A ChrisEffe Thriller
The Author
There was a sleek, silver Mercedes Benz parked in front of the beautiful house with all the windows rolled up.
It was eight o’clock in the night, and the man in the driver’s seat is reclining back with his head on the headrest, tapping his fingers on the steering-wheel lightly in rhythm with the love song emanating from the car’s speakers.
The street in front of the house was a little dark because of the huge trees on either side of the street which had grown so tall and powerful that their branches had interlocked above and covered the street.
Up along the street, not very far from where the car was parked, a young man was leaning against one of the trees, and he had his phone pressed to his ear.
He was wearing dark jeans and a white polo T-shirt.
He was a handsome young man, and in the darkness his face looked really stressed as he looked on the screen of his phone and redialled, pressing the phone once again to his ear and listening as it rang and kept ringing without a response from the other end.
Just as he was about to dial again he saw that the little gate near the main entrance of the house had opened, and an extremely beautiful girl came out.
She was dressed in a black evening dress that fitted her like a dream. It accentuated her incredible curves and her incredible beauty. She was fair, and her hair was styled short, giving her profile an exotic look.
She quickly walked toward the parked car, and the boy leaning against the tree started trotting toward her, his face all cut up with the depths of the jealous feelings ravaging his body.
The beautiful girl smiled as the man behind the wheel got out of the Mercedes and approached her.
The man was of medium build, and he was in an excellently-cut black suit and yellow shirt. He complimented the girl on her beauty, and they hugged briefly.
When they parted they saw the handsome boy standing in front of the car with his phone in his left hand, looking at the girl with pure pain on his face.
The beautiful girl looked at the young man and sighed with obvious frustration as she put her head to one side and regarded him angrily.
“Chris,” she said simply and shook her head, sighing with pent-up exasperation.
“I’ve been calling you for about thirty minutes now, Effe, and you never bothered to pick the call!” the handsome boy said.
“I didn’t pick the call because I was dressing up, Chris, and I didn’t want to keep Robert here waiting! Chris, you’ve been calling me the whole day!” Effe Kedem said, and her voice wasn’t kind.
“The least you could’ve done was answer my call, Effe, please!” Chris Bawa said miserably. “Or at least sent me a message!”
“It would’ve led to this same situation we’re in now, Chris!” Effe said and came toward him, shaking her head again. “And you know it is a situation I detest! Come on, Chris! What’s all this? I told you I would see you tomorrow morning!”
Chris looked at the man in the suit who was now leaning against the door and looking at Chris with a condescending smile on his face.
“Who’s this guy, Effe?” Chris Bawa asked miserably.
“He’s a friend, Chris, and I’m going out to dinner with him,” Effe said. “Please don’t come and ruin my night with your jealousies, please, I beg of you!”
“Wow!” Chris said with a shake of his head. “Me? Jealousies? Sure, fine, I’m jealous, Effe! I’m very jealous because I love you, because you’re all that I have! You claim you love me, but it seems I’m not sufficient for you! You’re going to dinner this late, at this time, with another man?”
“Chris!” Effe said, frowning. “Please have a little respect for me. The fact that I love you doesn’t mean I can’t have a social life, or that I can’t go out on a friendly dinner with a friend.”
Chris put his phone in his back pocket and shoved his hands into his pockets, and when he looked at Effe again his face was all shattered up.
“You know I can’t stand you with other guys, Effe!” he said, his voice trembling, his expression cut with pain. “I know I’m jealous and possessive, and I’ve tried to control those emotions, but I can’t. You’re all I need, all that I want. If you love me, as you say, why can’t we hang out together, just you and me? Do you have to date other guys, hang out with them even though you know I get hurt by these things?”
“Yes, Chris, I do know you get hurt, but you’re hurting yourself over nothing!” Effe said crossly as she glared at him. “You stifle me with your crazy jealous rants and behaviour! I love you, so stop behaving as if I’m a cheap prostitute you found somewhere on the streets! Show me a little respect! The fact that I go out doesn’t mean I’m sleeping around, please! I have friends, and I like going out and hanging out with them. Don’t expect me to be a prisoner simply because I love you, Chris! Jesus! Just give me a little space to breathe, please!”
She turned away from him and opened the door of the car.
Chris looked at her helplessly, trying to still the beating of his heart, his jealousy peaking so dangerously that he moved forward and held Effe’s arm.
“Effe!” he groaned. “Please, don’t do this to me! I haven’t finished discussion things with you!”
Effe snatched her arm out of his grasp.
“I have, Chris!” she said fiercely. “There’s nothing left to discuss. Just go home and stop embarrassing me!”
She entered the car and slammed the door.
The man in the suit was gaping at Chris with total surprise, and then he chuckled and opened his door.
“Jesus, man!” he said, looking over the roof of the car at Chris. “Get a life, bro! You can’t police a girl like this! You’ll strangle her and any feelings she might have for you! Give her some space, bro.”
Chris looked fiercely at the man, and his hatred was so palpable that the man did a double take.
“Shut the fuck up!” Chris hissed.
The man got behind the wheel, slammed the door, started the engine, and gunned the car away, leaving Chris standing in the darkness gazing after them.
Chris dug out his phone from his back pocket and dialled Effe’s number. The phone rang, but it was cut off quickly.
He called again, but the phone was now switched off.
There was a scratching sound as the small gate opened behind him, and he turned. Two beautiful girls stepped out.
One was almost exactly like Effe; the tell-tale difference was that she was thinner. She was wearing a pink sleeveless top and jeans skirt. She was Eyram Kedem, Effe’s twin sister.
The other girl was dark complexioned. She was shorter, and severely curvaceous with huge rounded buttocks, a blazing black beauty. She was Baaba Brooks, and she was a cousin of the sisters and had lived with them almost her whole life due to the fact that her parents died in a car accident when she was just three years old.
Baaba was wearing a black body-hugging dress that showed off her incredible curves to perfection. She put her hands on her waist and stared at Chris with mirth crinkling in her eyes.
“Ei, Mr. Jealousy Chris Bawa!” Baaba said. “What is this? You’re now a bodyguard tailing Effe everywhere she goes? Chris, you’re too possessive! It is not healthy!”
Eyram laughed and looked at Chris with a slanted head.
“It is good Effe is the one you fell for, Chris,” Eyram said softly with a hardness in her eyes. “If it had been me, you would’ve been history a long time ago! These jealous fits are bullshit, Chris! Get a hold on yourself! You’re a man, after all, and you should learn to control your feelings a bit!”
Chris looked at them with pained eyes.
It seemed he wanted to speak, and for a few minutes he looked so lost and miserable. Finally, he sighed and once again shoved his phone into his back pocket. Without a word he turned and walked into the darkness…and the derisive laughter of the two girls followed him.
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