All Or Nothing…
The Author
This is a Premium Story. The first 5 Episodes are free, after which readers who wish to continue would have to contact Eunice on 0244084955 and pay a small token price of Ghc 15 to enjoy this sweet romantic slice of paradise!
Diamond stood up from the desk at the ward and stretched. She placed the pen in the heavy logbook she had just written in and closed it gently. It had been a long day. She was on the afternoon shift that day and she had to attend to three emergencies in the male ward she was stationed.
Together with the Doctor on call, they had done their best to save two accident victims that were brought in. Unfortunately, they lost a middle-aged man. He was already gasping for air when they brought him in and their best efforts had not reversed the icy-cold fingers of death. She turned and looked down the long ward and sighed with relief. Everything seemed normal and quiet. In less than thirty minutes her shift would be over.
At twenty-five, she was a beauty in her own rights. Diamond was dark in complexion and was of medium built with a slender waist, medium bust size and gentle sexy hips. Her beauty, in its subtle and refined form that merged seamlessly with her neat and smart choice of fashion, always drew the third glance from frank eyes of people.
She took the medicine cart and arranged the prescribed medications for some patients on it and wheeled it around the ward. It was time she gave out medicines to three of her patients.
She stopped at the second bed on her right and handed the young man his dose of medicine. He smiled warmly at her and took it, muttering his thanks as he picked a bottle of water from the dresser beside his bed and gulped down the contents of the tiny bowl Diamond had given him. He scowled darkly because the medicine was bitter and he handed back the bowl to Diamond.
“Thank you, Nurse Diamond. You are so kind.”
“You are most welcome, Miguel.”
The nineteen-year-old looked at her with genuine gratitude on his face. She was his favourite nurse and he had told her that a million times in the week that he had been on admission for an infection. Diamond bid him well and moved to the third patient gracefully.
The middle-aged man pretended to be sleeping and so Diamond tapped him gently to wake him up. He gave her a boyish smile when he opened his eyes.
Since he had slipped into the bed, Diamond helped him up by raising the head part of the bed and handed the dispensing bowl to him.
“You know I hate this medicine but you always bring it. Why are you like that?”
“That medicine you hate so much is the very one that is healing you. Hopefully, you will complete the dosage tomorrow and you’ll be free from it. Please take it and let me move on.”
The man cursed under his breath and emptied the contents of the tiny bowl into his mouth. He chewed the hard pellets, making funny faces and reached across for the bottle of water on the dresser beside his bed.
“There, take your bowl and let me be, enemy of progress.”
Diamond took the container and placed it on the trolley.
“I’m not an enemy, Mr. King. You know I wish you well.”
Diamond finally got to her fourth patient and sighed deeply. She stared at the sixty-year-old man propped up slightly in the huge bed. He underwent surgery to remove kidney stones a week previously. He was somewhat a difficult person to handle according to her colleague’s reports. It was Candice who had always attended to him but today she was alone because Candice had called in sick.
Mr. Pobee had complained bitterly of acute pains and the doctor had prescribed suppositories for him that afternoon. It was his first dose and Diamond was not sure how he was going to take it. Reluctantly, she informed him it was time for his medication and he looked up from the newspaper he was reading through his thick glasses with a faint smile.
“It is about time, lady. The pain is almost unbearable now. Here, hand it to me this instant,” he said with an outstretched hand.
Diamond pulled on her surgical gloves and smiled.
“Mr. Pobee, the doctor gave you medicine that has to be inserted. They work faster for pains like yours.”
The sixty-year-old man opened his eyes wide and stared at the rather beautiful and pleasant nurse in confusion.
“Inserted? Where?”
Diamond fought hard to stifle the laughter in her throat. She wondered what might be going through the old fellow’s head for him to ask a rather naive question like that.
“Yes, inserted anally. The way I see it, you can’t do it yourself so kindly turn to your side slightly and let’s get it over and done with. It doesn’t hurt, you have my word for it.”
“Jesus Christ, what has this world come to? You want me to turn so that you, a beautiful young nurse like you can put a so-called pain killer into my anus? Now, that’s going too far, don’t you think, young lady? Your soft smooth hands are going to touch my behind in the process and do you know what that can do to a man especially my age? No wonder the world is full of so much immorality. Why would anybody think of making something like that as a form of medication? Hell no, you are not touching my behind!”
Nina, one of Diamond’s colleagues, walked into the ward right then. She was on night duty and the reliever for Diamond. She walked over to Mr. Pobee’s bedside when she deduced her colleague was having a hard time with him.
“Good evening, sir,” she greeted.
“What’s good about the evening when this lady here wants to touch my anus with her hands?” the elderly man asked in a disgruntled voice.
Diamond gave Nina the update on Mr. Pobee and Dr. Coleman’s prescription going forward.
Nina smiled and turned to the old man and spoke gently.
“There’s nothing to worry about, sir. This medicine is best for pains and it’s inserted so it can enter your bloodstream quickly. I promise you won’t feel a thing when it’s inserted. Just let her do her job, she will be very swift about it,” Nina said with a smile that was threatening to break out into laughter. “If after administering you still feel uncomfortable about it, then you can complain to the doctor in the morning when he comes on his rounds.”
“I am not allowing any of you to touch my buttocks, you perverts. Tell that doctor right now that I refuse to take that medicine.”
The two friends stepped aside to consult on the way forward since it was obvious that no amount of words would convince the man to give in. Even when they had suggested getting a male nurse from another ward to administer the drug for him, he had vehemently opposed. It became very clear to them that he was just opposed to the idea of a drug going down his anal canal.
Finally, Nina was able to get through to the doctor on phone and he switched back to the former medication for the night.
Diamond’s work was done then. She padded to the changing room and was ready to head out in no time. She bade her friend well and quickly left the hospital.
Eager to get home, she walked briskly to the car park and located her car. She looked at the metallic black Nissan Sentra that glittered beautifully under the lights in the car park and sighed heavily. It was a birthday gift she had received from Demel Dadson’s father a year previously.
She fumbled out her keys from the bottom of her handbag and unlocked the car with the remote. She opened the driver’s door, tossed her bag on the passenger seat, lowered herself into the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition. The engine hummed instantly. She closed the door and manoeuvred her way out of the well-lit car park of Pearls Hospital.
The drive home was uneventful apart from the troubles her mind was plagued with.
Life for her had been rosy and good as far as her relationship with Demel was concerned.
His parents had taken to her at first sight and had treated her like the daughter they never had. They had made it a point to be present at all her official events. They had supported her immensely when her dad passed after a long battle with prostate cancer. Her mom had remarried after her divorce from her father and had moved to Europe with her new husband. She had not been part of Diamond’s life much; Diamond was raised by her paternal grandmother and her father.
Her dad had remarried too but he made sure she never lacked anything. She had his love and money he could afford. Her dad was not a rich man that was why she really appreciated the efforts and sacrifices he made to see her through school.
When her paths crossed with Demel Dadson, she had been swept off her feet with the speed of lightning. She had come from the nursing training school for the practical training for the course and coincidentally, Demel had also come from the medical school for practice. One thing led to the other and before one could say cat, they were inseparable.
The first two years of their relationship went very well without any hitches which convinced both of them of the fact that they were meant to be together. Then, Demel had reconnected with his high school friends on social media and before long he was spending way too much time with them than with her.
Demel was on the go every time these days.
There was always something to be done or an event to attend. He went with her a few times and when she complained he vowed to take her to all his events minus the routine meetings which were becoming very frequent. Reconnecting with his friends had done more harm than good to them as a couple and to him as a person.
To her horror, he started smoking again and drinking had become a part and parcel of him.
She turned into her driveway and parked after opening the gates to her two-bedroom semi-detached house. She stayed in the car for a long while feeling lonely and deserted suddenly. Diamondhe had not seen or heard from Demel four days in a row. She had forced herself to accept that he needed his freedom and she could not force him to be with her any more than he was willing to give.
She missed the days before his reunion with his friends. And she had been happier; she could count on him and she could have him all to herself. Now it looked like she had to compete for his attention and that was too much for her. Maybe she was being selfish but she needed him to be part of her life too.
Slowly, she got out of the car, picked her bag, locked up and headed for her door.
Hurriedly, she opened the front door and entered. She placed her bag on the dining table to her right and switched on the inside lights. Thankfully, her outside lights were solar so they come on as soon as it was dark.
Diamond strode briskly to the bathroom and drew the bath whilst she removed her clothes. By the time the last item from her body touched the laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom, the bath had filled up.
She stepped in and allowed the lukewarm water laced with scented herbs and oils to gently massage her body, but the bottom line was she missed Demel so much.
She had decided not to contact him to see just how long it would take for him to call her and it was four days already.
Diamond was aware he was busy as a young doctor but a little attention was all she was asking for. In the past, he always made time to be with her but not anymore. His friends’ activities filled his spare times almost fully now.
After a long time in the bath, Diamond stepped out and wiped herself leisurely. She felt good physically but emotionally, she was breaking apart. Granted, she had no reason to suspect he was with someone else but the loneliness she felt when he was not with her was killing her.
She toddled to the kitchen in her bathrobe and fixed something light for supper and gulped it down right in the kitchen. When she was done, she washed her plate and cup and turned in for the night after picking her bag from the living room and making sure her doors were well-secured.
As she did every day, Diamond turned to her phone and checked up if she had missed anything. There was nothing for her attention. Unconsciously, she flipped to contacts and selected Demel’s number. She hesitated for a moment and then she called him. It was five minutes after ten. The phone rang for a while and then it was picked.
“Hello beautiful, I was just thinking about you!”
“Really?” Diamond said with sarcasm as she fought to control her raging temper. She could hear his friends in the background which confirmed he was with them.
“Yeah, really. I’ve been very tight this week, that’s why you’ve not heard from me. Trust you are doing well.”
“Where are you, Demel?”
“I know what you are thinking. I just stopped by this spot to finalize preparations for Nick’s birthday celebrations. And I was really going to pass by when I was through. Please don’t fight with me, I’m sorry.”
All the hatred that had sizzled in her heart melted by his last words. Maybe she was being too hard on him.
“I hear you. Just called to let you know that I miss you. Goodnight.”
“You will see me tonight, Love. I was just about wrapping up here.”
“Okay. If you say so.”
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