The Good Man
And so at exactly 1:00pm, the bus went to pick them up. There were three other men, all whites and their female partners. In about an hour’s time, they had gotten to the Beach Resort. They mounted their canopy, brought out a big ice chest full of drinks of different types.
Another container contained grilled sausages and meat. In no time, a barbecue stand had been set up with the fire emitting smoke from the salmos and tilapias spread on the fire.
Maame Efua immediately took control of the various food warmers containing rice and different sauces. Aba Joan tried to assist her mother but was shooed away. She had no choice but to join the fun with the others… they swam, played volleyball and filled their bellies with the different kinds of food and drinks they went with.
Maame Efua immediately took control of the various food warmers containing rice and different sauces. Aba Joan tried to assist her mother but was shooed away. She had no choice but to join the fun with the others… they swam, played volleyball and filled their bellies with the different kinds of food and drinks they went with.
Others joined them, they made new friends, they established contacts till it was getting to 8:00 p.m. before they left the Beach Resort.
The drive back was smooth.
Maame Efua slept off as soon as the Coaster took off. Kobina found himself stealing glances at Aba, and though she was aware, she ignored him. She paid him no heed.
Later, he left his seat to sit beside her when he noticed that the old lady was sleeping.
The drive back was smooth.
Maame Efua slept off as soon as the Coaster took off. Kobina found himself stealing glances at Aba, and though she was aware, she ignored him. She paid him no heed.
Later, he left his seat to sit beside her when he noticed that the old lady was sleeping.
He told her, in his soft and calm voice she was punishing him unfairly on what was not his fault. He said she should stop being angry at him as he felt that he hadn’t done anything to deserve the cold treatment she had been giving him. He assured her of his undying love for her and made her understand that his deep love for her wasn’t going to allow him to go after any other woman.
He went on to say that he had seen some sterling qualities in her, and having seen her Mom and the kind of home training she had impacted into her, he’ll be a fool to let her slip out of his hands.
“I am sincerely madly in love with you, Aba Joan.”
“Do you really love me, KF?”
“Yes, I love you. I have loved you from the day you came to the Club to return the money.”
She sighed, and put her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead, her nose and her lips. She kissed him back, deeply, and put her head back on his shoulders.
“I am sincerely madly in love with you, Aba Joan.”
“Do you really love me, KF?”
“Yes, I love you. I have loved you from the day you came to the Club to return the money.”
She sighed, and put her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead, her nose and her lips. She kissed him back, deeply, and put her head back on his shoulders.
They were so much into each other that they were oblivious of their surroundings. They were only aware of the motion of the bus cruising through the night and finding contentment and security in each other. They were not even aware of the other passengers in the bus or of the constant chatter and laughter by the others, and neither did they notice that her mother had woken up and had been observing them with a satisfied smile on her face. They only came back to earth when they got to the house.
They alighted, and after thanking Gregg, went into the flat.
“I don’t know about you guys but I am so tired that I am going straight to bed,” mother said and went to her room, locking the door behind her.
“I don’t know about you guys but I am so tired that I am going straight to bed,” mother said and went to her room, locking the door behind her.
And Joan, after putting the remainder of the drinks Gregg had insisted they take with them into the fridge, opened her mother’s door to find it locked. She knocked and knocked but her mother seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. She went to the living room to find out that Kobina had gone into his room. She entered Kobina’s room and found it empty. She lingered in the room a bit as if fighting an urge and just as she was about to go out, he emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
“Sorry for the intrusion but my mom has locked her door and I really need to get the gritty sweat out of my system.”
Kobina looked at her with amusement, enjoying her obvious discomfort.
“You can use my bathroom, I can even bathe you.”
Kobina looked at her with amusement, enjoying her obvious discomfort.
“You can use my bathroom, I can even bathe you.”
“I can bathe my own self, thank you very much, sir,” she said and dashed to the bathroom.
She saw that his bathroom was much larger than the other one. She undressed debating whether she should open the door for him. She discarded the idea and quickly had her bath, enjoying the intoxicating scents of the perfumed gel.
She saw that his bathroom was much larger than the other one. She undressed debating whether she should open the door for him. She discarded the idea and quickly had her bath, enjoying the intoxicating scents of the perfumed gel.
Feeling refreshed, she stepped out wearing a rather large sky-blue bathrobe. Kobina, who was holding a large T-shirt in his hands, gaped at her and proffered it to her.
“Here, wear this,” he said and turned to allow her to wear it.
“Here, wear this,” he said and turned to allow her to wear it.
But she went back into the bathroom, and returned a minute later, wearing the t-shirt. He nearly went crazy when he saw how her nipples were straining against the fabric.
She was on her way out and on noticing his intense look, came to a stop in the middle of the room. Kobina walked towards her in a sort of a rush, tilted her face up when he got to her, and was about to kiss her when the doorbell rang, shattering the silence and destroying the magic moment that had passed between them.
She was on her way out and on noticing his intense look, came to a stop in the middle of the room. Kobina walked towards her in a sort of a rush, tilted her face up when he got to her, and was about to kiss her when the doorbell rang, shattering the silence and destroying the magic moment that had passed between them.
They grudgingly parted.
Kobina walked to the door with Aba following him. He expecting to see Gregg. He opened the door and found Sister Mimi.
And Mimi, on sighting Aba Joan behind Kobina, said in a rather loud voice, “Hey, young lady, you can go out now, I am here to claim my man.”
And when she got no response, shouted louder still.
Kobina walked to the door with Aba following him. He expecting to see Gregg. He opened the door and found Sister Mimi.
And Mimi, on sighting Aba Joan behind Kobina, said in a rather loud voice, “Hey, young lady, you can go out now, I am here to claim my man.”
And when she got no response, shouted louder still.
“I said go out,” Mimi shouted to the shocked Aba.
Maame Efua, who had been awake all this while, went out to see what all the racket was about and on seeing Mimi scowled.
“Maame Bondzewa, what are you doing her?”
“Maame Efua, what are you doing here?”
Maame Efua, who had been awake all this while, went out to see what all the racket was about and on seeing Mimi scowled.
“Maame Bondzewa, what are you doing her?”
“Maame Efua, what are you doing here?”
The atmosphere became charged, tense, even.
Aba and her mother were looking at Sister Mimi with suspension and Kobina was looking at her with exasperation. He really thought she had stopped harassing him. He didn’t even know how she was able to track him to his new residence.
“Aba, go and wear something decent,” the old lady instructed.
Aba and her mother were looking at Sister Mimi with suspension and Kobina was looking at her with exasperation. He really thought she had stopped harassing him. He didn’t even know how she was able to track him to his new residence.
“Aba, go and wear something decent,” the old lady instructed.
“And now, Maame Bondzewa, what do you want from my son’s home at this hour of the night?”
Mimi was confused, extremely so. She hadn’t known of any connection between Kobina and the woman from her village, Eguase. She was able to locate Kobina’s new residence by subterfuge and she had felt that visiting him in the night was sure to serve her purpose. She wanted to get him trapped in her web of flesh but the presence of the damn woman had put a spanner in her works. She looked at them, unsure of her next move and saw to her dismay that they were all staring at her.
“Sorry, I didn’t know it was this late,” she said gamely and continued “Kobina, I’ll see you later. Sorry for disturbing your sleep.”
She then turned and pushed the door outwards, realized her mistake and pulled it inwards and left without closing it.
Kobina stared after her through the opened door and sighed.
She then turned and pushed the door outwards, realized her mistake and pulled it inwards and left without closing it.
Kobina stared after her through the opened door and sighed.
“Thank you for saving me. She would have caused confusion and embarrassment here.”
“Is she your woman?” she asked, looking at Kobina with sudden suspension.
Kobina didn’t respond immediately. He went and closed the door, and locked it, as if to ensure that she doesn’t return.
He went and sat beside Joan who had returned and held her palm in his and said in his typical quiet fashion.
“Is she your woman?” she asked, looking at Kobina with sudden suspension.
Kobina didn’t respond immediately. He went and closed the door, and locked it, as if to ensure that she doesn’t return.
He went and sat beside Joan who had returned and held her palm in his and said in his typical quiet fashion.
“Mom, Sister Mimi had always been like a big sister to me but of late, her interest in me has gone to another level, so much so that she once drugged me and had her way with me. It was that very evening that in my drugged state, the other girl, Dzifa, entered my room to continue where Sis Mimi left off causing a rift between Aba Joan here and I.”
“Ok, I have heard you, and this goes to show that my impression of you was the right one but please be very careful,” she got up to go back to her room but paused at the doorway and looked sternly at her daughter.
“Aba, let’s go to bed.”
“Ok, I have heard you, and this goes to show that my impression of you was the right one but please be very careful,” she got up to go back to her room but paused at the doorway and looked sternly at her daughter.
“Aba, let’s go to bed.”
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