!
“Yeeeew!” the old man said in a croaking voice. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid! Yew will diesssssss!”
“Yieeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Ato scream, and his head ached him so much that he almost blanked out. He had never seen such evil. “Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiii!!”
He was suddenly lifted off his feet, and he was slammed into the wall, and then an invisible force lifted him along the wall, then across the ceiling!
The ceiling-fan began to spin wildly, and he was dragged uncontrollably toward the blades! His head was held back by an invisible hand, exposing his tender neck toward the spinning blades!
The naked old man was still pointing up at him, and Ato knew he was seconds away from a terrible death! One swipe from these blades and his jugular would be cut open, and he would be almost decapitated, dying painfully!
“Yew wil diessssssss!” the naked old man was croaking with pure evil. “Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid…yew will diesssssssss!!”
And as his neck crept toward the spinning blades, and death crept near, Ato finally remembered a snatch of Bible Psalm he had heard at the revival, and he suddenly began to shout it out!
“Yea, though I walketh in the valley of the shadow of death, I shalt not fear evil, for thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff they comforteth me….amen o, amen o, amen o….Awurade eeeeei….amen o!”
And he fell from the ceiling onto the floor heavily.
The old man’s face was suffused with confusion, and yes, a texture of fear. He looked at the fan, which had stopped spinning, and he looked at Ato with something like trepidation on his face.
“Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid!” he hissed. “Yew…”
“Amen o, amen o, amen o!” Ato was screaming shrilly. “Awurade Yesu Christo eeeeeeiii, amen o, amen o, amen o! Awurade Yesu eeeeeei! Awurade Yesu eeeeei! Bra o, bra o, bra o!!”
Something seemed to grab hold of the old, withered man and the headless boy!
They were dragged with relentless force through the wall, and Ato saw their agonized expressions as they were sucked out with such uncompromising force that it appeared to be a blur!
The last sight he had of them were their looks of acute pain and terror!
At the same time the door unlocked and blasted open!
Ato was weeping and praying as he fell to his knees with the release of terror!
Something was stinking rather nastily, he realised after a while, and at first he thought it was something those evil entities had left in the room. It was when he felt a wetness in his behind that he realised his bowels had loosened, and he had messed himself up.
He did not mind though.
He was proud, and happy, and so filled with pride that he walked boldly into the bathroom to clean himself and take a shower!
When he put on the bathroom door he saw another shrivelled old man sitting in the bath, covered from head to toe with calico!
This man’s face was reversed!
His chin was where his forehead was supposed to be, and then his mouth, nose, eyes and finally his forehead, which was sitting on his neck!
“Eeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiii!” Ato scream with sheer terror again. “Woooooooooooo!!”
The old man raised his hand and pointed a crooked finger at Ato.
“Yew keeked the Mallam Busanga haid!” he began.
“Yesu Christo eeeeeeiii!” Ato screamed as tears coursed down his cheeks. “Yesu bra ooo, bra oooo, bra oooo!”
The man began to tremble as if a giant hand was rocking the bath!
He was sucked through the air as he began to scream, and then he was pulled out of the window forcibly, his upside-down face shattering in a wail of terror and pain!
Ato Sey, heart pounding, realized that he had messed himself up even more!
He was weeping and jabbering as he cleaned himself, and the bathroom smelt as if it was the dumping site of the country’s faeces.
A long time later, he took a long, sweet bath.
He covered himself with perfume and deodorant, and then he went for his student mattress.
He spread it on the floor in the bedroom, fell on it with his Bible, read Psalm 23 through, prayed, and then he slept the sleep of the dead!
Season 2 Episode 36
It was night, shortly after midnight, when the door to the infirmary opened slowly, and a slender figure slipped into the ward.
It was a slender man.
He moved in the darkness stealthily, making sure not to collide with any of the fixtures and cause noise. He moved to the last bed and found Kofi lying restlessly on his back.
Kofi was in the sky-blue pyjamas of the inmates. He was asleep, but he was turning restlessly from side to side, his face covered with sweat, and his pyjama top pasted to his body because of the sweat he had shed.
He was making silent moaning sounds in his throat, his face filled with a tortured expression even in his sleep.
The slender man went closer to the bed and suddenly put his gloved hand across Kofi’s mouth.
Kofi began to struggle furiously immediately, but the slender man bent over the bed and hissed desperately.
“Hey, hey, take it easy, man! Take it easy!”
Kofi opened his eyes slowly and peered into the gloom. The lights were out and the only form of illumination was the inadequate glow of the lights outside filtering into the room.
“Who is it?” Kofi asked weakly. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”
“Shh, shh, shh!” the man who had clamped a hand over Kofi’s mouth shushed him desperately. “You’re making too much noise, man! Guards are patrolling outside, and I don’t want to alert them. My name is Fiifi Aidoo!”
Kofi stopped struggling and lay still.
The slender man slowly took his hand off Kofi’s mouth and sat down gingerly at the side of the bed.
Kofi looked at him in the gloom with a certain level of mistrust. He wondered if more guards were waiting outside, to crowd him and beat him up again.
“Fiifi Aidoo?” Kofi asked, puzzled.
“The security man you saved from Baluu!” Fiifi said earnestly. “If you hadn’t come around, that man would have decapitated me with that knife! I owe you my life, man!”
“Oh, I see now,” Kofi said, nodding weakly. “Yes, I do remember now. But what are you doing here now?”
“Listen, I feel really bad about what went down,” Fiifi said in a rush, his voice quite unsteady. “I’ve been thinking about the whole thing, and I remember how I hit you with the baton. I was wrong, man.”
“That’s okay, buddy,” Kofi said weakly and sat up in the bed. “Could you please get me some water? I feel so weak, so tired, and I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what is happening to me. I’ve been having very bad dreams, and I keep seeing visions!”
Fiifi went to the little fridge in the corner and brought Kofi three sachets of water. Kofi drank all of them thirstily.
“Thank you, buddy,” he said weakly and fell back down on the bed.
“I don’t understand some things, man,” Fiifi said quickly. “I mean, the director and the security men told me there was bad streak in you. They said you sleep with corpses and kill people for ritual stuff!”
“No, no, man,” Kofi said, panting for breath. “That ain’t true! The Director has a personal vendetta against me. That story is not true at all.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, man,” Fiifi said. “Nii Lin told me you’re just an innocent victim. And now all that shit is going down and I feel so confused. The Director has relieved me of my post, you know. He’s my father’s friend, and he tells me he has a new employment for me, with another Company. I start work next week, and so he wants me to leave this place, and that I shouldn’t tell anybody anything about what went down. I knew immediately that there was something fishy going down! And now the issue with Nii Lin and that nurse and that beautiful girl are all affecting me badly!”
Kofi struggled up again, his heart beating with trepidation.
“Nii and a nurse and a beautiful girl?” he asked, his body going numb. “What are you talking about?”
“Shit, you haven’t heard?” Fiifi said and leaned closer. “Shit hit the ceiling today, man! Apparently the senior nurse here, Elsiesie or something…”
“Nurse Elsie Ansah, yeah,” Kofi said impatiently. “What happened to her?”
“She went to see the top brass, see? To complain about how you’re not insane but the Director is keeping you here. Well, this afternoon they all descended here, top top people from the top government things, man. Seems there’s going to be investigations into the allegations, and so the nurse, Nii and that sweet Abena chick were all forced out of here, man, to proceed on leave. The Director is also out, and that Kankpe woman is now in charge, bro, until investigations are over!”
“My God!” Kofi breathed with equal measures of delight and sadness. “So where are they? Why didn’t any of them come to tell me?”
“They were not allowed to get in here, man!” Fiifi said tautly. “That Abena chick was weeping, bro! She wanted to see you for just two minutes, but the guards, under the instructions of the Director, I guess, wouldn’t let her! I felt shitbombed, man, really bad!”
Kofi smiled in the darkness, and tears came to his eyes.
“She wanted to see me!” he said, nodding. “That’s a good sign! That’s a really good sign, yes, yes. You know something, she is right! She’s so right! I have to damn this ABCD shit and speak to Ato, you know, mano-a-mano, get this damn issue cleared up! But first I hear Akweley is gonna get married again. I hurt Akweley bad! Do you have a phone, man? Gotta call Akweley, and beg her for forgiveness. I owe her that much, you know, after all the shit I put her through. If she’ll accept me, I’ll make it up to her. If not, then I guess that is that, and my conscience will be clear as I fight for Abena!”
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down, man, what the fuck!” Fiifi said, agitated. “You’ve got more problems, bro! Huge, gargantuan problems!”
“What problems?” Kofi asked, smiling. “Bobo Dovlo is out of here! The investigations would reveal how diabolical he’s been! Whichever way it goes, the truth will come out, and he’s not getting out of this, man! I’m out of here, finally!”
“So you think, man!” Fiifi said slowly. “That man has been a friend to my old man for a long time, buddy. I know him, and he’s very shrewd, very shrewd. You don’t want to underestimate that dude! He looked all smug and pompous this afternoon, and I knew something nasty was going on. And it was confirmed by Amina to me, this evening, and I just knew I had to wait and see you!”
“Amina?” Kofi asked. “Who’s Amina?”
“My girlfriend, bro, one of the cleaners here!” Fiifi said earnestly. “She was going to clean the washroom in the Director’s office about a month ago. She said the door to his office wasn’t closed all the way, and she saw the Director and that Doctor, that Kankpe woman, kissing inside the Director’s office! She was shocked, man, because no one even knew they were that close! They rarely speak to each other, man, but they’re bonking…”
“Klonking!” Kofi whispered even before he knew he had spoken.
“What was that?” Fiifi asked, puzzled. “I said bonking, bonking, not glonking!”
“My goodness!” Kofi explained, going numb all over. “Elsie, Nii and Maa Abena are off, and Director Dovlo is off too, but if Doctor Joan Kankpe is in charge, and she’s Dovlo’s lover…”
“Yes, yes, bro, then it means the Director is still in charge, and you’re roasted like Tamale pork!”
Aaron Ansah-Agyeman
Season 2 Episode 37
Suddenly it all made sense to Kofi Kuntu!
That was why he was being kept at the infirmary, and not getting any better!
Instead, although his body was healing from the beating he had received, he was getting worse inside the infirmary!
The headaches were frequent and bad. He was thirsty all the time! He had been seeing visions, nasty visions! He felt so disoriented all the time, and his dreams were now horrible nightmares!
Doctor Joan Kankpe was slowly driving him insane…on Dovlo’s orders no doubt!
“I’ve got to get out of here, bro!” Kofi said hoarsely.
“Yeah, yeah, man, but you can’t get out just like that!” Fiifi replied. “The security has been beefed up solid. But I remember what you did for me, buddy, even though I was so mean to you, and I wanna help in any way I can! Do you know they’ve brought Baluu to the infirmary too?”
“What?” Kofi asked hollowly.
“Yes, this evening, after that meeting!” Fiifi said. “It seemed he was extremely fierce, and so they sedated him and brought him to the infirmary! He’s in Ward B, just across this ward, through that interconnecting door! When I checked that door, it was unlocked, and Baluu is sleeping! He’s not in a straitjacket too. If he wakes up and walks in here…ha, he’ll make you urinate and shit in your pants! He will wring you like Ashaiman laundry bedsheet. In fact, he will rokoto your neck like Abyssinia beads!”
“Jesus!” Kofi whispered with fear. “Quick, man, quick! Is there any fire extinguisher around?”
“Yeah, a small one is clipped to the wall at the entrance, outside! Why are you asking? I’m telling you about serious things and you’re worried about fires?”
“Please, get it for me, quickly, please!” Kofi said with great horror.
“Yeah, hey, hey, relax, man!” Fiifi said with some great unease and stood up.
Some minutes later he came back with the small fire extinguisher and gave it to Kofi.
“Listen, man!” Fiifi said earnestly. “I have seen what is going on here, and it is nasty, very nasty. I’ve been assigned new employment, but I waited to see how I could help you. I can go outside these walls, but you can’t. Please, what should I do? Is there someone you want me to contact? A friend, police, journalist? Just tell me, and I’ll do it!”
“Yeah, there’s a man I sold a house to some time ago when I was working with Laryea Odamten,” Kofi said weakly. “You can…”
Kofi could not finish because Fiifi Aidoo stood up with a sudden squeal of fear and began to dash madly through the darkness, running like a mad person, clattering into objects in his mad fear, and a moment later he went out of the main entrance screaming with terror!
Kofi struggled slowly to his feet and turned, trying to find out what had spooked the young man so madly.
And then he saw Baluu.
The abnormally muscled giant was standing at the far end of the ward. He had just come out through the interconnecting door that linked Wards ‘A’ and ‘B’.
He was wearing only the bottoms of his blue pyjamas, and his muscles shone and bunched in the darkness.
He looked uncannily like a terrible ogre in the dim light!
Suddenly he screamed madly and hammered his chest with both fists repeatedly, and then he came charging down the ward at Kofi, emitting an enraged bellow.
Kofi kept his cool.
He picked up the small fire extinguisher and pulled out the safety pin. He rotated the nozzle and kept his hand on the trigger.
Baluu was throwing objects from his path with fierce abandon, and then he rounded the bed and came straight at Kofi.
Kofi lifted the extinguisher, pointed the nozzle, and sprayed a blast of foaming liquid into the screaming face of Baluu!
Baluu’s face changed from maddened wrath to heart-wrenching terror when he saw the extinguisher, and he threw up his massive arms to protect his face at the last instant.
“Eiiiii, no be small oooo, no be small ooo!” he screamed shrilly with fear. “He has the white jabujabu ooo! White jabujabu ooo!”
His head was lost in the spray of foam, and he fell down with screams of fear, and then he crawled fiercely on the floor away from Kofi.
Kofi followed him, and Baluu crept under one of the ward beds and curled up with fear, whimpering miserably!
Kofi stood there, his mind racing as he thought of action moves and rejected them. He had no allies now! It was true Maa Abena and the rest were out there somewhere, but none of them knew that Doctor Joan Kankpe was compromised! By the time the investigations were over, she might have rendered Kofi irreparably insane!
He stood formulating plans as Baluu remained under the bed whimpering.
Kofi knew he had to get out of the asylum, at least for a while, and make other plans. If he got out, he could go to a television station or the press and tell his side of the sordid story.
Whatever happened, staying at the asylum was a deadly idea now, something he could not allow to happen.
Finally, he bent on one knee and looked under the bed at the terrified Baluu.
“Eiii, no be small ooo, no be small ooo!” Baluu shrieked. “Jabujabu is here o, Jabujabu is here!”
“Come out, Baluu!” Kofi said, striving to sound harsh and authoritative, but he was too weak to sound anything but frail. “Come out now!”
“Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “You want to spray me with the white jabujabu o!”
“Shut up, Baluu!” Kofi said desperately. “I’m not going to spray you. We’re getting out of here! If you don’t come out I’ll spray you, but if you come out I won’t spray you! Now step out!”
Baluu scampered out and stood facing Kofi with fear on his face.
Season 2 Episode 38
“We’re getting out of here, Baluu!” Kofi said, pointing the nozzle of the extinguisher toward the entrance. “We’re going to go to the main gate and get out of here, okay?”
“Ei, no be small!” Baluu said. “Jabujabu wants to vanish!”
“Yes, yes, Baluu!” Kofi said. “And Baluu is going to help Jabujabu otherwise he will spray him. Alright, let’s move.”
He prodded Baluu in the back with the nozzle of the extinguisher, and the muscled giant took off at a fast run. Kofi was too weak, and couldn’t follow.
“Herh, herh, Baluu, wait up! Wait for me, otherwise I’ll spray your eyes with jabujabu!” he shouted.
Baluu slowed down, and together they went out of the entrance.
Three security guards were outside, and they had guns and Tasers, creeping slowly towards the entrance of the infirmary, evidently drawn by Baluu’s and Fiifi’s screams.
However, the moment they saw Baluu, they all turned around and fled with shrieks of fear.
Kofi and Baluu hurriedly run to the entrance.
Kofi found out that the more he exerted himself, the easier it was for him to breathe, and so he ran harder!
He was both scared and exhilarated!
Already a deafening alarm was blowing, filling the night air with a terrible deafening wail. He knew that the security men who had fled had triggered the alarm! He had to work fast otherwise he would be surrounded by men with guns.
When they approached the main gates they saw four security guards guarding it with drawn guns.
Kofi stopped with a groan of despair!
Baluu, however, kept moving forward!
The guard nearest them fired off his shots, but shockingly, Baluu kept running forward.
The shooting guard was terrified now. Obviously, he had been so scared that he had not been aiming his rifle well, and had missed Baluu’s huge bulk!
He tried to reload, and Baluu snatched the rifle from him and smashed it across his temple, and the guard fell down without a sound.
Baluu aimed a terrible right hook at the head of the nearest guard, and as the man fell down Baluu grabbed him by the ankle and spun him above his head like a rag, and then he threw the guard away. The man sailed through the air and smashed into a small car approaching from the administration block!
A side window on the car shattered, and the guard fell down, groaning.
The door of the car opened and a night nurse came out and took to her heels with shrieks of terror!
Kofi quickly picked up the guard’s rifle and approached the stalled car. There was no one else inside.
He could not believe his eyes as he entered the car and threw the rifle and the fire extinguisher in the back.
He engaged the drive gear and stepped on the accelerator, speeding forward toward the gates.
He saw that Baluu had grabbed one of the guards and was pulling his head up as if he wanted to tear the man’s head off his neck!
Horrified, Kofi grabbed the rifle and the fire extinguisher and dashed out, and all the time the alarm kept wailing, and now lights were on everywhere, and more guards were running toward the scene.
“Baluu, stop, stop, you’re killing him!” Kofi screamed. “Tell them to open the gates!”
Baluu dropped the guard, and the man crawled away frantically, uttering the Lord’s Prayer in a whimpering voice!
Baluu turned toward the last standing guard at the gates who had dropped his gun and was shivering, petrified.
“Ei, no be small!” Baluu roared. “Open the gates!”
The guard nodded and rushed into the security post at the side.
A moment later the gigantic electronic gates swung open, and the three metal bars beyond that swung up!
Kofi rushed to the car, and Baluu joined him.
The approaching guards were firing now as Kofi gunned the car, and they shot out of the gate as bullets whined through the air and ricocheted out off the body of the car!
Baluu was screaming wildly with ecstasy, and Kofi was also screaming and laughing and jabbering as they left the Adada Asylum behind!
To Be Continued…
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