We present Daniel Baffour-Koduah, a young Ghanaian writer to you. Writing is his passion. Enjoy his first story on our Site as a Guest Writer. We present to you…LIFE.
The smile on James’ face indicates there is joy in his heart! His smile makes the others smile. The pains, sorrows, hardships are fading away as happiness and joy take over!
Interesting! Interesting! Woah! I think we are getting to the end. Haha! Isn’t it?
He looks at JAMES indicating the question was for him! Happily, James nods signifying his story got a happy ending at last!
Alright! Ladies and Gentlemen, soon or later we will know what happened to James after his encounter with MADAM GRACE ADOM. But before that, I want to tell you something!
He stops and looks through his note for a while. He sighs and smiles.
NEVER GIVE UP FRIENDS. JAMES story should be an inspiration to you! It’s never easy out there! Trust in God and move forward. Your victory awaits you!
He allows his words to sink into the hearts and minds of his audience! He readjusts himself in his seat and looks at JAMES.
We’re ready Jay! Let’s know what happened next. How did she help you? Let us know it all buddy.
JAMES sighs and looks at his uncle. The old man nods his head and James smiles. He bows his head and clears his throat!
It’s never easy! When the Lord wants to bless you, he can use every way possible to help. You know, after I got away with Madam DZIFA and his son, I came back to the streets. Madam GRACE ADOM was a storekeeper and I saw her as a mother. I would go to her anytime I needed something and she would give it to me! Be it advice or whatsoever it may be. We shared a lot together.
I became the child she never had. So just imagine the love, care and attention this woman would selflessly give me. It saddens my heart this woman is no more! You know, she would have been here with me. On the streets, you would do any job that came your way. So, one afternoon…
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The sun is scorching and a whole lot of people are moving around!
JAMES is just coming back from one of his tedious works! He covers his head with a filthy napkin because of the sun. He is in dirty attire and he is stinking really bad.
MADAM GRACE ADOM is in her store and sees James under a mango tree! Her store is big! It is in blue paints. She sells lots of building materials.
She has two boys who work under her. And she had on countless occasions told James to join her in the store but he has refused!
She sends one of the boys to call James!
What’s it, Jay? You don’t look happy! What the problem?
Nothing Ma’am. It’s nothing.
C’mon Son. You know, you ain’t good at lying! Hahaha! C’mon spill it out child.
Hahaha! You sure know that mama. It’s Atongo! He has refused to pay me my money. He keeps telling me stories and I’m fed up. Ah!
Madam GRACE ADOM looks at him and shakes her head. She sighs and takes bottled water from her fridge and pass it to him!
Have it, son, you must be thirsty!
JAMES takes it and drinks like he has been thirsty for years! Madam GRACE ADOM looks at him and smiles. She likes him a lot. He is a good boy and he is so calm. He is different from the others!
Listen, child, forget Atongo! There is this friend of mine who is searching for a house boy. He just came from the states and he wants someone to be at his house when he is away. Someone to take him around town. He pays really well James. He came this morning and I told him I would get him one by tomorrow. He’ll come here tomorrow. I already told him about you, James.
Though it saddens me I won’t see you again but you have to take this job, son. He is a generous man. He might even help you go to school. Is that not your dream? I want to help you, James! Take this job and leave the streets. Seeing you on the streets breaks my heart. You are still young and you got more to start afresh. Start it all again and I know God will not abandon you!
Tears come into Madam GRACE ADOM’s eyes. She uses her hankie to wipe. JAMES uses the back of his hands to wipe his own tears!
JAMES cannot speak! It has taken him by surprise. He takes MADAM GRACE ADOM’s hands into his hands and hugs her. He hugs her really tight! His tears ain’t stopping. And they ain’t allowing him to speak.
All he does is cry on her shoulders and his body shakes!
Madam GRACE ADOM sits him down! He cannot look up. Slowly he looks into her eyes and smiles!
Why are you so kind to me! Why me of all people. What did I ever do for you, Ma’am? When everyone is hating me, you’re here loving me! Why! Why!
MADAM GRACE ADOM looks at him and smile. She sees the good thing she has done to this boy and makes her happy!
You’re the son I never had James. You’re my family. I would do anything for you even if I have to kill. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me! So, stop asking those silly questions and prepare for tomorrow.
And that makes him laugh! His laughter causes her to laugh too.
Madam GRACE ADOM reaches for her bag and takes some fifty-cedi notes.
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Here son! Take it and buy yourself a good shirt. Trim your hair and take a good bath. Eat your best meal tonight and sleep well. Destiny awaits you tomorrow son! C’mon take it.
JAMES takes the money and looks up! He murmurs a thank you to God!
(In tears)
Words alone can’t tell you how much I love you, mama! God alone knows how it feels to have you in my life! You’ve been a blessing to me ever since I left home! God bless you, mama. Blessings be upon you. I..I.
His tears are not allowing him and his voice is failing him! He goes into her arms and hugs her. Much tighter than before!
You have my blessings son. My God shall never abandon you.
They remain like that for some minutes!
Hey! Tomorrow is a big day. C’mon go and prepare!
She sacks him from her shop! And when James was few meters away from her shop, he turns and sees her standing, watching him go.
With the tears in his eyes, he smiles and waves at her. She waves back in the same manner. She sighs and enters her shop.
JAMES sighs and smile! He looks at the audience and smiles!
The room is silent. And it’s not that they are sad! It’s a mixture of sadness and happiness. There is great joy in their hearts.
OBENG ATOBRAH has tears in his eyes but quickly he blinks his eyes and they go away! He is happy at long last a saviour showed up for his nephew!
LAWRENCE AKUTEY is extremely happy and he wants to know what happened next. He wants to know how James made it up to this far! Well, it ain’t only him. All are eager to know that!
JAMES looks at the first seat and sees his wife smiling. Beside her is her kids and James little niece, STACY. The smile on his wife’s face alone makes him happy. VICTORIA is such a sweet wife.
VICTORIA NORTEY is a fashion designer! Her love and passion for fashion is something else. She’s known for her designs and she has lived to make herself known by all. She has so many companies in the nation.
She is really making it out there together with her husband! They are living a perfect life. A life everyone would love to have.
LAWRENCE AKUTEY clears his throat to end the silence in the room. He looks into the cameras and addresses the people.
Well! Well! Slowly we are getting to the end of this story. And I really hope you’ve got something good out of it. I hope you use that to shape your life in a perfect way. You should be an inspiration to others as James has been to you. Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen, before we come to the end of our program, we will take a commercial break and when we come back, we will end the program on a good note. Stay tuned!
He disappears from the screens slowly and the adverts take over. For about five minutes the adverts continue and it makes the people wonder if the program will go on again!
The adverts are over and the people are ready. LAWRENCE AKUTEY’S face comes on the screen and he smiles.
Welcome back, viewers! We thank our various sponsors for their support. Now back to you Jay, it’s time you end it for us. We have cried a lot this evening but there is a saying that goes” there is a light at the end of the tunnel” Speak to us friend!
JAMES sighs and smiles. He is happy because of the strength from above that made him a fighter to fight through it all.
He drinks from his bottled water and clears his throat!
Glory be to God!
And the people shout AMEN! That makes him laugh. He shakes his head and looks at them.
Sure! God deserves all the praises! I wouldn’t be here if God had abandoned me. Well, let’s get to business. My last day on the streets lasted longer than I thought. Though it was the best of all my days on the streets. I ate good, bought new clothes and had a good bath. The next day was a great day! When the man came, MADAM GRACE ADOM called me and introduced me to him. He spoke with power and authority. I had only my small bag with me when I left with him. He is JOEL TWUM. He took me home and made me who I am today.
The house is big. The walls are giant. Inside the house are a little beautiful garden and a big pool. The house has a parking lot and there are a whole lot of cars parked. There is a security post behind the giant electric gates.
The house reminds James of his past. When his parents were alive and had everything to himself. It’s evident he misses his parents a lot.
JOEL TWUM, James master, is a rich businessman. A billionaire to be precise! He had lived all his life in the states. He is 55 years old. Sadly, he lost his wife to cancer.
He calls JAMES from the security post into the garden. He asks James to sit down and the two men discuss.
JAMES, you’ve been in my house for 2 months now. I must say you really are a hardworking boy. But tell me boy, where are your parents?
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It hits James hard! He bows his head down and doesn’t know how to start his story. He masters courage and tells him how his parents died to how he ended up on the streets and how he met MADAM GRACE ADOM.
JOEL TWUM feels sad for the boy! But there is something about him he likes most! His ambitions.
That’s a sad one James. I’m deeply sorry. Let me tell you about mine. I lived in the States with my wife and a small kid. But she died from cancer. Life became hard for me and my little daughter. I never lost hope! I worked hard and God gave me opportunities I utilised it well. He made me what I am today.
JAMES facial expressions show how sorry he is for him!
I have fallen in love with your ambitions James. I’ll take you in and help you achieve them.
Quickly James goes down on his knees and thanks him. He lifts him up and hugs. The two men continue with their conversation and it was there James got to know his daughter is still alive and would be coming down soon.
A few months later his daughter came down. I went to the airport together with Mr. TWUM to pick her up. Victoria Twum, well but she’s now Victoria Nortey! Yeah, my wife. We blended so well that her father knew we would end up husband and wife. She never cared about me being a house boy then. Just like her father she promised me a good education. They enrolled me in a business school. Two years later, I was done. He asked me to work in one of his companies but I refused!
He pauses and looks at the people. Some are surprised why he keeps rejecting offers in that way. But He has his own reasons!
I wanted to start something on my own I could boast of! Initially, it was not easy but with the experience and advice I got on the streets, I made it. Eventually, my wife made me accept his father’s offer. We got married a few years after I started the business but unfortunately MR. TWUM didn’t live to see his grandchildren!
He fixes his gaze on his wife and sees her eyes are red! It obvious she misses her daddy! Tears come into his eyes but he quickly blinks them away!
So, everything her father own became ours. It’s not that I depended on the wealth of her father. No, I made my own business and I’m very proud of that! Very proud!
He sighs and smiles! He drinks from his bottled water and looks at Lawrence Akutey.
So, amigos, that’s it. That’s how the Lord blessed me and my family. I trusted in the Lord and this is how he has made me. Be yourself and trust in the Lord. Thank you!
Woah! There is applause everywhere. Slowly the people stand and the applause still continues. That’s a hell of a story! And God has shown that he has power over all things!
You can do better than this. Give it up for Mr. JAMES NORTEY. Give it to him fellas!
The applause continues for a while and dies out!
We are most grateful to the Lord for making this program a success. Jay, may our Lord continue to bless you and your family. Okay! Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are! We thank you for your time and audience. And I hope you’ve learned something from this story. God bless you all.
The applause comes once again, interrupting Lawrence from speaking. He smiles to himself and joins the people in applauding!
Slowly it dies out once again and he addresses them!
JAMES will leave his card with our production team. He is starting a new business and he wants active young men and women to work with. Announcements will be made on that! I thank my production team for their help throughout the program. Keep the good work up fellas. So, this is where the night brings us on LIFE SERIES. See you next month! Stay safe. Good Evening and have a sweet night!
LAWRENCE AKUTEY stands and approaches JAMES and his UNCLE. He shakes them in the hand and hugs them. JAMES wife and kids join them on the podium and exchange pleasantries with them!
Most of the people are waiting for a handshake with James. He descends and shakes hands with each of them!
The night has been long for him but at last, there is joy in his heart!
He exits through the back door with his family and LAWRENCE AKUTEY!
Guest Writer: Daniel Baffour-Koduah :: LIFE :: EPISODE 1
Aaron’s Note
We thank Daniel for sharing this beautiful story with us.
May God give you more magical words.
If you are also a young writer and want to be heard, then come onboard Guest Writer and showcase your talent.
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