The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
Nneka Okez was extremely lucky!
For one thing, she became fully conscious far earlier than Ziloux had anticipated, and as she moaned and wondered what might have happened to her, she struggled to a sitting position groggily. A woman who had watched from the safety of her room as her husband had been brutally murdered by the silver-headed White Komba, had developed a horrible phobia of the monsters.
Her first scream was one of horror when she found herself alone and still out of her room at dusk, and began when she heard the horrible growls of the White Kombas approaching rapidly.
She let out another horrible scream as she got to her feet and saw three White Kombas around the Conference Centre! She turned and raced blindly for the bridge that would take her back to the Royal Quarters.
Nneka screamed again and again with horror as the White Kombas came for her with huge leaps, drawn by her aura of fear. Her screams cut across the Haven, drawing people close to their windows to peer outside.
Inside Sage Agu’s healing room, Daniel Godwin staggered toward the door.
“Stop it, Danny!” Ziloux cried in anguish. “Don’t go out there! If you go the monsters will kill you!”
“I’m afraid he’s right, Prince Godwin,” Sage Agu said with panic. “You’re still not well-healed! They’ll kill you!”
“You don’t understand,” Daniel said weakly. “That screaming woman is a widow, and if she’s in distress it means my brother will definitely come out. I can’t leave him alone! I must help Temi.”
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He grabbed his sword from a table near the door and stumbled outside even as Ziloux screamed and shouted at him not to go out.
However, it was not Daniel Godwin alone who had this line of thought. Indeed, Prosper Freeman stood up fast with sudden fear when he heard a woman’s scream.
He knew none of the women in the Haven would dare come outside at that time. They were too disciplined to be found wandering outside in the dark. That meant whoever was screaming could be a stranger, and the only stranger was the widow.
If the widow were in danger, then Temi would definitely come to help, and Freeman didn’t want that. He would always defend the king with his life, and so he was not ready to see Temi outside facing the demons alone.
Without thinking, he pulled out his sword, opened his door, and raced outside toward the screaming voice. From across the expanse, Walexman and Mickey had also heard the screams, and when Commander Freeman came out, they knew they had no choice than to follow him.
Some of the warriors saw Prosper Freeman and his two friends coming outside with their swords, and the alarm was sounded, and almost as one all the warriors began running for their swords and arrows, and then they also came out.
Prosper saw Daniel Godwin limping ahead of him with his sword, and a dark grin split across his face. He had been very worried about Daniel, especially when Temi made it clear he still wanted to work with his half-brother. A part of Prosper had wished Daniel would die. But seeing the giant outside, ready to sacrifice his life, was a grand sight for Prosper. Maybe, after Temi asserted himself, a new Daniel Godwin had been born.
Prosper hurried over and caught up with him. He held the giant’s arm.
“Danny!” he said gently. “You’re not well enough. You know no sword can penetrate the skin of these demons!”
Daniel Godwin looked back grimly at the Army Commander.
“If I don’t make it tonight, I want you to know that I’m sorry for all the troubles I caused you,” he said in a deep rumbling voice. “You were right all along…Temi is the One. Yes, I tried to kill him, but I’m with regret. Do forgive me.”
“We might all die tonight, my brother,” Prosper said with a nod. “No use carrying grudges to the afterlife. You’re forgiven.”
“We fight as one,” Daniel murmured.
“As one, nothing else,” Prosper said.
They turned the corner and saw that most of the warriors had overcome their fears, and they were now bunching up behind them.
However, almost all of them came to a stop when they saw the horror unfolding in front of them. They had expected to see about three or four White Kombas, which was usually the case. But, ahead of them, they saw no less than ten ferocious and screaming White Kombas.
“Goodness me, horror of horrors!” Mickey King said in a trembling voice. “We’re no match against ten of them! Surely, we’ll all die tonight”
They saw that the ten White Kombas were all going after Nneka Okez, who had cleared the bridge and was running frantically toward the entrance of the Royal Quarters, still screaming with terror.
However, before she could reach it, the silver-headed White Komba jumped high into the sky, flew over Nneka’s head, and landed with a savage growl in front of her, blocking her chance toward the door!
Nneka looked into the terrible face of this one-eyed, knife-toothed monster with three arms and three legs which had slaughtered her husband, Moshood.
She dropped to her knees with terror as tears of anguish coursed down her face. Was this her fate then? Was this what the Grand Oracle had spoken, of bringing grief to Temi? Oh, no, was this how she was going to die?
“Temiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Nneka screamed as the White Komba let out a horrifying roar and raised its three arms to strike Nneka!
And, inside the Royal Quarters, Nneka’s scream cut through the sludge of Temi’s brain, and he came awake with a start on the couch.
“Nek!” he whispered with deep pain as he heard the agonizing scream again!
He bounded off the couch and flew out the door and then down the corridor, where he saw Rose Amaefule running toward him with a frantic expression on her face.
“No, Temi, no!” Rose cried as she put out her hands to stop him. “The monsters are many, and they’re everywhere! You can’t save her now, my Lord! She’s as good as dead! There are warriors outside, please, let them deal with it! You’re the Heir Apparent, and you shouldn’t risk your life this way!”
Temi did not pause for even a beat of a second. He jumped into the air, spreading his legs so that he passed over her head. He landed behind her, still running, and then he jumped again with his right leg leading, smashing it into the door and ripping it off its hinges!
Temi saw at a glance that the dreaded silver-headed White Komba was almost driving its sword-like arm through Nneka!
“Halt, you vile piece of menstrual clot!” Temi screamed, and his voice was filled with such power and fury that the White Komba stopped momentarily and spun around, and then its single red eye was filled with instant fury and hatred when it saw Temi standing there.
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“He’s come out!” Prosper said and then began to run harder. “The Heir Apparent is out! Let’s go help him!”
The Warriors let out screams and began running forward.
Nneka opened her eyes and saw Temi standing there, huge and princely, his handsome face filled with indescribable fury…and love, yes, love and tenderness.
“Get inside, Nek!” Temi said with fury. “I’ll deal with this nefarious piece of crap.”
Nneka Okez got to her feet and fled toward Temi with her arms outstretched.
“Temi, oh, Temi!” she whispered, reaching out to embrace him.
“This is no time for that, woman!” Temi said harshly, his eyes fixed solidly on his nemesis. “Get inside, now!”
Nneka stopped and saw there was no inch for argument, and then with a sob, she rushed past Temi, then up the steps and through the broken door of the Royal Quarters where she saw Rose Amaefule standing in the corridor with a furious snarl on her beautiful face.
“See what you’ve done?” Rose said spitefully as she glared at Nneka. “You just sentenced our Heir Apparent to death! Why the hell didn’t you stay in your forest hideaway?”
Nneka turned morosely and leaned against the broken door frame, and watched with tears coursing down her face as Temi and the huge White Komba squared off.
Suddenly, there was a whining noise behind her, and she turned around suddenly, and her eyes opened wide with disbelief when she saw the two Swords of Destiny travelling down the hallway like two missiles! They were out of their scabbards, and they made a whining sound as the gems in their middle glittered furiously!
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Rose Amaefule threw herself to the floor just in time to avoid being run through by the swords. Nneka moaned and pressed herself flat against the wall as the swords zinged past her and turned through the doorway like they were guided!
The Swords of Destiny flew out toward Temidayo, who looked back with deep shock when he heard the whining sounds! His eyes opened wide with surprise when he saw the swords moving toward him with the emeralds in their middle glittering furiously, and their sharp edges almost turning blue with their sharpness!
The swords turned over once in the air, reversing their rush so that they now came at him with hilt first, and then the hilts slammed into his hands, and he felt them tightening into his palms and fusing as if they were part of his body. He felt the powerful energy surging through him and heard the buzzing in his head.
When he turned to face the silver-headed White Komba, the expression on his face was not human anymore…
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