The Spawn…
The Author
For the very first time there was terror on the spectral face of Duke Swallows. He tried to float upwards but he remained on the cloudy surface as if his lower spiritual parts were not working.
His eyes were now frantic as he looked at Yaw Boat.
He growled and slashed at Boat with the last dredges of defiance but the amazing cackling diamond-like blazes around Boat filled him with terror, and he slinked away from the Unblind as his eyes roamed desperately in a bid to find an escape route.
“You have done your worse, Unblind!” he growled in desperation. “You have sealed the entrance out of Hades for me! Now, allow me to enter into Hades, for that is all you can do!”
“I’ll tell you what I told the Legion, Dukie,” Boat said calmly, his voice almost gentle and tender. “I don’t do crap! I’m empowered by He who sent me, the Lord I’m a servant to. So, don’t waste your time lecturing me on what I can and cannot do!”
“You cannot do that which is reserved for your master, you bastard!” Duke Swallows said furiously. “Read the Good Book, understand its ways! There is always repercussion for those who step on the rightful ways of your Master! Moses did, and he didn’t see Canaan!”
“I wasn’t given a manual when I was called to be an Unblind, Dukie,” Boat said softly. “I was told to get rid of evil punks like you. And the way I see it, that is exactly what I’m doing!”
“You cannot touch fallen angels!” Duke screamed. “That’s a prerogative of your master!”
“Prove it to me!” Boat said.
“Read your Good Book!” the demon said desperately. “Understand its ways!”
Yaw Boat paused and spoke gently.
“Do you have a copy of the Bible here?” he asked softly. “Maybe you can show me the particular verse that says I can’t show you something funky, Dukie punk!”
And he smiled again, and again and it was not a very nice smile.
Duke looked at Yaw Boat desperately, and he knew this Unblind was as bad as they said, and for a brief moment it occurred to him that he should have listened, and kept away from this novice who was but a child in his calling but was indeed the fiercest and gifted of them all.
A boy who wore his calling with arrogance and whose simple understandings of ways, norms and laws made him formidable in the dangerous art of death negotiations.
“And I hope there’s no way I can appeal to you to hearken to the words of your master on forgiveness being tendered seventy-seven by seven times!” he said softly. “Revenge is for the master!”
“I like revenge,” Boat said calmly. “Oh, you just don’t know how much I like revenge, Dukie!”
And Duke Swallows snarled with sudden terror.
“Fuck you, Yaw Boat! Fuck you to hell!”
“Sorry, but you’re too ugly for me, punk,” Boat replied. “If I be the servant of the Most High God…to me, Death!”
And they appeared!
Six huge and deadly angels holding flaming swords, their facial expressions too powerful for Yaw Boat to behold.
Duke Swallows was in a frenzy now!
He screamed and thrashed on the clouds as the Death Angels whirled their flaming swords, preventing him from fleeing! His expression was of horror and desperation, a terrible combination of a soul filled with terror and sheer remorse!
Yaw Boat turned his back on them as he said his final words.
“Get him.”
Boat floated up and took his son in his arms.
He heard Duke’s horrible screams of sheer pain and terror, and felt the volcanic maelstrom of the violence unfolding beneath him, but he did not look down.
In a way, in a very infinitesimal level, he felt a pang of pity, but then he remembered Nikolai Chekov, Fad Tremblay and the other scores of good men Duke had terrorized and wasted, and his fury returned.
“Into Your hands I subject the lives of myself and my son, Lord,” he whispered as he pierced the top layer of the Hades. “I do not know where I am, or where to turn. Let it be Your Decision Moment, my Lord. May You take our souls, and do with it as You please. In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, amen.”
There was a momentary flash of darkness, and then suddenly he was standing in front of John Ainooson’s cabin in the woods with his giggling son in his arms as he tried to push his pudgy fingers into his father’s mouth.
“I thank you, my Lord,” Boat whispered.
The sky was clear and there was a gigantic rainbow in the sky, and for one brief moment Yaw Boat saw doves soaring all around his head. He smiled broadly.
It was a good feeling!
He turned away from the cabin.
Elaine’s body was in there with Nikolai Chekov.
A great sadness engulfed him.
Elaine, brainwashed and deceived! She had had so many chances to turn away, to change, but she had been infatuated with the wrong kind of power, and the wrong type of prestige!
Nikolai, a fighter all his life, a man given a divine gift, but in the end he had rejected glory for the lure of the false glamour of earth! Above all things Yaw Boat wished and hoped that Nikolai could be pardoned, in a way, and accepted.
But he knew different; receiving the mark ended all roads to salvation.
“Burn!” Boat whispered as he began to walk, and the cabin burst into flames behind him.
Ledi Pedi’s lips trembled badly as he looked across the hood of the car and Yaw Boat walking across the wooden bridge towards him with a baby in his arms.
With a muffled sob he moved forward and embraced Boat fiercely, and when he looked up there were tears in his eyes.
“Goodness, Yaw!” he whispered with shock and happiness. “You made it!”
“I told you not to wait for me,” Boat said softly. “You’re stubborn.”
“I waited till it was too dark to see anything, and then I went to the town and checked into a hotel!” Ledi said in a rush. “And I came here everyday for the past sixty days, man!”
And Yaw Boat paused suddenly and looked at his friend.
“What are you talking about, Ledped?” he whispered in a stunned voice. “I was gone for…eight hours tops!”
“You shitting me?” Ledi asked, still trembling. “You’ve been gone for two months, man! We tried to go into the damn forest but it was so thick and dense that no one could move through! Eddie Griffith is still here. Some mighty Unblinds from all over the world came through. We’ve been praying for you for sixty days, man! They’re all here, we moved into the hotel two days ago because Pastor Amoah and his Seers saw you coming out of the forest today!”
Yaw Boat was stunned!
Sixty days?
Two months?
“I thought you were dead, man, dead inside the bloody Hades!” Ledi said softly and two drops of tears fell down his face.
How could that even be remotely possible?
Yaw Boat was stunned.
That brief darkness before appearing in front of the cabin…had God taken him through a phase, a phase of almost forty days without him knowing? And then terror hit his heart.
“Nicole!” he whispered. “Sixty days? How’s she?”
“She fine, dude,” Ledi said quickly. “I’m told she began to grow younger on the third day you entered the forest. She’s all good now, beautiful and all…just that…”
And when Ledi paused Boat’s heart hammered with sudden fear.
“What, LedPed?” he asked quickly. “Just that what?”
“Her teeth, man, her teeth!” Ledi said and shuddered. “Her teeth didn’t grow back! Nicole has no teeth, man!”
Boat paused with sudden dismay.
“She couldn’t be helped?” he whispered, aghast.
“Nope,” Ledi said. “The Unblinds with healing powers tried, but she’s toothless, man. But don’t worry. She’s been doing with artificial teeth. Hey, is that your son?”
He took the handsome baby boy from Boat, and immediately the boy began to bawl, obviously not wanting to leave Boat’s arms.
And when he cried Ledi screamed and almost dropped him.
“Hey, damn, Boat, this kid ain’t right!” he said. “There’s something wrong with your boy, man!”
“What?” Boat asked absent-mindedly.
“He got a full set of adult teeth, goddamn it!”
Yaw Boat watched, shocked, and then he and Ledi exchanged stunned looks.
“Nic’s teeth!” Boat said with horror. “Take me to her, LedPed! Maybe it is not too late!”
He said in the huge, sleek car and as they moved he opened the glove compartment and took out a huge feeding bottle filled with breastmilk and put it into his son’s mouth.
“Where did that come from?” Ledi asked with surprise.
“Wished it to be there,” Boat said with a smile. “With God all things are possible.”
When the huge car came to a stop in front of the private guest house, Nicole Anderson came flying out of the front door when Boat got out.
He saw her, young and so breathtakingly beautiful! She was dressed in a lemon green dress that fitted her like a dream. Yaw Boat’s heart sang as he handed his son to Ledi and raced forward to meet her.
There were tears in her eyes and unbridled love on her face as she threw her arms around him. Boat crushed her to his chest fiercely as his lips descended on hers. For a wild moment she protested because it was the strangest kiss of all; there were no teeth in her mouth!
But as he kissed her deeply, passionately, he felt a sharp pain on his lips and tasted a little blood, but he did not stop.
Instead, he was laughing within him with happiness!
“Hey, Boat!” he head Ledi screaming. “Hey, Yaw! The boy’s teeth disappeared! Jesus Yesu! What baby at all have you brought home?”
Boat did not mind him because he and Nicole were kissing and laughing with the greatest joy ever witnessed!
He could feel Nicole’s teeth now!
They had appeared so suddenly!
“Stop that stupidity, you two fools!” Pastor Amoah cried and kicked Boat in the buttocks. “Break up your fornication plans! You bastard, Boat! If you want my granddaughter go and marry her!”
But although he tried to draw back, Nicole would not let him!
Eventually, Eddie Griffith forced them apart and when they saw her teeth were back, there was happiness and excitement all around. The boy began to whimper, and Nicole promptly reached for him and the boy looked into her face with wonder, as if he knew her, and he giggled in a most charming way that brought tears to Nicole’s eyes.
“Our handsome, sweet son!” she whispered and reached for Boat.
“I don’t trust that baby,” Ledi said with a laugh.
Boat put his arm around Nicole as she looked lovingly at the boy.
Surrounded by about ten Unblinds, with the woman he loved in his arms and his son giggling happily, Yaw Boat knew everything was going to be alright.
He too would find a little slice of happiness!
The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn.
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