The Legend Of Dayo…
The Author
Prosper Freeman knocked on the door and looked at Daniel Godwin worriedly as the giant came up behind them, and the two of them stared at Temi’s door.
They waited for some few minutes, and just as Prosper was about to turn away Daniel raised his huge fist and hammered on the door and kept hitting it until it was wrenched open angrily by Temidayo.
“What do you want?” Temi growled in low fury.
He looked horrible.
His beard was grown, and his hair was wild. His cheeks were hollowed out, his eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep and from mourning. He was wearing shorts and a loose shirt, and there was a markedly unpleasant odour emanating from him.
“I heard you refused your food today too,” Prosper Freeman said in an exasperated voice.
“Not hungry,” Temi replied, and tried to close the door but Daniel reached out and held it.
“That’s seven days running that you’ve refused food, little brother,” Daniel said softly. “That is one thing we always learn as warriors, Temi. The right intake of the right kind of food and water, coupled with adequate rest. Rest is also a weapon, my brother. You’re weakening yourself.”
“We wait here for how long?” Temi hissed furiously. “Today is the seventh day and that man is still not back.”
“Mimic Artefacts are unpredictable to forge, my Lord,” Prosper Freeman said with a great sigh. “Remember, he goes up to the caves of the elves, and it is their prerogative to accept to forge the artefact for us, and then it is subjected to their pace and their goodwill. These are things we can’t force, my son.”
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“And every second we waste here weakens the Grand Oracle!” Temi growled. “I’m responsible for his demise! I need to get there and try to get him out if he’s still alive.”
“You’re not responsible, my son!” Prosper said softly. “Sirens are the downfall of many a man. They steal your mind and kill you even before you know it. We’re lucky Jhon Moziz was around to save you. The best you can do is take care of yourself and pull yourself out of the sorrow. Let’s wait, please. What is ahead of us is far more important.”
Temi pointed a forefinger at Prosper Freeman.
“If by tomorrow morning Emmanuel Suncity is not here I’ll go to Dayo,” he said calmly and then stepped back and gestured to Godwin to remove his hand from the door.
“May the Creator take care of you,” Daniel said and stepped back.
Temi slammed the door and locked it from within.
Daniel and Prosper exchanged looks.
“What do we do now?” Daniel asked.
Prosper’s eyes were worried as he looked into the hills.
“We wait,” he said finally. “And leave it in the hands of the Creator.”
It was around two o’clock at dawn, the witching hour, a time every normal creature was asleep when a very strange figure appeared on the edge of the trees and made his way carefully across the settlement toward the building where Temi was being housed.
The figure appeared to be a man, but parts of its body were missing. He had a flattened head, as if a giant had pushed his forehead down and his chin up, making his face a ghastly gargoyle-like monstrosity. The man had no upper body, just his head hanging in the air above his legs.
The legs were bare and uneven. Whereas the right leg was thin and spindly, with three knees, the left leg was grotesquely huge as if suffering from an advanced form of elephantiasis. His left foot, however, was thin and bony, but the right foot was monstrously swollen and disfigured.
He did not appear to have any hands at all…just a head seemingly hanging in the air above those horrible pair of legs.
As he climbed the steps of Temi’s building toward the porch, Okakuo Agbons jumped from the porch of the adjoining building where he had been standing in the dark and raced toward the grotesque figure with his sword drawn.
“Stop right there, you evil demon!” Okakuo shouted with suppressed fury. “One more step, and you die!”
The strange figure stopped, and then he turned and glared at Okakuo with tiny eyes that glowed with evil pink.
“Sheath your sword, Agbons!” the man said.
Temi’s door swung open just then, and the prince came out holding the Swords of Redemption. He jumped from the porch with one lithe movement and drew back his hand.
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“Coming for me, demon?” he hissed in a wrathful voice. “Not this time around. I’ll kill you where you belong.”
“No, my Lord, hold it!” the horrible man said with sudden fear. “It is me, it is me, Suncity!”
Other doors were opened, and many warriors were running toward them. Suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of light, and the hideous figure changed suddenly into the tall, smiling figure of Emmanuel Suncity.
“Sorry, my Lord,” he said with a little bow. “I was wearing your Mimic Artefact. It is ready.”
“Is that how it is going to make me look?” Temi asked, appalled. “That hideous?”
“No, my Lord,” Suncity said with a chuckle. “It didn’t have any part of me, and that is why I looked so hideous. It has your hair follicles, nails and blood, formed perfectly for you, so your perception image will be perfect.”
“My perception image?” Temi asked, confused.
“The artefact doesn’t actually change you, my Lord,” Suncity explained. “It just makes other eyes see you differently. I was not changed, but it made you see me as a creature with only a head and legs and nothing else.”
“So, how would it make you perceive me?” Temi asked.
Suncity held out the ring he was holding in his hand.
“Here, my Lord, try it on. Remember, it goes only on your left middle finger. Put it on any other finger and it won’t work.”
Temi bent and put his swords on the steps, and then he took the ring from Suncity. Carefully, he pushed it on his left middle finger. There was a bright flash of light, and then Temi looked down at himself. He had not changed in any way, and he looked just the same.
He heard the great laughter going on around him, and he looked into the faces of his people to see them filled with laughter. Everyone was laughing, even Prosper Freeman.
“What?” Temi asked with a frown. “I haven’t changed. I see myself as I am.”
His voice, which sounded normal to him, sounded different to them, and they guffawed even louder.
“You won’t see how you look with your own eyes, my Lord,” Emmanuel Suncity said through his laughter. “You have to look through a reflective surface, like a mirror.”
Temi picked up his swords and marched up the steps to his door and entered. He switched on the lights as he entered the bedroom and took a look at himself in the tall mirror.
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“Oh, goodness me!” he exclaimed with horror, and then for the first time in a week, he smiled at what he saw.
He had become a very short hunchbacked old man with a head so tiny that it looked absolutely comical. Prosper Freeman, Daniel Godwin and Emmanuel Suncity came into the room behind him, still smiling and laughing softly.
Temi took a deep sigh.
This was good. It was so different from his image, and it was the perfect disguise that could let him enter Dayo.
“If I look this way, there is no way Luciano Alexander is going to consider me fit for her bed, no matter how man-hungry she is,” Temi said.
“Truer words you’ve ever spoken, little brother,” Daniel Godwin said, breaking into fresh laughter. “I don’t know many women who would find you attractive like that.”
Temi nodded and pulled off the ring.
There was a brilliant flash of light again, and his true image appeared in the mirror. He pushed the Mimic Artefact on his right middle finger, and then he turned to face them.
He walked up to Emmanuel Suncity and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t know how you crafted this, or what you went through to have it so perfect, but you have done well, and Dayo owes you a great many thanks.”
Suncity’s face became emotional immediately, and he put a hand across his heart.
“That, from my future king, is indeed a great honour to hear,” he said softly. “I’m glad to be of help, my Lord.”
Temi walked to his bed and picked up the hoodie of Jhon Moziz.
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“In the morning, we ride to the Haven,” he said as he turned to face them. “We will make new plans there, and a day after, I’ll enter the heart of Dayo. Gentlemen, I’m going to save my Grand Oracle, and in the process, we will pay back those evil minds that have held our dear land captive, and reduced it to the rabble. We march for Dayo, gentlemen.”
Tears came to Prosper Freeman’s eyes as he raised his right hand and placed it across his heart.
“I fought alongside the father,” he said softly. “My life and my sword are for you. I bleed for Temi, for Dayo.”
“As the ancestors are true and alive, I will bleed for you, little brother,” Daniel Godwin said and put his right hand over his heart.
“I and my men bleed for you, Prince Temidayo, anytime, until Dayo is free, and my home is free, and beyond.”
It was the most powerful moment in that beat of time.
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