Unbreakable Episode 15 is rolling…
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Maya was very nervous.
Meeting her in-laws was unsettling her.
For some reason, she felt something very bad was going to happen.
Prince picked up Maya as planned and drove to his parents’ residence.
He saw how tensed Maya was and told her some stories of his family to calm her a bit.
The gateman let them into the house and Prince parked his car behind his father’s.
He missed racing his Dad in a game only the two understood how to play.
Prince led Maya to the main hall and she could tell they lived well.
They all retired to the dining area and ate dinner.
Prince’s Dad was just like his son.
They looked alike and had a great sense of humour.
He cracked their ribs with jokes and fun stories.
Maya felt at home with him.
She was, however, not so sure about Prince’s Mom. She was a bit reserved and did not laugh at the jokes her husband made. Strangely, she only spoke when she needed some information about Maya.
She had grilled Maya on her educational background, what she did for a living, her family tree and the kind of friends she kept.
Maya had been very honest and told her everything she knew.
She had asked a lot of questions about Maya’s parents, their marriage and how she claimed they died.
At one point or the other, her husband and Prince had jumped to Maya’s rescue and stopped her from answering the very personal questions.
But Prince’s Mom had continued unabated.
“So, tell me, how many guys have you slept with?”
“Mom? That’s going too far. That’s my business not yours,“ Prince cut in.
“Why, are you scared to know the truth? A girl like her can never make it on her own. I’m sure she slept with a lot of men to get to where she is now. I don’t believe a girl with her background can single-handedly build the empire you claim she has. I think it’s good you know what you are getting yourself into, son.”
“You may have all the good intentions but asking that is hitting below the belt, Mom! Maya is a decent person. It was unfortunate she ended up in the street because of me but I think she did a yeoman’s job by rising above the troubled waters. I respect her for not giving up but rather fighting her way up the ladder.
Like the saying goes, it doesn’t matter how many times you fall but it is what you do after each fall that matters. She could have decided to remain in the streets but she worked hard to turn her story around. That is something we must all commend her for. She is not here to prove anything to you, I love her and I was hoping you would want to get to know her better for my sake. The way you are going, I don’t think we should be here,” Prince stated, fighting so hard to keep his cool and hide his disappointment.
“The truth hurts, doesn’t it? You want to behave like the ostrich. You want to bury your head in the sand as if nothing has happened. I am a realist. I believe the truth should be told so that when you decide to marry her, you will know exactly what you are getting.”
“Leah, I think you are being too harsh on the poor girl. She is not here to apply for a job. She is here as your son’s guest so you should put away your reservations and let’s enjoy our dinner. You are making her lose her appetite. I don’t think you would like it if our daughter was treated like that.’
“Men will always be men. They only see the surface of everything. Why is it so hard for her to answer the question unless there are things she would rather keep hidden? I’m sure her Uncle kicked her out for good reasons. Don’t think you can fool me, young lady. I know your kind. You are just a social climber, plain and simple and you see my son as a means to your quest. If you are as decent as you claim, why are you still single?”
Maya’s tears fell unchecked.
She had not in her thirty-one years of existence met anyone so mean.
She did not mind giving answers to satisfy Prince’s Mom but it was the woman’s insinuations that was getting to her.
Most people believed women were dumb and could not do anything without sleeping with men.
When a guy came tops in his class, he was a genius: when a lady came tops it was either she was a witch or she sold her body for it.
When would people stop putting women down? And when would they accept that women could be the best in anything they set their hearts on to do?
She had fought that treatment all her life and now her mother-in-law too was sitting across her and rubbing in the same insults!
“Ma’am, I don’t have any problem answering your questions. What I’d like you to understand is that not everyone was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Some people struggle to get to where they are but that does not make them any less human. I’m not sitting here and telling you I’m a saint but I have principles.
I may not have come from the best of homes you had hoped but that does not give you the right to insult me like that. Yes, I was young when I got pregnant. That was a mistake any one could have made. That was not what I wished for but it happened. We can all be careless at one point especially when you meet someone who makes you feel loved and special. I had no clue I would get pregnant that night I gave myself to your son. I don’t regret it because I gave it out of love but if you think you can use that to judge me, then you are wrong.
You sit there and frown on my background. Those things really don’t matter. What makes a marriage is love and deep respect for each other. I believe your son is the one for me. I love him with a passion only I can explain. I’ve known only your son intimately. Your son was my first and last. The night I gave myself to your son, I had not been with anyone.
I was busy trying to prove myself worthy. I didn’t have time for luxuries like falling in love and having a good time. Besides, how many men would want to marry a woman with a child. I was brought up well. I made one basic mistake and you think that should be my cross for eternity? Yes, I may not have a doctorate degree but I sure know how to make your son happy. No one needs credentials for that. Backgrounds should not matter if there’s mutual love and respect between a couple.”
“That’s where you are wrong. Backgrounds do matter. My son is a Doctor. A dignified one at that and you are telling me a common caterer can make him happy? Please tell those stories to those who can’t read. He needs a classy lady like Mabel by his side not some ……”
“That’s enough, Mom. I did not bring Maya here for you to insult her. You know my intentions as far as she is concerned. I don’t really care what she did in the past, all I know is I need her in my life. I brought her here for you to get to know and appreciate her but if that’s asking too much then I think our stay here is done. I’m really disappointed in you. I can’t believe you would be this mean to the one person who makes me happy.”
“Son, don’t take your mother’s words to heart. I’m sure she is just angry I dragged her all the way from London to meet your fiancée. She just wants someone to blame for missing her favourite past times. And Maya, don’t take this personal. I’m sure she’ll come around.”
Prince’s mom left the table in anger without uttering another word.
Prince wanted to leave with Maya but his Dad apologized and begged them to stay.
They stayed till after dinner and although Prince’s father tried his best to make Maya laugh he failed miserably.
Maya was sad.
A lot of things were running through her mind.
If only her parents were alive, she was sure the story would have been different.
Her Dad had been an accomplished engineer. He had worked in one of the prestigious oil companies before his untimely death.
Her Mom had been the best caterer ever.
Everyone in Takoradi knew her. But now, she has nothing to boast of for a family. Now Prince’s Mom thought very low of her because she was convinced Maya was spewing lies.
Maya reasoned it was time to look for her family. She would search high and low until she found them.
That night as Prince drove her home, she told Prince she was ready to face her Uncle.
There were questions only he could answer.
It was time she found out about her ancestors.
Prince took her to the movies in a bid to lift her spirits but Maya was still sad.
She wondered if it was worth it.
She had been able to come this far on her own.
Was it really necessary to get married?
He loved Prince, that was the truth but was it really worth the insults and the humiliation she had just suffered?
She was aware that her mother-in-law’s opinion of her would never change.
She was also aware that Prince adored his Mom and the rift between them would only make him unhappy.
Prince pulled up in front of Maya’s residence and killed the engine.
He got down to open the door for Maya but she was already out.
She was still fuming with anger over her future mother-in-law’s utterances.
Somehow her words had touched a sore spot and she felt useless and humiliated.
“I’m really sorry about my Mom’s behaviour. I had no idea this was going to happen. I’d have prevented it. Don’t let it bother you too much. She’s always been a fan of Mabel’s. She blames me for our marriage not working out. And when she found out you were the one I named little Maya after I think she blamed you too. I love you, that should be enough for us. After all, it’s you I want to share my life with. Nothing else should matter.”
“It’s easier said than done, Prince. This is your mother we are talking about. We need her blessings otherwise it would look like we are disrespecting her. I don’t know what to think anymore. If we go ahead without her, there would always be something holding us back and I think you would suffer more because I know she means the world to you. I don’t want to bring any divisions in your family.”
“Are you saying you are giving up? Aren’t you going to fight for us? I’m sure she’ll come around. I’ll do my best to let her see it’s you I want. If she doesn’t change her stance, I will have to do without her consent. This is my life we are talking about. This is my happiness and I should be able to have a say in it.”
Prince apologized a million times more and reiterated that he did not care about whatever she did in the past as long as she loved him.
He told her his love for her was an undying one and nothing or no one would break that.
Maya told Prince she was ready to see her Uncle before they parted for the night.
They set the date they would travel to Takoradi to meet Maya’s uncle.
Prince gave her a bear hug and kissed her deeply to reassure her of his unconditional love.
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To Be Continued…
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