Dial Episode 8 is now dining…
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I closed from work early and drove out of town.
I went to see Vida.
She was Number 17 on my Dial List. Vida was married to a man who had two other wives, and her husband usually spent only Monday and Tuesday nights with her. He had money that took care of her father’s expensive medical bills, and her lavish lifestyle.
I suspected Vida was not with him primarily because of his money, though. Her husband was famous, and he belonged to a circle of influential people: politicians, investors, presidents and big-clout personalities.
This made Vida a part of the powerful clique in the society.
A former exotic dancer, model, actress and presently fashion icon, she was powerful enough on her own. Unfortunately, she could not have any children because she lost her womb when she was a teenager.
We had met at one of her fashion shows.
I had seen her, noticed her beauty, learnt she was married to one of the wealthiest and richest men in the country, and I just penned her down as a great candidate for the Dial List.
I bought several expensive clothing from her collection that evening, and she had noticed. She called me up to thank me, and I arranged a simple dinner.
She had refused, but invited me to her house instead.
Vida was older by eight years, it turned out; but age didn’t mean a thing. She being older didn’t mean I needed a ladder to climb aboard her ship…and we had made love that first night.
That would have ended it once I got her on my list, but she was available, the forbidden fruit, and so we met occasionally to share bodies.
I was in my office that day Nana Bosomba paid me a visit, preparing to leave, when her call came through.
She wanted to see me that night.
On any other normal day, I would have refused, or bluffed her a bit, but this day was not a normal day.
For starters, that Nana Bosomba had freaked me out, and his cold promise to see me that evening had jangled my nerves.
I had lied, and that was that.
I had called Chief Inspector Danso Cuger shortly after they left my office to inform him that I was willing to bear all the funeral costs that would be incurred on Akos. He had promised to inform the Fetish Priest.
That was the last I had heard of them.
I was however not in any mood to see that man again.
So I put the ring I had given to Akos back in the envelope and locked it up in my desk drawer, and then I hit town.
I drove for two hours out of town to meet Vida.
As usual she met me at a roundabout. I parked my car at a terminal, paid for two days, picked a taxi to the roundabout, sat in her car, and she took me home.
She was wearing a long, white leather overcoat when I sat in the car, and from the way her eyes roved over me I knew she was in the mood for some good hard fun.
She gave me a hard, long kiss, and then as we drove she tugged hard at my belt. I smiled and unbuckled my belt, and then unzipped my fly.
Her right hand dove into my boxers, and in a moment she had my turgid member out. She flipped me expertly, and soon she had me all fired up like her.
My hand dove through the slit of her overcoat, roamed up her smooth stockinged thighs…and then I realized she was naked underneath.
She was all hoarse with lust as she spread her legs and my fingers gently went to work.
Once at her house she blew the horn impatiently, and the security detail opened the electronic gates. She drove straight into the garage and the doors slid shut automatically behind us.
In a flash she was out of the car, flinging her overcoat off.
She was wearing only the black stockings, a garter belt, and black high heels. Her pert derriere bounced excitingly as she leaned across the warm bonnet and presented that incredible sight to me.
“Do me, Biko!” she groaned lustfully. “Do me now!”
She raised one heavenly leg and draped it across the bonnet, exposing her lustful environments to my appreciating eyes.
I got down on my knees, clamped hot lips to her core, and expertly lapped her up.
“Oh, Biko, oh, oh, ohhhhh!” she wailed. “Now, Biko! I’m gonna blow if you don’t mount it!”
And so I mounted, and she let out an elongated grunt…
As I worked overtime, I was praying mentally that she would not say those dreadful words!
One of the reasons I wasn’t so keen nowadays on meeting Vida were those words; when she was in the throes of passion, and nearing a climax, she had this annoying habit of going into a litany of stupid words, always going like:
“Eat it baba, eat it baba, gba gba gba gba, eat it baba, or yessss, gba gba gba, baba eat it!”
At first, during the first few times, it had not been a real deal.
But as time went on, it began to first irritate me, and then it began to affect my libido.Anytime she launched into one of those tirades I found myself losing my erection.
I had spoken to her about it, and at first she had listened, but sometimes, out of sheer malice, she would shout them out, taking sick and maniacal delight in how it affected my libido.
Luckily, she was too much in need of a good shagging to say those silly words that night, and so we had an incredible mounting time in the garage, exploding to a mutual satisfying ululation of moans and screams and gasps…
Later, I mounted her up again in the kitchen after a quick snack, and later on in the bathroom I mounted on the edge of the Jacuzzi, and she mounted inside the Jacuzzi and finally I mounted to the finish on the floor of the bathroom.
Which left us weak and sated by the time we finished taking a bath.
She was a perfect crazy element to my craziness.
I forgot all about Nana Bosomba as I tried to mount again on the huge bed before we fell asleep, but she told me she was tired, and sated. She was too satisfied for the night, and so we should sleep and maybe in the morning she would be horny again.
I wasn’t satisfied; I wanted to mount again because I was so hard!
She looked at me and pliantly fell down on the bed and opened those sweet creamy thighs.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes she watched me positioning up, and then just as I was about to drive home she launched into that silly tirade of hers whilst chuckling.
“Oh, yes, baba, eat it baba, eat it, eat it, baba, baba eat it, gba gba gba gba, come on baba, eat it!”
She was soon in uncontrollable peals of laughter as my machine gun slowly melted into docile softness.
“Why does it always do that?” Vida asked with laughter. “It ticks me off so much! So funny! Oh, Biko, I’m tired baby. Let me sleep a while and then I’ll wake him up myself. But if you can’t wait you can come back and eat it, eat it baba, eat it, baba, baba eat it gba gba gba gba!”
I scowled angrily and flipped over to my side of the bed, turning my back to her.
“Damn you, Vida,” I said, and she continued to laugh till she fell asleep a couple of minutes later.
And then I slept too.
I came awake with a sudden scream!
Vida was sitting up in bed in the dim lights.
Obviously she had shaken me awake, and she was looking at me with concern.
“What’s it, Yao?” she asked, looking worried. “You scared me! You were groaning in your sleep as if you were terrified of something!”
I was panting hard, and as my eyes grew accustomed to the glare, and saw I was in familiar surroundings, I slowly let out my breath.
My naked body was sweating even in the air-condition, and my heart was pounding hard.
“I had a nightmare, Vida,” I said slowly.
“Oh, sorry,” she said gently, rubbing my back. “Just a bad dream. Do you mind telling me what it was about?”
I smiled thinly at her and shook my head.
“I don’t remember now,” I lied to her. “Seems hazy now.”
“It’s okay, dear,” she said and smiled reassuringly. “Should I get you some water?”
“Yes, please,” I whispered hoarsely.
She stood up without turning on the lights.
The room was dimly illuminated by the lights outside, and she padded out of the bedroom.
The darkness closed in on me, and my heart began to race again.
Of course, I remembered the dream so perfectly!
Not a dream, but a nightmare in which I had been with Nana Bosomba.
I had been in a dining-room with Nana Bosomba.
He was dressed in the same smock he wore to my office.
I had been naked as I stood by the dining-table.
There had been two clay pots in front of him on the table.
What was odd about the pots had been the fact that they were very white, pristine white.
He had indicated a chair by his side.
“Sit down, Mr. Biko,” he had said with a gentle smile. “I told you I’ll see you tonight. Go on, have a seat and share a meal with me.”
Like an automaton I had sat down obediently on the chair he indicated.
He took off the lids of the white pots, and I noticed that they were filled with some soft mushy food prepared with either red oil or palm nut soup.
He had pushed one pot toward me and smiled gently.
“Eat, Mr. Biko,” he said. “Eat with me!”
And so I had dug in, and the food had been so delicious that I couldn’t get enough of it! I had eaten with both hands, left and right, eating with smacking sounds of enjoyment.
“Take your time, Mr. Biko,” Nana Bosomba had said with a little chuckle. “The food is not running away!”
He had been eating too from the pot in front of him, with his right hand.
After a while he pushed the white pot away from him and then he wiped his right hand on a white napkin and dropped it on the glass-topped table.
He had then leaned back and regarded me solemnly.
“Now, Mr. Biko, I’ll go straight to the point,” he said gently. “Akos loved you, and that is a fact. She loved you so much that her soul begged me to spare your life. She was very fervent, and so I promised her. You see, I wanted to destroy you so totally that you would have begged for death, but for my daughter’s sake, I will spare you, but on one condition.”
I had been aware that I wanted to speak, but nothing came out.
Somehow, it seemed that I could not speak in the dream.
“We are going to bury her, Mr. Biko,” he said gently. “You put her on your list of fun, and you ruined her life. But that’s okay, Mr. Biko, that’s okay. She wants you to be forgiven, and so shall it be. However, she will not be buried in shame. In a week’s time, before we bury her, I expect you to be with us in Wowo. You will marry her, and you will have a wedding night with her. Only when you have done that, will you appease the anger roiling in my heart. After the wedding night, she will be buried, and you will be free.”
He stood up and looked at me gravelly, and then he smiled.
He reached into his pocket suddenly and brought out a white envelope. The old man opened it and showed the contents to me.
In the envelope were the protective chain he had placed around Akos’ neck. Also in the envelope was the ring I had bought for Akos, and locked up in my drawer before leaving my office.
And my heart thudded with sudden fear in the dream.
“That is your invitation to your wedding to my daughter, Mr. Biko,” he had said gently and put the envelope down on the table in front of me.
He then brought out a red sheet of paper and a black pen.
He slowly wrote something on the red sheet of paper, and then he smiled and turned it toward me, and its contents chilled me to the very core.
Nana Bosomba had written:
He smiled, and then he spoke gently.
“I’ll leave now, Mr. Biko,” he said with a little bow. “I give you respect, because my daughter loved you. In one week you will come and marry her, and spend your honeymoon with her corpse. Just a week, Mr. Biko. If you fail to show up, you will definitely grow older with more experience.”
He chuckled, folded up the red paper, and put it into his pocket.
“Enjoy your food, Mr. Biko, enjoy your food,” he had said as he turned.
A white door suddenly materialized behind him, and he opened it and walked through.
I bent my head to eat more food, and that was when I saw the face of Akos inside the white pot, and I began to moan and grunt.
But then, suddenly, I saw my body crumbling, as if my body was dissolving into grains of sand…and I began to scream with fear until Vida woke me up!
Vida rushed into the bedroom and put on the lights!
She was not holding the glass of water she had gone out to bring for me.
I saw that she was white with great fear, and her eyes were bulging out of her face!
She was shaking violently, and her lips were trembling so hard that her teeth chattered.
“Vida?” I said with alarm as I began to get off the bed!
She took a look at the bed, and suddenly she pointed at the bed, and then she collapsed in a faint on the soft wool carpet.
And that was when I saw it!
The white bed-sheets on the bed were smeared with red oil, or palm nut soup!
I looked at my hands, and I went absolutely cold inside!
On my hands were the caked remnants of the food I had eaten from the white clay pot!
For one terrible moment I could not move a muscle!
And then with a little cry I bounced off the bed and stood shivering in one corner, staring at the stained bed-sheets with horror!
And then I realized that Vida had come into the bedroom already freaked out!
Something she had seen outside had terrified her!
I walked to the door dazedly, ignoring her, my heart thudding so loudly that I knew a small prod would make me scream.
I walked to the living-room where she had put on all the lights, and I looked around expecting to see Nana Bosomba.
He was not in sight though.
I breathed easier, and then just as I was turning away my eyes darted to the dining-room area, and then I froze with terror!
The two white pots we had eaten from were on the dining-table!
My legs were trembling as I forced myself to approach the dining-table!
I saw the red-oil finger marks on the napkin, the one Nana Bosomba had used to wipe his hand!
And I saw the white envelope Nana Bosomba had put on the table, and spilling from it were the chain and the ring.
It hadn’t been a dream or a nightmare…
It was fulfillment of a promise: he had promised to see me tonight…and he had!
He had been here!
I had eaten his food…
And that was when I knew, irrevocably, that I was in very serious and dangerous trouble!
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To Be Continued…
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