Wrong Start
by Daisy Yawson
“Maybe you should start coming clean.”
With piercing dark eyes fixed on her brown ones, he held her waist again. Almost crushing her bones.
“Stop it. You’re hurting me!”
Without an ounce of thought, she used her small fist on his chest but it did no harm to him.
“Does my brother know we’ve been banging?”
Whispering seductively in her ears, he continued.
“Does he know, you like to be touched like this,” he said grabbing her left breast with his big palm, and added…
A moan escaped her lips.
“Tell me, Eyram, does he give you what you want in bed?”
“You don’t have to do this, Caleb, I’m never going to sleep with you again.”
With his left hand free, he forcefully pressed her cheekbone together. Inflicting pain on her before pulling down the skirt she wore.
Taking off his own trouser, he pinned her down with her back facing him.
And in one swift movement, slipped into her. Thrusting and cursing till she shook against him. In one loud grunt, he released his load into her before slipping out.
Still holding her body against him, he crushed his lips to her that she could hardly breathe. Eyram loved the roughness at which he handled her except for his familiarity with women.
Releasing his hold on her, he urges her.
“Clean yourself up and let’s talk.. I want to see my son.”
That stopped her in her tracks.
“We agreed you wouldn’t bring this up.”
Getting hold of her arms, he sneered.
“You know what? You should start opening up about Saeed’s father”.
He laughed.
“I shall want to see that bastard’s face then…..you know Eyram, my brother and I look much identical but there’s one thing we don’t have in common…I don’t have manners as he does…so darling, don’t get on my nerves”.
“Let go of me, you bastard.”
Letting go of her arms he proceeded to Saeed’s room, picking up the already awake child in his arms while he rocked him back and forth on his broad chest.
Eyram could only stare in disbelief. Getting whatever he wanted was an understatement. He fought for what he wanted. There was one thing that pricked at her conscience. During Caleb’s frequent visits, the child seemed to have warmed up to him as a father. Even calling him daddy in public places. It disturbed her as they will be going back to Ghana next month.
“Son” the child looked up at him.
“Stop calling him that,” Telling him sternly with her clenched fist.
Ignoring her, he continued.
“Have you any idea where we made you?” He asked while bouncing him on his arms.
Caleb fixed his eyes on Eyram before speaking.
“We made you in the back of my truck.”
“Give me my child.” Eyram came for the child who was already tired after being woken up that early.
“Go to sleep baby,” she rubbed his back before placing him back into his bed.
“I want his treatment done here.” he said, arms crossed over his chest.
“Do you even know what he needs?.. A donor Caleb..a donor”.
“Is the girl pregnant yet?”
She was silent.
“What the hell is wrong with you Eyram? I could be a match for him. Why waste my brother’s time?”
A laugh escaped her lips which were already swollen from the kiss earlier.
“Don’t tell me you care about him now”.
“Eyram.. you’re not stupid…our son is dying…. doing this will not help anyone…I think I know your problem..it’s his money you’re after.”
Shocked as she appeared to be, he wasn’t faxed by her reaction and continued.
“I may not be as wealthy as Ibrahim but I can give you the money you so desire and much more, baby.”
“Don’t touch me!” Releasing herself from his firm grip, she ordered him out.
Loving Caleb had always been easy for her. The two had already met before having dated Ibrahim. But leaving her broken and wanting each time was killing her. Vowing to leave his ass, she found out a part of him had been planted in her, still, she pinned the pregnancy on his brother who till date, had no idea of the truth.
“Don’t tell me the fuck what to do, Eyram…I still feed you and our son. So give me that fucking respect!” he barked.
Eyram moved back, for fear of him hitting her but got caught between the door and him.
“…I have already been patient enough,” whispering softly into her ears he continued.
“I promise you,.if I don’t have my son with me after a year, trust me love…you will not like how things will turn out for you.”
He pushed her aside and stepped out, leaving her fuming with rage.
Clutching her head, she blamed herself for having entertained him when he came back. Both brothers had the money but then she got more from Ibrahim at the expense of his son.
And now, she felt at the peak of the mountain.
After the last month, Ibrahim revisited her again. Entering her room, he saw her crouched on the tiled floor. Raising her head to face him, she apologized.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get pregnant.”
It’s the second time she’d apologized for seeing her period. He didn’t mind but a reminder of his son kept pushing him to do the inevitable. Finding his voice, he replied.
“It’s fine..we will do it again.”
This time, he slipped inside much easier. Her tight walls, milking his thick long dick while they rocked together. They moaned together. His body against hers. Pleasure filling their whole body. It was like scratching an itch that never wants to go away. His face touched hers. Both breathing heavily.
“You’re so perfect,” he gently told her before slipping out of her and walking out of her room naked.
His words had come out in a rush but he meant it. Ever since she turned 18, he’d seen her differently. He’d seen the woman in her and had come to appreciate it. First, he apologized to her for spewing those harsh words that he regretted saying so much. Helping her with her studies and having super with her every night. It became a routine.
Mimi just laid there with a satisfied look on her face.
Her waistline was already bruised from constant rubbing but she hadn’t let on for fear of him pulling away. Now the area burnt. Putting on a nightie, she stepped out as she held her side to the storeroom. Not having noticed him, she took out the wound cleaner and some cotton.
“Let me help you with it. Sit down.” Startled, she turned upon hearing him and pulled a chair to sit down.
“Where does it hurt?” Mimi unlike Ibrahim had gone to the kitchen for some beer. Gulping it down in one go. Finding the shadow walk past him to the storeroom, he had followed it. Finding her, he decided to help her.
“My side.” Fixing her deep-set eyes on him, she swallowed long and hard.
“Let me see.” confirming the shy look on her face, he retorted.
“It will be weird if you were still shy at this stage.”
Hesitating for a while, she pulled her nightie up to her waistline.
“You should have told me you were hurting there,” he scolded.
The area was red on her fair skin. Ibrahim shook his head in disbelief as he believed she could have at least told him something.
“You will stop if I said anything?”
That caused him to stop applying the ointment for a second then he continued.
“Don’t hide anything like this from me again.”
She nodded. Pulling her nightie down, she thanked him before leaving him alone.
It’s been 2 weeks since they slept together. Two weeks of giving her the attention she wanted. Till he received a call.
“I’m at the office. I’m sorry Cara. Let me put everything away and come to the airport…..Is Saeed okay?”
After getting a response, he left his secretary in charge of his office and drove for close to 45 minutes to the airport.
Seeing them at the other end, he walked to them. Eyram could be seen pushing a stroller with a cute little boy strapped inside, sucking on his pacifier.
Getting closer to her, he was already smiling.
“Hey, love…I missed you,” giving her a peck on her cheeks before turning his attention to the little boy. Saeed laid quietly in the stroller which was unusual as he always would have stretched his hands for Ibrahim to pick him. Eyram got nervous for a moment before speaking.
“Baby you know, he’s been moody since we got on the flight. You know how he is sometimes.”
Smiling, he patted gently on the boy’s head.
“Yes… it happened a lot with my niece…. he’s tired. We should go now.”
They talked a lot in the car… catching up on where they’d left off before Eyram left for the States. Eyram did not bring up the girl as she thought she was no threat to her as the mother of his most precious kid. Talking and laughing till they arrived at the mansion.
The mansion was no different than when she left it. Placing Saeed in his arms, she took a stroll around, missing everything in it and everything they’d done in it.
“I have his room prepared. Let me take him inside. It’s like he’s dozing off. Ain’t you coming inside?”
“I will. I have missed this place so much,” she exclaimed excitedly.
The excitement didn’t last after confessing she was going to be there for just a night.
He walked inside with her closely behind.
“I’m not accepting this, Ibrahim.”
Stopping him, she crossed her arms over her chest. Anger and disappointment written on her face.
“You promised us. Are you going to send your child away after seeing him?”
“Stop it, Eyram… don’t bring Saeed in this!” he warned sharply.
The boy looked between the two adults as they argued.
“It’s because of the spoilt brat, isn’t it!”
Feeling attacked for sending her out got to him. The shame he would have felt was replaced with pride over the past few weeks. Eyram talking about Mimi like that did not feel right with him, still, this woman was the mother of his son. Doing anything against her will made him feel worse.
Ignoring her, he went inside with the child.
After placing Saeed in his bed, he came out to the hall.
“I don’t want you starting a fight with her. Stay for another night. That way, it will be fair.” Telling her flatly, he sat opposite her on the couch.
Staring at the hot guy opposite her, she could only agree.
“Then you’ll share a bed with me?”
“Yes, yes. Eyram…so stop behaving like a child already. It’s getting on my nerves.”
“Are you sure he will come for you? Maybe he’s busy or something.”
Rodha asked after waiting with her for close to an hour.
Something he’d told her some time ago popped into her head.
“What’s today’s date?”
“You write the date in class. How have you forgotten so soon?”
“So today is Tuesday, 13th?”
“Of course!”
“Then, I have to go alone.”
Seeing the upset look on her face, she asked.
“Did something happen?”
“No, it’s fine. I will see you tomorrow.”
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