The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
Two days after the horrible battle between the Heir Apparent and Daniel Godwin, Sage Agu Samuel passed his hands slowly down the naked body of Escobar Ziloux Adeyeye.
They were in the healing room of the Sage’s quarters. Daniel Godwin was lying naked on a bigger bed. His body had been covered with herbal mixtures. He kept making pitiful sounds of pain.
Ziloux’s eyes were open and filled with unshed tears as the Sage gently probed his bones, from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes.
The Sage had only a small black cloth draped around his waist. He finally stood up and walked to the sink against one side of the wall, turned on the tap, and washed his hands with liquid soap and running water. He scooped some water in his hands and gently washed his face. The Sage took a towel and dried his face and hands thoroughly, and then he draped the towel back on its rack and turned to face Escobar.
“You’re completely healed now, Warrior Adeyeye,” the Sage said gently. “You can leave now.”
Escobar hesitated for a while, and then he swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. He stayed like that for a while staring at the broken, immobile figure of Daniel Godwin groaning in a low voice, and Escobar’s lips tightened. He got off the bed and marched to a table at the foot of the bed on which his uniform was. lying.
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He gratefully pulled on his undergarments, and then he reached for the uniform. Sage Agu Samuel, now standing near the window and watching the warrior, spoke softly.
“I don’t think you should put on that uniform,” the Sage said gently.
Escobar froze suddenly.
Yes, indeed, he could no longer wear the uniform of the Army Commander. He felt the painful fury washing over him, and tears glistened in his eyes again. He walked quickly toward Daniel Godwin and touched his hand.
“You’ll always be my leader,” he whispered softly. “Don’t worry, my Lord. By the time you wake up, I would’ve taken our revenge for us, and restored the honour you have lost.”
He turned quickly and headed for the door.
“There are some shirts in the wardrobe,” the Sage said.
Escobar did not even glance at the Sage as he walked out of the room, down the corridor and out of the front door. Sage Agu watched the door and frowned worriedly.
“Ah, Temi, your enemies still abound,” he whispered to himself.
As Escobar walked away, the citizens of the Haven stared at him, some with pity, and most with scorn as they saw him in his white underwear. He looked neither right nor left as he walked briskly until he came to the barracks.
He took his time to dress up in ordinary clothes; weeks ago, he had thrown his old uniform away when he was made the Commander, and now had to report to the stores for a replacement, but he just could not bring himself to do so. He had been humiliated and stripped, and he knew most of the warriors hated him. With Prosper Freeman back in charge, Escobar knew he would be ridiculed by the other warriors if he went back to training as an ordinary warrior.
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He went to the canteen to eat before the other warriors arrived from the training field. He then hurried over to the women’s barracks to wait for Rose Amaefule. Ziloux waited at the entrance near the wooden walls, and presently, just as he had guessed, Rose was the first to appear.
She normally came to the barracks to change into feminine clothes before going to the canteen to eat, unlike many of the warriors who rushed first to the canteen before coming to the sleeping quarters to change.
The moment Escobar stepped away from the wall and Rose saw him, she came to an abrupt halt and looked around her apprehensively. Her beautiful face darkened with anger as she hurried toward her.
“What are you doing here now, Zil?” she asked frantically. “These are not good times to be seen together!”
“And why not?” he asked darkly. “The three of us have always been together. So being with you is nothing strange. Unless, of course, your preferences have changed and you’re in the camp of Temi now.”
“Stop speaking nonsense!” Rose said desperately as she began to walk. “Come with me! Stop standing in the open!”
Escobar followed her through the gates and they walked quickly to the building farthest from the entrance, mounted the steps to the long porch, then walked to the end of the porch where Rose opened her door and went in.
Escobar entered, and Rose shut the door. She walked quickly to the bathroom and looked around to make sure the room was empty, and then she came back to the room and looked at Escobar with flashing eyes.
Ziloux Escobar Adeyeye looked stonily back at her and spoke quietly.
“Temidayo should not be allowed to reach Dayo,” he said coldly. “Daniel Godwin goes to Dayo Capital.”
“You speak nonsense!” Rose said desperately. “Did you see what happened? The hands of the Creator are on him! He is different, and he is clearly the Chosen One.”
“The more reason why he shouldn’t reach Dayo, Rose,” Ziloux said quietly.
Rose paced the room desperately, and then she came to stay close to Ziloux Adeyeye Escobar.
“He has protected us once,” Rose said urgently. “He refused to give us up despite the heinous crimes we committed on him. Like a true king, he has brought confidence to the camp. You should have been at training today! All the warriors are happy and filled with a new kind of determination. They performed incredibly! Perhaps, most of them are happy Prince Temidayo is now in charge!”
“Are you listening to yourself?” Escobar said angrily. “Danny is lying there in the Sage’s healing room fighting for his life! Temi is out there bathing himself in glory. It has to end, Rose! He has to die! Danny should lead the charge to Dayo. That was the agreement, and don’t you forget it!”
“And what are you going to do about it?” Rose shot fiercely at him. “He’s stronger now, extremely strong! He struts like a king, and it is unlikely any man can face him in a fight! And don’t tell me to go and assassinate him, because I will not! He doesn’t trust me anymore, and I certainly can’t kill him.”
“Shut up and listen!” Escobar said sharply, his voice murderously cold. “We don’t need you to go near him and kill him. No man can kill him now, because he is too strong. I heard him mentioning the ancient attack modes as he beat Danny. Somehow, Temidayo has been embedded with the ancient form of fighting, and I do not know how this incredible phenomenon came to be. Not even King Demi knew the ancient arts because it was believed it was lost after the twenty-ninth king died. Somehow, in the blink of an eye, Temi now knows all the deadly ancient arts.”
Rose sat down weakly on the edge of the bed.
“Then you know you’re fighting a losing battle,” she said, her heart beating with relief.
Escobar looked at her coldly, and then he came to stand in front of her.
“No man can beat Temi in hand-to-hand combat, Rose, but there are creatures who no human, no matter how strong, can defeat.”
Rose Amaefule looked at Escobar with sudden horror, and she shook her head numbly.
“No, no, Zil!” she whispered, terrified. “Don’t go there! You set the White Kombas on him in the hills, but he escaped! How are you going to set them on him again? I’m not taking part in any plot to set him up again, no!”
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“You will, Rose,” he said coldly. “We will restore Danny back to a leadership role by the time he is healed completely by the Sage. Temi has brought that widow back, and she is the focus of our attacks on him.”
“What are you planning, Zil?” Rose asked with trepidation. “What evil is running through your mind now?”
“Not evil, Rose, but a necessity,” he said softly. “This is what we will do. I asked at the canteen and was informed that the widow was put in the building across the lake, in plain sight of the Royal Quarters where Temi is. So, I’ll render the woman unconscious and lying outside in plain view of the Royal Quarters.
You will find a way to be with Temi that night. When the White Kombas come foraging, you will scream and alert Temi that they’re attacking the woman, who will be out in the open.
Temi will not stand idle and watch that woman die. He will believe he has enough skills to attack the White Kombas so he will come out to defend the lady. And then, the monsters will kill both of them. Danny will be back as the leader, and you will have your status back as the future queen. And then we will march to the Dayo Empire.”
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