Weekend Story
The Author
Doctor Michael Obeng looked at Samuel Larbi with the full venomous blast of his wrath.
“You buffoon of a galoot!” he ejected so explosively that droplets of spittle shot out of his mouth in a fine spray, causing Sam to take a step back with disgust. “Is that all you could do? Murder the poor girl so heinously? And what do we do if the police swarm the damn place in their fucking investigations?”
“Oh, keep your hat on, would you?” Sam said indignantly. “You’re not the only repository of common sense, doc. The girl was a naked leak with a running mouth. Leaving her alive was a sure ticking bomb!”
“But killing her was a bit to the extreme, son,” Beatrice said in a troubled voice. “As Mike said, we don’t need any prying eyes at this point in time.”
“I took precautions, Mama,” Samuel said. “She cannot be traced here. I made her go to the beach road and as usual it was completely deserted. She sat in the car and I skirted around for a while, you know, to make sure nobody was lurking in the bushes. Then I brought her here and shut her up. Nothing can be traced here.”
Michael Obeng breathed a little easier at the news.
“I hope, for all our sakes, that indeed you did take the necessary precautions,” he hissed. “And where is that Jackie fool?”
“Still out there with that bitch of a slut,” Lucille said acidly.
“And that is not good at all!” Michael said. “Her presence can trigger a dangerous relapse in him.”
“I kept telling you that your approach ain’t working!” Samuel said coldly. “Nothing is working with that bastard. We need the device out of the vault at the end of the week because the buyers are threatening to leave! That damn Adobea girl is here. We kidnap her and threaten to kill her, and Jackie will definitely open the damn vault. We take the device and arrange an accidental death for them!”
“His brain is fragile from the experiment, Sam,” the doctor said coldly. “Threatening him with the death of the girl will only work if he remembers the girl at that particular moment. If he doesn’t, he wouldn’t give a damn whether you killed her or not!”
“So, what do we do now, Mike?” Beatrice asked, still sounding troubled. “Sam is right, you know. We need the device by the close of the week or the buyers walk away. We can’t allow that to happen.”
Doctor Michael Obeng walked to the edge of the beautiful pool and looked into its clear depths.
“He leaves us no choice now, doesn’t he?” he asked, his voice almost sad. “I think I need to use my inducer on him now.”
Sam’s eyes brightened perceptively at that. Beatrice gasped with sudden unease.
“Your truth serum?” Beatrice asked. “But Mike, you said the solution was not refined yet! What happens if the solution doesn’t work after you’ve injected him with the serum?”
“Then he would remain in whatever condition the drug induces him into until I find the refined solution.”
“Oh, but that is not good!” Lucille cried. “Please, give me time with him! I’ll let him open the vault.”
“Shut up, girl!” Samuel said darkly. “I support the serum, doctor. We don’t have any more time!”
Doctor Obeng nodded and began to walk into the main house.
“Let me know when he comes in,” he said menacingly. “And come with me, Luce, there’s a part for you to play.”
Jack Larbi came in very late, almost close to midnight, and to all intents and purposes there was nothing wrong with him.
Lucille was waiting for him and they shared a late-night drink on the roof before descending to Jack’s master bedroom and making sweet, slow love. He fell into a deep sleep almost immediately and Lucille watched him for about ten minutes and then she crept out of bed and went to the bathroom.
She used the telephone to call Doctor Obeng.
“Is he asleep now?”
“Yes, he is,” Lucille said in a voice that trembled with worry. “Please, doctor, don’t hurt him.”
“Don’t worry, Luce,” he said impatiently. “It is completely safe. No bad side-effects. I’ll give him a first primer before injecting the serum. The primer should make it safe to inject the real serum, and after he tells us the combinations to the vault, I’ll inject him with the solution.”
“But you said the solution is not ready yet!” Lucille said worriedly.
“Luce, you know I’ve always been on Jack’s side and I’m the one who’s prevented Sam from hurting him badly up till now,” he said patiently. “Please, trust me.”
“Alright, doc, I trust you,” Lucille said with relief. “Are you coming over now?”
“No, his nerves need to relax completely to make the serum work totally, so please leave the door unlocked. I’ll come in at three in the morning and administer it.”
“Alright, doc, I’ll wait for you,” Lucille said and replaced the receiver.
She went back to the bed naked and squatted over the sleeping form of Jack Larbi. She parted his thighs, held his sweet member and caressed it with hands and lips until he was a raging pole again.
“God, Luce, you’re a nympho,” he said drowsily.
Lucille reared above him and lowered her wetness slowly down on him.
“Yes, my darling,” she whispered in a lust-filled voice. “I am your nymphomaniac! Do me and don’t stop!”
In the end they got extremely tired and slept deeply.
And at two o’clock in the morning Jack’s phone began to hum and vibrate rather stridently on the small glass-topped side table. Jack murmured with irritation and reached for it sleepily and shook it.
The alarm would not stop, however, and he turned on his back and glared at the message on the phone.
This is a 2 a.m. loop you created.
Status urgent
To listen over headphones only
“What is this?” Jack said sleepily and slid the green button to accept the loop, but the screen flashed out a warning:
Loop requires headphones
Please insert your headphones
Getting progressively irritated, Jack sat up in bed and reached for his earphones. He inserted it and activated the video loop.
A beautiful dark woman sitting in a settee filled the screen.
She looked extremely worried, and Jack felt his heart thudding slightly because he knew her and yet could not place who she was.
“My name is Adobea Asare,” she said in a sweet voice that still conveyed her worry and unease. “The first time I saw you I was buying some food from a joint…”
Jack listened to the almost hour-long video with mounting horror, and around the time it ended his door opened and Doctor Michael Obeng came in.
He was wearing his white tunic and glasses as he came inside slowly.
“Jackie boy!” he said, obviously startled. “You’re up! Sorry to disturb you, boy. I was coming in to give you the injections!”
Jack looked at him and smiled broadly.
“Shalawele!” he said brightly. “And who might you be, you ugly motherfucker?”
Doctor Obeng hesitated and then it dawned on him suddenly that somehow Jack Larbi had relapsed! It seemed the spending time with that meddlesome girl the day before had affected the boy’s reset.
He smiled gently.
“Don’t worry, my dear friend,” Doctor Obeng said. “You’re home. You’ve been ill for some time but everything is under control now. I’m your doctor Michael Obeng, and that woman is your fiancée though you don’t remember her now. We’ll get you well very soon. You need these two injections though.”
“Shalawele!” Jack said and smiled goofily. “Doctor Panie Atopa Kese has landed!”
Doctor Obeng smiled as he took a transparent plastic case from his pocket and cracked it open. The inside was lined with soft white silk and nestled in it were two prepared injections. One was coloured green and the other was clear.
“Two injections for me?” Jack asked with a scowl. “Why, am I a cow?”
Doctor Obeng chuckled.
“No, Jackie, you’re not,” Doctor Obeng said condescendingly. “One is a primer and the other is a compound. I’ll be done in a minute.”
He picked a sodden piece of wool from the case and swabbed the inside of Jack’s right arm and then he picked up the clear syringe. He inserted it into Jack’s arm and pressed the plunger.
Jack grimaced and flinched.
“Sorry, my friend,” the doctor said as he withdrew the syringe. “Almost done now.”
“No, walayi talayi!” Jack said with his goofy smile. “One for you, one for me, equal share!”
And before Doctor Obeng could react Jack picked the other syringe and stabbed the neck of the doctor with it and then depressed the plunger.
For one horrible beat of a second the doctor became absolutely still, and then he screamed shrilly and took stunned steps backwards. He pulled the syringe from his neck and clamped his hand on it.
“What have you done, you crazy piece of shit?” he said with a voice that shook with horror.
“I gave you panie piiiiiwwwww!” Jack Larbi said and raised his hand to make an injecting gesture. “One for you, one for me!”
“You fucking boy!” Doctor Obeng screamed as he turned and headed for the door. “I need the solution! I need the solution!”
Jack got up from the bed and rushed at the doctor. He grabbed Michael Obeng’s hand and began pulling him.
“Let me go!” Obeng screamed with raw horror. “Please, let me go, let me go and get the solution before the raw serum hits my brain! You fuck! I can’t take it without the primer!”
“Stay here and let’s play piloloo!” Jack said and laughed raucously. “Piloloo lolopiii kusham!”
Doctor Obeng pushed Jack away from him viciously and reached for the door handle but he suddenly paused and went rigid. A moment later his body began to jerk spasmodically as if electricity currents were running through him.
Jack, sitting on the floor, laughed loudly and pointed.
“Yei, Doctor Panie, what kind of dancing is that one too?” he asked. “Have you got barbarso?”
Doctor Obeng turned slowly and looked at Jack and then he dropped his hand and laughed gently. He clapped his hands, jumped a bit into the air and then began a series of wild gesticulation pumping of his waist.
“Heerh, Doctor Panie, those are wild atopa fuchors!” Jack cried. “Your waist is hard papa, heeerh!”
“This one is atopa Kungfu!” Doctor Obeng screamed. “See my waist, Jack! Look at the way my waist is throwing the atopas!”
“Herh!” Jack shouted. “That’s atopa suicide o! Yie, if you give a girl those atopas you will break her waist, I swear!”
Both of them began to laugh shrilly.
Doctor Obeng then ripped off his tunic. He was wearing a pair of white shorts and a white vest beneath. He took off the vest and tied it around his head.
“Yie!” Jack shouted. “What is that one too?”
“I feel the fire in meeeeee!” Doctor Obeng screamed. “The fire of tatafu! Please call the Abossey Okai fire service!”
“You craze?” Jack asked and squealed with laughter. “You want Abossey Okai fire service to come all the way to Takoradi? Why don’t you get into the bath? I’ll turn on the tap for you!”
“You think I’m mad?” Doctor Obeng asked furiously. “Your bath that has the Atlantic Ocean flowing through it and you want me to lie in it? Ofui! Maybe I should swim in a vagina! That will put out the fire!”
“Shalawele!” Jack screamed. “That’s a good idea! There’s a naked woman in my bed! Come and swim in her vagina!”
He whipped the cloth off Lucille and parted her legs.
“Yesssss!” Doctor Obeng screamed. “Etwe kpafuuuuu! I’ll swim like a cockroach!”
He raised his arms above his head and approached the bed.
He knelt down and began to force his head into Lucille’s private space.
“Agyeeeeiiii!” Lucille screamed suddenly and came awake. She sat up in the bed with horror all over her face as she looked down at Doctor Obeng’s head as he tried to push it into her orifice. “Goodness, Doc! What are you doing?”
“He’s trying to swim inside your vagina!” Jack shouted and began to laugh. “He wants to cool down the fire of tatafu inside his body!”
“You’re hurting me!” Lucille screamed and jumped from the bed. “You fool! What happened to you?”
“He injected me with one primer and I also injected his neck piiiiiiwwww with the other,” Jack said. “And it has turned him into a fool.”
“Let me swim in your stinking place!” Doctor Obeng said and began to walk towards Lucille as tears fell down his face. “The fire of tatafu is burning me!”
“Doc!” Lucille cried frantically. “Please, control yourself!”
Doctor Obeng swung a vicious blow against her jaw and Lucille collapsed on the floor in a faint. The doctor promptly parted her legs, stretched flat on the floor and began pushing his head into her orifice again.
The door flew open and Samuel and his mother came in with looks of concern.
“What’s going on here?” Samuel asked. “What’s all the noise and screams about?”
“Goodness me, Mike!” Beatrice screamed as she looked at the doctor. “What are you doing?”
“He’s trying to swim in her vagina!” Jack said and burst into laughter again.
With a roar of fury Samuel knelt, grabbed Doctor Obeng and pulled him up.
“Stop that nonsense, doc!” Samuel said furiously. “That’s Lucille! Are you crazy? What’s the matter with you anyway?”
“Devil of devils!” Doctor Obeng screamed and without warning swung a blow at Samuel’s jaw again. “Amokuwaaa!”
Samuel grunted and fell to the floor, dazed.
“Mike!” Beatrice screamed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Ah, a bigger vagina!” Doctor Obeng screamed. “I will swim in it today! Hold her, Jackie boy! Rip her clothes off and spread her legs! I’ll put my head inside her gigantic sea vagina!”
And when Beatrice saw them approaching her, she screamed shrilly, turned, and fled wildly down the corridor!
Samuel struggled to his feet groggily.
“Doctor Obeng, don’t you dare put your head into my mother’s vagina!” he screamed in frenzy as he stumbled his way after them. “This nonsense has gone on long enough! It is my way now! I’m gonna get that Adobea witch!”
The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story, The Reset, Weekend Story
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