A ChrisEffe Bliss
The Author
Elsie-Mina – tall, sleek, streamlined body – sighed when she felt Kuuku’s hand grabbing hers and guiding it to his semi-erect penis. As she curled her hand around it and caressed it half-heartedly, she felt his hand closing on her right breast and his thumb slowly moving across the nipple.
As usual, his touch was heavy and rushed, signifying his impatience to be inside her.
It was very dark in the bedroom mostly because they were three-storeys up and only pale reflections of light came in through the drawn window blinds. She sighed again when she remembered Chris, her Chris.
They had always made love with the light on so that they could see and revel in each other’s body. Caressing Kuuku’s dick was perfunctory; his hand gently massaging her nipples was perfunctory!
Almost according to cue – just as she knew he would do – she felt his hand on her left thigh, up her hip, and then he slipped it between her labia and rubbed her clit up and down… so predictably, so perfunctory!
Soon, he would shift above her, move her legs apart, and enter her with a grunt. He would move within her as she rubbed his back, and soon he would groan and shudder as he let go.
Or he would turn her on her side and enter her, rubbing his hands across her curvaceous buttocks as he humped with grunts of enjoyment.
So predictable, and so perfunctory!
Not so with Chris, Lord no!
Chris would have had her moaning by now, out of control as she glared into his eyes and mounted him, or side-sat him, or used a full cowgirl! He would have had her panting with lust and desire as he held her in his powerful arms, his soft moans real as he relished in the sweetness of what they were exchanging!
That was Chris, an exceptional man, a different man!
Her Chris! Oh, Chris!
But this was Kuuku!
Oh, yes, the predictable, perfunctory lover!
Kuuku pulled his engorged penis out of her hand and groaned as he got on his side and put his lips on her right nipple. She moaned a bit as she gently rubbed his cheeks and ears.
She wanted him to go down on her, to feel his tongue lapping her excited clit for a while before he entered her. That was usually the only way for her to be at pace with him and sometimes attained an orgasm.
He was always fast and in a hurry, unable to control his lunges and thrusts, and so he usually left her high and hanging!
Not like Chris in the least!
With Chris, she always hit a height wave, most of the time in multiples, her body cringing as she moaned and wept with sheer ecstasy!
Oh, Chris!
Why was he so sharply on her mind this night?
Why couldn’t she just stop thinking about him today?
The whole day Elsie-Mina had been haunted with the memories of her life with Chris, and it had left her melancholic and sad. Lord, how she missed him after five years. And yet, she had to accept the fact that she would probably never see him again!
And that fact simply tore her apart!
That was why she needed the solace tonight, to forget her pain, her inner turmoil, and for a few minutes find joy in the act of a good screw.
Kuuku was now on top of her, prodding her legs apart as he lowered his lips to hers. Even his kiss was perfunctory, his tongue moving around hers for a while, and then he went on his haunches and directed himself into her, and then he grunted as he began to move gently.
Elsie-Mina forced herself to concentrate, wrapping her arms around him and lifting her long legs, crossing them at the ankles around his waist as he exerted on top of her.
She wondered idly if this was the night that she would attain another orgasm. Lord, she craved it – no, she actually needed an orgasm badly, something to relax her and make her sleep immediately, like it always happened with Chris.
What had been so natural and constant with Chris was now an unexpected luxury. Sometimes, if she had been horny enough, around her ovulation, she did achieve an orgasm with Kuuku.
He kissed her desperately and slid a little sideways so that he could grab her beautiful butt and thrust harder into her.
She moaned softly against his lips.
“Slow down, my love,” she whispered tenderly. “Make it last for me! I’m enjoying you, darling!”
“You’re so sweet, Elsie, too sweet,” he whispered in a breathless voice as he felt her gripping him tighter. “Oh, yes, oh yes, yes!”
He was moving faster, desperate now, and she recognized the signs.
He was near his orgasm, and she sighed resignedly. Obviously, this was not the night for another beautiful explosion because he was way ahead now, too effusive in his passion to slow down and wait for her.
She was not really into it anyway.
No, not when thoughts of Chris had filled her head almost the whole day. Elsie-Mina held him tighter and moaned, faking her sounds for him. She knew he liked it when he thought he was giving her so much pleasure, and it always spurred him on. His weight was on her left thigh and it was beginning to hurt a bit and go numb, but she did not want to break his rhythm.
Suddenly, she just wanted him to be done with it so that she could try and sleep. But that was going to be difficult, she knew. However, Kuuku would slumber soon afterwards. Perhaps, when he was asleep, she could go to the bathroom or one of the rooms and pleasure herself, hit the summit and then come back to bed.
“I love you, baby!” Kuuku groaned. “Oh, I’m coming! I’m coming so hard, baby!”
And just as he screamed and began to shoot his load, the lights in the room came on!
Just like that!
One moment they were in absolute darkness, enjoying the rush of passion in lust – or, to be more candid, he was enjoying his orgasm – and in another moment they were flooded with harsh light that illuminated the bed and every inch of the room!
It was so sudden and shocking that Elsie-Mina shut her eyes for a moment, and then she opened them wide when she sensed movement near the door… and then she screamed when she saw him!
He was a tall man, well-muscled, so handsome and spectacular even though his face was bearded. He was wearing black baggy trousers and nothing else, his feet bare, his chest huge, tapering to his waist.
His cold eyes appraised them lazily without expression.
Elsie-Mina kicked away from Kuuku and as his penis came out of her, his jism spewed out, warm and thick, and landed on her inner thighs. Her eyes were bulging, her face thunderstruck as she stared at the handsome bare-chested man in the room watching them, wondering for one horrific moment if she was going mad!
Had her mind projected him here because she had been thinking so much about him the whole day? Elsie-Mina shut her eyes tightly, hoping that when she opened them that sight would be gone, but then her heart gave a heavy lurch of despair and great anguish when she heard Kuuku’s hushed whisper cutting through the groans of his passion.
“Chris? Is that you, Chris?” Kuuku grated out, his voice unsteady and scared as he stared at the huge, cold figure of Chris Bawa. “Jesus, Chris!”
Elsie-Mina knew that she could not have imagined it if Kuuku could also see Chris! Her eyes flew open and she saw him still standing in the doorway, as big as a mountain, his hands hanging beside him, and his cold eyes just fixed on them.
“Chrissy!” Elsie whispered, her voice a tortured, horrified wrecked groan of great anguish.
She got off the bed aware that Kuuku’s juice was running down her leg. Her face was a mirror of a woman who had just witnessed hell and saw herself burning in a real, live-time horror. Frantically, she dragged the bed cover off and held it in front of her, covering her nakedness as she looked down suddenly, unable to hold Chris Bawa’s gaze any longer.
Finally, she understood how it felt like to wish for the floor to open up and swallow her whole.
Kuuku, passion forgotten, smeared with his own seed, sat on the edge of the bed and hunkered down, showing his profile to the cold man standing in the doorway. His hands were unsteady as he linked them on his laps.
Elsie-Mina raised her head slowly and looked at Chris, and she saw him through a blur of tears as her shoulders shook uncontrollably.
“Chrissy!” she whispered again, and her voice broke on a violent sob. “Oh, Lord! Oh, Chrissy! Shit, shit, shit! I’m sorry, Chrissy, my love! I’m so sorry! Oh, Lord, oh shit!”
“Where’s my son?” Chris Bawa asked calmly.
“Chris, please!” Kuuku began as he turned his head, and he found himself looking into the cold, violent eyes of Chris Bawa.
“Gonna tear you up limb by limb if you don’t fucking shut up, Kuuku,” Chris said calmly, and then fixed his eyes on Elsie again. “Asked you a question, Els. Where’s my boy?”
Elsie broke into fresh tears again, this time her voice raising uncontrollably in a tortured bawl. Her legs gave, and she dropped slowly to the floor, clutching the cloth to her breasts and weeping hard.
Chris Bawa walked forward then, but not towards them; he moved to the huge French Windows that opened out to the beautiful balcony beyond the bedroom that overlooked the garden in the back.
“Five minutes. Get dressed, Els. I want my boy,” he said calmly without turning as he went to the balcony.
The moment he was out of the room, Kuuku began to move.
He rolled off the edge of the bed and gained his feet. He rushed to the wardrobe and ripped it open, then sighed with relief when he saw his official SPF holster hanging where he always left it, and his gun was inside.
Elsie-Mina, who was still weeping, dejectedly, did not see that Kuuku had dragged out his gun and was walking stealthily towards the dark French Windows, hoping to catch Chris standing by the exotic railings and looking out at the dark garden.
With the gun in his right hand, and still naked, Kuuku pushed one of the windows carefully open and brought up the gun, sweeping it across the balcony and trying to locate Chris Bawa’s huge frame!
Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal . Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal. Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss. A ChrisEffe Bliss, Prodigal, A ChrisEffe Bliss.
Premium Story: A ChrisEffe Bliss :: PRODIGAL :: EPISODE 6
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