The Author
Kofi Kuntu works for his future father-in-law, MR. LARYEA ODAMTEN.
He is a real estate developer, and Kuntu works in the Marketing office of the LARYEA ODAMTEN WALLS.
Everybody in the office knows that Mr. Odamten dislikes Kofi. The truth is that Kofi also dislikes his soon-to-be father-in-law.
However, for the sake of beautiful AKWELEY ODAMTEN, the only daughter of Laryea, and the sweetheart of Kofi, they have learned to co-exist.
Kuntu had met Akweley at Kumasi Polytechnic.
She had been beautiful, wealthy and bored!
Boys had tried to impress her with expensive stuff she was already used to. She had been in Kuntu’s class.
One day she had brought a difficult assignment on Cost Accounting to his room at the hostel. She wanted help with the assignment.
Kuntu had been a sort of authority in Cost Accounting.
Like all the boys he had been seriously fantasizing about Akweley Odamten for a long time, and so when she came to him with that assignment, it had been a most glorious day for him.
Prior to that they had barely spoken to each other even though they were in the same class, she being a part of the Upper Class, and Kuntu a poor orphan struggling to make it through the day, always broke and hungry.
Instead of doing the assignment with her, he had rather painstakingly guided her through the lesson to make her understand the topic, and then he had told her to tackle the assignment.
She had tackled it, easily.
She had whooped with joy, jumping up and down when he told her she had gotten all the answers right.
Now, Kuntu had already smoked a couple of rolls of marijuana a short while before she came inside, and it had turned him into a brave boy of sorts, and the sight of her jiggling breasts had been such a turn-on that Kuntu had grabbed one of them.
She had been shocked and stood still as a statue, and he had then grabbed the other breast too.
Her hands were raised, and she had stared at him with shock.
Then she had given him a double slap.
Her right hand came down… wham!
Her left hand came down… wham!
Although Kuntu’s ears had rung, he had grinned nevertheless!
He had already done what he had always dreamed of doing: grabbing Akweley Odamten by the breasts!
She had taken her books and stormed out of the room.
Kuntu had put on some clothes and fled to town, afraid that she might call her famous and rich father who would bring an army of policemen.
But she hadn’t done that.
Three days later she had come with another assignment.
Halfway through teaching her, unable to control himself, he had reached out and grabbed her boobs again, and this time he had felt her nipples hardening.
He clenched his teeth in anticipation of the double slaps, but instead she had rushed at him and knocked him across the room straight into his lower-bunk bed!
They had kissed in frenzy!
He had gotten up and locked the door and then like Fela Kuti’s song he had gone BANG, BANG, BANG, I JUST DEY GO OOOO!!
And they have been a couple since then!
Akweley, whose mother is dead, is the apple of her father’s eye, and to please her Mr. Odamten has employed Kofi in his company after their graduation.
The Headoffice of the Company is a magnificent five-storey edifice.
Kuntu’s office is on the ground floor in the Marketing Section.
He is in charge of the Marketing Software.
His assistant is a chubby round-faced womanizer called ATO SEY.
He is twenty-eight years old, two years older than Kofi. He had been employed first, and when Kofi came in he became Kofi’s assistant.
Ato Sey, however, has never been bitter about being demoted. He and Kofi had hit it off from the first day, and they have shared many adventures together.
That morning, Kofi enters the office and sees that Ato is sitting behind his desk with his head on top of the desk, asleep and snoring with saliva drooling down the corner of his lips.
Kofi smiles, puts down his backpack, and then he opens the refrigerator, scoops some ice with his forefinger, tiptoes forward, and jams his ice-cold finger into Ato’s exposed right ear.
Ato gives an ear-curdling frantic scream…
Kofi collapses with peals of laughter as Ato sits up and looks around frantically, his eyes red and still heavy with sleep.
“Playboy! Didn’t you sleep last night?” he asks.
Ato wipes water from his ear and glares at Kofi with murderous eyes.
“Bastardidant!” he says.
Kofi collapses with laughter at that, and after a while Ato also begins to smile.
“You hammered Abrefi last night, didn’t you? That’s why you’re sleeping like that,” Koif says.
Kofi is putting on his PC when Ato smiles, stands up and approaches Kofi’s desk.
He takes out his wallet, unzips a pouch inside the wallet and takes out a small clear rubber pouch, the type medicine shops put pills in.
Kofi sees that inside the pouch is a little black object.
“Last night was a bomb, my paddy! I disciplined that hole between Abrefi’s thighs!”
“Apuu!” Kofi says disdainfully. “She always laughs at you for having your orgasms too fast! Last time I heard she said you were not man enough!”
Just then the office door opens and ABREFI DUFIE walks in.
She is one of the Kitchen Staff.
She is tall and shapely, and she wheels in their breakfast on a trolley.
Demurely, she smiles at Ato as she goes inside a small inner office, which is a resting area for Ato and Kofi, and where they also took their meals.
Kofi looks at Ato with sudden surprise.
Abrefi, in the past, had never bothered to take their food inside the rest area to serve them.
She normally leaves the trolley in front of Ato’s desk.
But today she has done the unexpected!
She has really entered the rest room to serve their breakfast!
Ato smiles broadly and winks at Kofi.
Kofi stands up and peeks into the inner living-area.
Abrefi is now setting the table for their breakfast.
He turns and glares at Ato with total incomprehension.
This is definitely unusual!
Kofi raises his eyebrows, and Ato grins from ear to ear.
Presently Abrefi emerges and smiles sweetly at Ato.
“Your breakfast is ready, darling,” she says tenderly.
“Thanks, Abrefi,” Ato says brusquely.
She moves close to Ato and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Tonight, my love?”
“Will check my schedule and call you,” Ato replies without a smile.
“Please do that, my love,” she says sweetly, almost imploring.
She leans forward and kisses Ato lightly on the lips, and then she goes out and gently shuts the door.
Kofi stares at them with mouth hanging open.
This is so unlike the fiery Abrefi who always treats Ato with absolute disdain, calling him a moron ever since she went home with Ato one evening and he lasted under a minute with her, and couldn’t get an erection again for the rest of the night.
“Jeezoz, Jeezoz!” Kofi utters, awed. “Ato! What did you do to Abrefi? You haven’t jujued her, have you? Have you tied her mind with some black voodoo spell from Anloga?”
Ato smiles and points a finger at the sachet with the strange black stone in it.
“You’re looking at the power of the Jamaican Stone, my atopa paddy!” Ato says proudly. “The Jamaican Stone, that is the thing right there in the pouch!”
Kofi picks up the pouch and looks at the strange black stone-like object in it.
“What the fuck is this, man?”
Ato preens and puffs out his chest.
“There, my dear player, is the answer to every man’s problem! It is called the Jamaican Stone, a little thing, but more powerful than a bazooka, or a grenade! There, my friend, is what will transform you from a player to a god! This is ogidigidi, python, lion, eagle power all rolled into one! That little thing made me destroy Abrefi last night. You see that she is meek now, and you think I jujued her? She was behaving so unnaturally, wasn’t she? You thought she was mad, right? Last night I was giving it to her kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning with pleasure, shouting out my name like Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey!”
“Damn! Tell me more, Ato! What does the Jamaican Stone do?”
“That stone right there, which I got from a Malian friend, will lock your seed! You don’t have to worry about coming! You see, Abrefi was laughing at me for not lasting for more than a minute in bed with her. My Malian friend gave me the Jamaican Stone. I swear, Kofi, when I used it my waist was just going like a machine-gun, gigigigigigigigigigi!! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa! No stopping!
Almost one hour straight! Abrefi was running away! That silly, hungry nymphomaniac with the insatiable pussy fled from me! She begged me to allow her to sleep for a while! I let her sleep for one hour and then I woke her up and continued kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa and she was moaning Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey, Bla Sey! Yo, I hammered her for another hour before I landed! I woke her up again at dawn and she said no more, she was tired! Yes man! I was King Kong, man!Bedroom bully of the highest hammering quality! And that was the work of the J Stone, man!”
“Wooooooow!” Kofi says with a grin. “I want one, man!”
“Of course, I knew you would, player! I bought that one for you.”
“How do I use it?”
“It is touch and play, man! About fifteen minutes before the game, put a drop or two of water in your palm, and then grind the stone in the water. Don’t ground it too much, my paddy. Grind it just a little, and the water will turn a milky white. Now take the Jamaican Stone out and use the milky solution to smear just the tip of your mamba, the circumcised head, not the whole shaft. Wait for ten minutes. It will start smarting you a bit, and then you wash it off with water and soap. That’s all! It will make your penis less sensitive, and you can hammer the thing like a god! Don’t brake, don’t stop, don’t pause! Long hours! Your waist will go like a jet plane, bro, ziiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn!”
They both laugh and go inside to eat breakfast.
“I’ll test it on Akweley tonight. It’s her father’s birthday party, and I’m sure we’ll get a little privacy to get naughty, and I’ll ride with the Jamaican Stone, man! Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa!”
Ato stops and glares at Kofi, shaking his head.
“Don’t be stupid, man! Akweley is your fiancée. You’re going to marry her next month, man! Don’t use the J Stone on her, man!”
“Comot for there, massa! Tonight I’m going to go kpa kpa kpa kpa!”
The two friends laugh again, and then attack the delicious breakfast Abrefi has brought.
Ato puts a huge slice of fried egg into a divided bread, bites a huge chunk and then looks at Kofi with sudden bright eyes.
Ato then speaks from a full mouth.
“Herssh, don’tshs letsssh hershh shussks yoursshh penishhh whenshh youshh pushhs the Jamishaaan shtonesh on ishhh.”
“Siasem, what the fuck is that?” Kofi asks with a chuckle. “I didn’t hear a thing! Swallow the food and speak well!”
Ato laughs as he drops sugar into a cup of cocoa and adds a generous amount of milk. He stirs and then raises the cocoa and drinks.
“I was telling you that don’t let the chicks suck your prick when you put the Jamaican Stone on it.”
Kofi frowns.
“Why? Is it poisonous? I like my dick sucked.”
“I don’t think it is poisonous, but that’s what my Malian friend told me. Don’t let the girl suck you when you use the Stone.”
“But why?”
“I said I don’t know, fuck off! It’s just the instruction I was given! If you want fellatio let her do it before you smear the Stone solution on your dick, man.”
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