“SAVED” Episode One
This is pure imaginary fiction which has names and characters in it. Any resemblance of name and character has no personal attributes to anyone, forgive me for any dent or castigation this story might bring to your personality or name.
This is the sole property of the author/writer and under no circumstances must this story be published or acted anywhere without proper authorization from the author/writer. Anyone caught trying to do otherwise will be held accountable and prosecuted in a court of law.
Now enjoy the story as it unfolds itself episode by episode.
(American Ghanaian Setting)
Pastor Myles: That was a very powerful song ministration from our very own resident choir. I don’t know what you were feeling within you when the ministration was going on but the powerful words in the song were really getting to me. I felt motivated and spoken to when the lead singer was ministering.
Sister Marian, thank you for that powerful ministration, I know heaven is rejoicing by now with the perfect words in your song and your silky angelic voice. May God bless every single member of the choir not forgetting my abled choirmaster and the resilient masterclass instrumentalists. You guys rock and as you keep making the house of the Lord a very exciting place, the good Lord that we serve will also meet you at the point of your needs.
Drummer & Keyboardist: (plays some melodies to acknowledge the pastor)
Pastor Myles: Thank you so much guys, this morning as the song ministration was ongoing, if any one of you took a closer look at me, you would have seen me to be making some notes as the holy spirit brought a fresh message to me to deliver to the good children of our Lord and I titled my sermon as “SURRENDER TO SUBMISSION”. Look at the person seating next to you and say to that person, “I am going to surrender to submission. “
Congregation: (in a chorus voice) I am going to surrender to submission!!!
Pastor Myles: I didn’t hear you guys very well.
Congregation: (this time in a louder chorus tone) I am going to surrender to submission!!!
Pastor Myles: God bless you all. As you all heard with the scriptures that were read by our Bible readers this morning, we as Christians and children of God must learn to surrender to submission because that is the only way that God and the people we serve will be happy with us.
James 4 verse 10 says “We should humble ourselves before the Lord and in return, He will lift us up. ” But first, someone might ask, what is the meaning of surrender and submission? The Oxford Dictionary defines surrender “as giving up to power, control or possession of another.”
Again, it defines submission as the act of submitting or availing yourself to something or someone. In light of this, Abraham submitted himself to God and surrendered his only child and son Isaac to a burnt offering when God asked him to sacrifice his only child. When he decided to heed that instruction, we all know the outcome of that action, he was blessed and made the father of nations. When Jonah failed to submit himself to the errand God asked of him and he decided to run, he ended up in the belly of a whale for days and nights. Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God submitted himself to the mission that was assigned to him on this earth and he surrender himself when the Roman soldiers came to arrest him.
Brethren, trust me, he could have vanished, cast a spell on the soldiers or even ordered the soldiers to go blind or do something to favour himself but he gladly surrendered and even ordered Peter whose blood was hot to attack the soldiers to remain calm. What a humble soul and way to submit yourself to a course you know won’t favour you.
Brethren, how submissive are you? To my beautiful young educated married ladies here in this auditorium, how submissive are you to your husbands? Do you submit yourself to him as you vowed to do? Do you exchange words with him when he talks to you in the house? Do you read your rights to him because you are a career woman? And do you surrender your body to him when he wants to have access to your body?
Mr Greenville:(screams from behind) Preach on, Pastor.
Pastor Myles: I am preaching my brother.
In Ephesians 5 verse 22, the Bible says “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body of which he is the saviour.” As I am saying this, I can see the men of this house are very happy and nodding their heads like a lizard on the wall. You men also have a role to play if you want your women to be happy and submissive.
In Ephesians 5 verse 25, it’s made clear that “Husbands should love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for it.”
Practically, if both spouses are willing and ready to surrender and submit to each other, we won’t hear of divorce issues for a very long time in this church or even on social media platforms as has been a norm lately.
Just three nights ago, I was surfing on the internet and I came across a research document on divorce issues that were made by a black African professor by the name Gideon Akoto from the University of Colorado. In his research, he stated that every day in America, over one thousand marriages are dissolved due to granted divorces from the law court and most of the causes of the marriage breakups are because of submission from both partners because no one is ready to surrender to submission.
Before I bring my sermon to an end, I always thank the almighty God for how far He has brought Mr and Mrs Smith. I believe most of you will be wondering why I thank God for them always when I get the chance. You see, after my ordination from the theology school, Mr and Mrs Smith were the first couple I officiated their marriage in this very church twenty-three years ago and they are still happily married and enjoying their holy matrimony together as man and wife.
I will entreat you young guys planning to settle down to go close to them for some wonderful marriage tutorials as to what has kept them strongly together.
On this note, I end my sermon for today titled, SURRENDER to SUBMISSION and I hope the holy spirit led me to speak to someone in this very auditorium.
Entire Congregation: (gives thunderous applause to the pastor).
Pastor Myles: With what you have heard, who do you believe in?
Entire Congregation: (in a chorus voice recites the Apostles Creed) I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day, he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven and took a seat on the right-hand side of God the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of stains, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Deacon Jones: That was a really powerful sermon. Please give another round of applause to our Papa. He keeps blessing us with the unadulterated and undiluted word of God. He always has a great way of interpreting the word of God to us using our daily lives as emphasis. Pastor Myles, I pray your lamp will never run out of oil for you to keep blessing us with the word of God. I will call on the session clerk to give us the announcements after which the praises team will lead us to take our offertory.
Inside the Church’s Washroom:
Mrs Williams: (speaks in a low tone) Thelma, does he always have to use Edna and Gilbert as illustrations when he mounts the pulpit?
Mrs Woods: Does your husband support the church when a project is started here? Please allow Pastor Myles to function for he has a very soft spot for that family.
Mrs Williams: Even in God’s own house, favouritism and taking sides are taking place right here. On judgement day, I will go and hide behind the judgement room and listen to how some people will defend themselves for all the negative things they said or did on this planet called Earth.
Mrs Woods: (chuckles) And who will grant you the passage to that place in the first instance?
Mrs Williams: Be there, I have already started my reservation to heaven if you don’t know.
(hears someone flush the toilet)
Miss Simpson: (walks out from one of the closets) I will pretend I didn’t hear what you two gossips were discussing and let me advise you. Jealousy is the last class one attends to become a full-time witch.
Edna is not the reason why your so-called marriages are not working because she won’t bother herself to come and gossip about her fellow woman in a church washroom. You two pretend to be her close friends but behind her, you stab her in the back and speak ill about her even in the house of God.
For me, I won’t mention a word of this to any soul as to what I heard you two gossips say but I won’t promise you that I will keep mute if another person heard this discussion and reports you two. Kindly step aside so I use the tap, Madam Backbiter.
(washes her hands, wipes them and steps out).
Mrs Williams: (quickly searches through the washroom if another person is with them) See her long neck like a giraffe, who invited her into this conversation? Instead of her to worry about herself being single at her age, she comes to advise two mature married women. Ah, I don’t blame her one bit. It’s my fault to have followed you here to have this discussion that has given her the effrontery and audacity to open her stinking mouth to talk to me like her age mate.
Mrs Woods: Please don’t try to shift blames on me because I don’t remember requesting for you to follow me to this place and I am not the one who initiated this conversation in the first place. If there is anything to worry about, let’s pray she keeps her mouth shut as she promised to do. I don’t want this matter to get to the floor of the church’s disciplinary committee because if it does, everyone in this church will get to hear our discussion.
Mrs Williams: If Rebecca tries that nonsense, I will show her the stuff I am made of and besides if anyone tries to invite me to any disciplinary committee meeting, I will only quit the church after all, there are a thousand and one churches in this state and I don’t know any positive thing this church does for me? Now let me get back to the auditorium before another idiot comes to meet us here.
Mrs Woods: I will join you later in the auditorium when I am done easing myself.
Back at the Church Auditorium:
Deacon Jones: Please let’s rise for blessings from our Papa as he gives us the closing benediction.
Pastor Myles: Unto the merciful hands of the great architect of the world I commit your body, soul and mind. I decree that the divine wisdom that comes from heaven goes with you today. May God bless you with what you have prayed for, reward you with what you work for, grant you with what you hope for, surprise you with what you have not asked for and take you to the highest level beyond your enemies’ expectations in Jesus’ mighty name. The Lord will build your life upon a solid rock today and beyond, no storm will be able to sink you in Jesus’ name. The almighty God will smile at you this wonderful day and you will come back to church with great testimonies. He whom God has blessed, no man born of a woman can curse. Now go forth and shine for God has your back solidly. Amen.
Deacon Jones: We will take our closing hymn from hymn number 73 as the choir marches out and please don’t forget to socialize when the service is over. May the peace of the Lord be with you as we start a new week.
(the keyboardist plays a tune as the entire Congregation rises to sing and the choir marches out of the church).
Mr Williams: (exchanges handshake with Mr Smith) My brother it is good to see you again. I passed by the office last Wednesday but your secretary said you had gone to a conference in Washington.
Mr Smith: That is very true my brother, I came last night to get some documents and will rush back to the conference since I am doing a presentation tomorrow.
Mr Williams: This job of yours is very demanding and it always takes you out of town. I thought my job was a busy one but after our company and your company did that merger, I realized what I was complaining about was just the tip of the iceberg for you. The last time, Yvette was trying to complain about my constant travelling and I told her to ask Edna what she goes through. For me, I can even stay for a whole month without travelling outside the country or state but for you, it seems the longest stay you have with the family is…
Mr Smith: (cuts in) My brother I want to even resign so that I can concentrate on my side job. See after my promotion to the director’s position three years ago, the longest time I have spent with my family continuously without any travel outside the state or country is just three weeks. I don’t even get time to visit the gym or even the clubhouse anymore.
Mr Williams: Edna is really trying for you because if Yvette was the one you were married to, I believe the frustrations she was going to make you pass through, you will quit your enviable job and stay home with her since you have your own side job.
Mr Smith: Well I sometimes feel pity for Edna but I try to make up to her anytime I am home with her. I am even planning a lovely vacation with her when this conference comes to an end.
Mr Williams: Oh that is a great initiative, Edna deserves that great treat. I am saving to send Yvette to Hawaii this Christmas but the bills keep piling up. Also, you need to visit the clubhouse one of these days, in your absence we have gotten a new long tennis champion and I doubt if you have still got the strength and power on the tennis court.
Mr Smith: Don’t underestimate my prowess, my brother. When the leopard falls into the water, he only gets wet but his spots are never wiped off.
Mr Williams: Hahahahaha I like how tough you are defending yourself but don’t forget, when the muscles intercept, a force can only be applied. Let me leave you so you join your family. It was great having a little chat with you as always.
Mr Smith: (shakes the hand of Mr Williams) We have to schedule an appointment where we will meet after work and have some drinks as we plan on some future projects.
Mr Williams: That will be great. I am just a phone call away from you, my brother. My regards to Edna and the kids.
Mr Smith: Alright and don’t also forget to send my well wishes to our beautiful wife, Yvette.
Mr Williams: I will definitely deliver your message to her. I wish you all the very best of luck as you do your presentation and I will be monitoring your conference online.
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To be continued……………………………………………………………………#Yeb3toaso
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