Episode 24
(answers the call in a harsh tone) Whoever you are am not ready for you stupid games and if you don’t take care I will track you down and deal mercilessly with you for these foolish games you are playing with me this afternoon. Are you mad?
Hey, easy!!! Is that how you relate to people who call you without finding out who is on the other side of the phone? Calm down!!!
(hearing the voice and realising it’s a male voice) Oh am sorry for my harsh words, someone has been playing pranks with me this afternoon on the telephone and I taught she was the same person calling. Please accept my apology and identity yourself to me since I have a lot on my desk to work on this afternoon.
I’m surprised you can’t make my voice out but all the same, this is your brother from another mother, Opana “the rough boy”.
Oh, my brother, sorry about that but as am talking to you now am very hot this afternoon so am not thinking straight.
Is that so my brother?
Yes ooo, the regional commander is on my neck to get a particular report on his desk before the end of the day and a stupid boy also assaulted my niece badly so it has gotten my mind very hot and I promise to deal with that boy ruthlessly.
Well I called you because of ……..
(cuts in rudely) My brother, I hope you are not coming to demand money from me this afternoon because the truth is that, the last money left in my accounts was what I gave out to you the other day.
Hmmmm, my call is on a different agenda this afternoon so keep calm and listen to me. Am calling on behalf of that stupid boy you just referred to some seconds ago.
Please my brother stay out of this and don’t involve yourself in this matter because that boy needs to be taught a big lesson. I want him to go through pains and misery for what he stupidly did to my niece.
My brother, I wish I could stay out of this matter but I can’t. That foolish boy happens to be my only son and I can’t sit and watch him go through the plans you have in mind for him, I didn’t know Agnes was your niece and am…..
Hold it there my brother, so even if I wasn’t related to that girl did your stupid son had to assault her that bad? Do you know how bad he has deformed my little girl? We shouldn’t be even having this discussion in the first place because the more I talk about it, the more evil intentions find it way to my mind.
So, in other words, what at you trying to insinuate? No am not getting you over here right now, the truth is that my son foolishly out of his youthful exuberance and joblessness took a stupid step which I’m not proud of, that is why am calling you to kindly rescue him because at least when you wronged my family and I, my son was the only person pleading on your behalf for me not to make that issue a top-class issue. You owe me a lot of favours so I won’t plead with you to reconsider your decision but a word should be enough for the wise.
Are you threatening me?
My brother is neither a threat nor request, I will call it free advice and don’t forget we have an outstanding deal that I can choose to either play by the rules or I do what I want. Mind you the media houses always want a mouth- watering headline to publish on the front page of their graphics.
You know this is blackmail and it is not fair. If releasing your son will let sleeping dogs lie and foster unity between us, I will grant your wish and release your son right away. Hope you are okay with that?
(laughing) I knew I could count on you my brother, ah you scratch my back I scratch your back then we are all happy. I will pass by one of these days so we sit and break bottles for this wonderful union. Let me leave you to continue with your busy day activities but kindly release my son now because his mother and your sex partner daughter of mine are waiting for him outside the charge office. Have a blissful day (ends call)
(very furious) this nonsense must stop, am I the only big man in town who slept with an underage girl? This man is using his head and mind against me, this case could have also enriched my pocket but look at me now, I didn’t even get a cedi out of it. A stitch in time saves nine and I know what to do to get myself out of this mess.
The commander calls the officer in charge of the case to immediately release the suspect they have in their custody.
Sergeant Kwaku Duah release that foolish boy who assaulted my niece right this moment from our custody and I mean right now.
Sergeant Kwaku Duah
But sir we even haven’t taken his statement yet and IÂ plan to deal with him drastically for what he…
I didn’t ask for your views or opinion, I gave an order and I expect it to take effect right this moment so make that move now before I come out of my office.
Sergeant Kwaku DuahBut sir why this sudden change of plans because you are the same person who instructed me to go hard on that boy without fear or favour.
I hate people who challenge my orders, I gave you an order to detain him unlawfully and now am ordering you to release him now before hell breaks loose and you are there asking me unnecessary questions. If you love your job then silently do as I say because a call just came from above which can cause a big problem for us.
Sergeant Kwaku Duah
If you say so I will release him immediately.
You better do that before I walk out of my office. I don’t want any trouble in my last days in this office.
Sergeant Kwaku Duah moves to the charge office and opens the cell for Michael Ansah to walk out freely.
Sergeant Kwaku Duah
You are a very lucky guy, my boss for no reason has ordered for your immediate release which I don’t understand but am only following orders from him. My eyes are fixed tightly on you and if you dare touch any lady again in or around this town, I will personally throw you into jail. Leave this place before I slap your fucking face.
Michael Ansah walks out of the charge office to meet his mum and sister sitting and hoping for an intervention to take place for his release to take effect.
Akua Yankey
(wipes her face) Kwaku Mike, is that you? How did you get out from their cell?
Michael Ansah
Mummy, I just don’t know how it happened, I was just inside the cell and the officer handling the case came to open the door for me and ordered me to leave the charge office before he beats the living hell out of me. I just don’t know how it happened but I will call it a miracle.
Akua Yankey
Indeed the mercies of the Lord endureth forever. Father God, I don’t know how I will thank you enough, you keep blessing my family with mindblowing things which makes me so speechless most of the time. I and my household remains…….. (phone rings)
Akua have they released our son?
Akua Yankey
Yes they just released him all of a sudden and we were wondering who was behind this fast liberation for my son.
Well, I’m the one who made that possible so you guys should move to the house as am coming over right away and woman talk to your son like a mother does to her children because this will be the first and last time I will stand in for him in a police-related matter. Children of his age are making their parents proud and not rather compounding their problems for them. See you guys later in the house, I have decided to journey back home now.
Akua Yankey
Okay my dear thanks for not turning your back on us even though you are a man of your words.
Bernice Ansah
Mummy, what is going on? Was that papa trying to find out what was going on?
Akua Yankey
Yes, it was him, my dear, he called to find out if truly your brother had been released because he pulled some strings and your brother was released just like that. Let’s hurry up home since the sky isn’t looking friendly and for you, Kwaku Mike take a hard lesson from what happened today.
Michael Ansah
Mummy, I need not be told, I have learnt my lessons due to what I encountered inside there. I won’t even wish what I encountered there to even my enemy and from henceforth if someone threatens to engage me in a police-related matter I will run for cover.
Akua Yankey
Its all in your hands my son, now what do we even do to the food and drink your sister went to buy for you?
Michael Ansah
Oh give me that so I hand it over to my primary school mate I met inside there. His story is the worse story I have ever heard and he has really suffered in this world at his tender age.
Michael Ansah gave the food and drink to his friend and later rushed home with his family members and in no time the rain descends heavily so that the Christmas harmattan could show it’s existence. The rain came down for hours without even reducing its pressure and eventually the wind was blowing violently whiles the thunder strike was massive and rampant. Later the lights went off and in a short time Opana knocked on the door and when the door was opened and he got into the room the lights came back but his family members screamed out of shock with what their eyes saw……..
What did the family members of Opana see that made them scared?
Episode 25
Bernice Ansah
Jesus Christ!!!! Papa, what happened to you?
Akua Yankey
Give me way, Adjoa Bernice so I see what is wrong with my husband. My lord, what happened to you? Were you involved in a fatal accident or who attacked you?
Please heat hot water for me because today I saw things I haven’t personally witnessed before. The car I was travelling back in was involved in an accident with an approaching vehicle which left its lane to our lane.
Akua Yankey
Ah, was the driver drunk? If drivers are warned not to drink and drive they take that caution for granted and instead of the police on the road to check them on that, they rather go in for one Ghana cedis on the road. That driver’s silly mistake I presume nearly took lives of innocent people, hope know one died?
Actually, the driver driving the other car wasn’t drunk or even a man, it was a lady who was heavily pregnant. I think she had a force labour whiles driving and that was what probably made her lose control of her steering as it was also heavily raining. Fortunately for her, she was stripped in her seatbelt so her chest or head didn’t hit the steering as she eventually runs into a tree close to the street. Our car somersaulted three times but no one died, our driver and some people at the front seat incurred serious injuries and are in a critical condition now at the hospital, luckily for the lady driving the other car she was operated upon the moment we arrived at the hospital, I sustained some minor injuries when I hit my head on the glass window I was sitting next to but I was attended to when we got to the hospital and the doctor says am going to be alright after I rest a bit a take some painkillers so don’t worry because am okay.
Akua Yankey
Oh God, how do I thank you enough, you continue to surprise me every second and I don’t even know what to do or the words to use in praising you. If not for your mercies like probable news of me being a widow might be in the air coming to me but you have saved my husband and the other people. Tomorrow my entire household will come to your feet at the church to thank you in a grand thanksgiving service but why is your white shirt drenched in blood like that?
Oh, the blood in my dress was from one of the passengers who is in a critical state now. His head got broken and the way his blood was pumping out from his head I pray he doesn’t pass away through this accident. Please get me something to eat so I take my medicines and don’t forget the hot water.
Akua Yankey
Bernice, don’t just stand there, go to the kitchen and put water on the stove and bring his supper when coming back from the kitchen.
Bernice Ansah
Okay, mummy, I will be right back and papa I’m happy God brought you back to us in a good shape.
Thank you, my daughter, but where is your brother?
Bernice Ansah
Papa, he is in his room by now, am guessing he is reflecting on what happened to him by now.
It serves him right, tell him to come and see me after my supper. We have a very long man to man talk.
Minutes later Opana is done with his food, he goes in to have a hot shower and after that, he summons Kwaku Mike to the living room for his anticipated man to man talk.
Kwaku Mike my son, I have never and will never hate or dislike you in this world. My reason is that you are my only son and the real descendant of my generation, if my name will ever remain on this earth then it will come from the bold step you take in the future and when I say the future, it’s not five or ten years ahead from now but rather the next second or minute ahead of us, the truth for me is, I don’t see your three other siblings (sisters) as my children or heir to anything I own on this earth because in some few years ahead they will get married to some men you and I don’t know yet and eventually drop the family name “Ansah” for the men they will be marrying. Their children who will be my grandchildren will bear different surnames which is far different from ours, their names could be Ga, Ewe, Akyem, Ashanti, Fanti, Dagomba, Brong, Krobo, Loso or even our own Akuapem background but at the end of the day, we are still blood-related. Nobody points to his father’s house with his left hand and no one will throw his intestines away and cover his stomach with leaves, yes I was and am still angry with the action you and your mother took behind me when you were back in school. But as at now, the egg has been broken and no matter what I or anyone do I can’t change anything but it pains me that as a man that you are, you couldn’t confide in me your father and you rather went to your mother for counsel. Let me tell you today that, a man raises up a male child and a woman does for a female, our elders say the child that learns how to wash his hands well dines with the elders. I know you are of age and if you were playing your duties well like by now I should have drawn you near and be showing you some family properties or plans but as it looks now you are very weak to be exposed to certain things like that. Honestly, it pains me when I see how bad things have gone but I know it’s bent but not broken, my son as I always say, when I was your age I was already a dad and was taking care of your mother and you standing in front of me with your hands behind you, I didn’t even own an “O” level certificate but for you, you are a degree holder which means you have even a bigger advantage more than me when you step out of this house to search for greener pastures. I believe you changed your course because there was a dream job or career you wanted to pursue that is why you and your mother stabbed me in the back. I had plans for you and by now you would have been gainfully employed where you would be working on building your own house by now. This is the time you should use the youthful strength you have to do something useful and meaningful to your life and that of your family. My son I will also stress on one thing that you learn how to say “mine and not ours”, what I have right now, I inherited most of them from my uncle even though he had male children, as Akans and Akuapem’s we fully inherit from our maternal side which means your mother brother’s properties and you know all your uncles are more broke than the church rats. For the first time ever in your life, I have sat you down to talk to you like a man because I don’t want you or anyone someday to call me a very bad, selfish or self-centred person for neglecting my fatherly responsibilities. It’s high time you hold the bull by its horn and time will never wait for man or even get a leg problem to say am resting a bit, it always moves or walks even when all of us sleep. A word should be enough for the wise, ponder over the things I said to you and you will never regret taking a clue from my advice, am already having a headache so let me retire to bed and rest. I will see you tomorrow God willing, good night my son.
Michael Ansah
Good night Papa, and thank you for this manly advice, I needed it badly and I promise not to disappoint you or this family.
Next Morning:
Akua Yankey
(worshipping God in her bedroom) Ah thank God for another wonderful Sunday morning, the Lord has been so good and merciful to my family, we can’t exchange your praises to any other thing on this earth. Receive your adoration and praises because you deserve it, my God, there is no other God apart from you and my household and I will continue to serve you without looking back or ceasing. My Lord my God, I bless your holy name, I…
(opens his eyes slightly on his bed and checks the clock on the wall and interrupts the praises and worship of his wife) Woman, do you realise it’s still not fully morning? The daylight hasn’t shown itself and neither has the cock crowed so why don’t you allow me to sleep a bit, it is now 4:35 am and are you aware that doing the right thing at the wrong time makes it a sin before God himself? Please let me feel that am in the comfort of my house because I need to rest badly.
Akua Yankey
So praising God is now a crime erh? Please don’t walk into the new year with this your old lifestyle ooo, you need to do a rebranding of yourself and how you do your things in this house please, I beg of you!!!
It will be prudent if you shut your mouth, my dear. Doesn’t your Bible talk about being submissive towards your husband’s and that we are the heads of the family and house. This matter has been closed so don’t utter a single word any longer.
Akua Yankey
Hmmmm, for the sake of peace and harmony I will keep quiet and not involve you in any argument but at the right time, we will tackle this issue.
Later on in the day:
Akua Yankey
My husband, please wake up, it’s already 8:35 am and you have to prepare so we all go to church together. You know we have a thanksgiving service to attend, breakfast is almost ready and the children are done with their preparation towards the Church.
You can take lead for me to come later when am done sleeping because I feel I still need adequate sleep.
Akua Yankey
Please, wake up, your warm water is already in the bathroom and any further delay will make the water go cold because of the early morning harmattan which is serious this early morning.
So, for you, you don’t take no for an answer erh, for the sake of peace, I will also do as you say.
Later Opana came back from the bathroom feeling refreshed.
Where is Mike this morning? I need him to iron my black shirt and trouser for me.
Akua Yankey
Black shirt? You shock fans paaa sometimes, we are going for a thanksgiving service and you are thinking of wearing a black shirt. Please go in for some of your kente cloths, I think your white kente will be perfect for you this morning. Since you bought it two years ago you have only used it ones so am voting for you to put it on for you to look more handsome for me.
Have you forgotten it rained last night and that the ground might still be wet with mud and muddy water?
Akua Yankey
I know but you will also have to know how to wrap the cloth on you, let me serve your breakfast to you. Service has already started at the church and we need to get there early to get the session clerk to record our thanksgiving news or information.
Akua Yankey serves her husband and after he finished eating he dressed up and the family left the house for the church, as they stepped out of the house and were on street, Akua Yankey remembered she had left something behind and pleaded with her family members to wait for her to get it and in her absence, something unexpected happened……..
Edited By:
Derbie Gyeshie
The Coffin Maker
The Writer
I am Akoto Adjei Alexander, a Christian. A product of Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi-Kwahu. I am in my late 20’s and the last born of the boys my parent brought to earth. I am a fiction/scriptwriter who loves to write about nature and the realities of life. Furthermore, I do a little of Graphics Design, I do MC’ing of events somethings, a Motivational Speaker and a Relationship Talk Expert.Â
Guest Writer: Alexander Akoto Adjei :: THE COFFIN MAKER :: EPISODE 21-23
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