The Spawn…
The Author
When they got to Nicole’s beautiful apartment, she left them in the living-room and went to the kitchen to prepare food for them.
First, though, she called her father and informed him of what happened. Paul Anderson told her they had to attend an emergency meeting in Accra, but he was almost done and would come to her place when they were through.
Nicole was happy that her father and Opanyin Amoah would be coming over to her place that night. She knew what was happening could quickly gather momentum and unravel, and this scared her very much. She knew just how much Boat loved her, and how much he had been affected by the attack on her by Elaine. If Boat felt staying around her would mean danger to her, he would disappear again, and that was one thing Nicole did not want to happen again, ever.
She prepared soft banku and peanut soup, one of Yaw’s favourite dishes. He eventually came to the kitchen and moved toward her. She saw the light in his eyes and shook her head slowly.
“Don’t, Yaw, please,” she whispered, and his eyes were cold orbs of fury as he stared at her.
“I’m not lusting after you, Nic,” he said softly. “I wasn’t going to kiss you. I’ll not put you into that compromised situation again.”
She breathed hard as she carefully put the knife she was holding down on the counter and turned to face him fully.
“Don’t get me wrong, my darling,” she whispered, and fresh tears bubbled in her eyes. “I’ve waited a lifetime of hell to get you back with me, and all I want to do is give myself to you wildly and freely. But I’m not concerned about my welfare, Yaw. It is you I’m concerned about!”
“Death holds no mysteries to me, and I certainly ain’t afraid to die, Nic,” he replied as he stopped in front of her. “Your welfare is the only thing I care about in the world now, do you understand? I lost my Pops…and I have no family left, nothing, no relatives! You’re all I care about, do you understand? I love you with a passion that surpasses understanding, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, and that is why I died inside when that attack happened.”
She put her arms around him then, as usual, and hugged him tightly with her cheek against his chest.
“I know, my love, I know,” she whispered. “And I love you more, Yaw. I always will.”
He draped his arms around her shoulders and spoke softly.
“Sorry for today, Nic,” he whispered. “For my inability to protect you.”
“Stop blaming yourself, my love,” she said. “Nothing matters, I keep telling you. Nothing matters, just you and me.”
He gave a shuddering breath.
“Are you feeling fine?” he asked finally. “Any…pains?”
“I’m fine, Yaw,”
“Can I help you with something?” he asked gently. “Blend something?”
She laughed against his chest.
“You can’t even boil water, Yaw Boat,” she whispered. “Don’t come and explode my kitchen for me.”
“So, teach me,” he said gently. “We’re going to have a lifetime together, my darling, and I’ll want to cook for you sometimes.”
“Hmmm, that is sweet,” she murmured. “But don’t worry, my gem. I got this one. There would be more moments.”
He nodded and let her go.
“I wanna be here with you,” he said, and she smiled beautifully.
“Yeah, stay, Yaw,” she said. “I like you with me. Oh, Dad is coming over with Opanyin Amoah. Hope you don’t mind.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“Those Europeans coming too?”
She shook her head.
“No, love, only my father and Opanyin.”
“That’s okay then, cool,” he said.
So, he stayed with her in the kitchen, passing her the odd container or utensil now and then. Finally, when the food was done, she dished it out, and he carried both to the dining-room where she soon joined them.
Yaw and Ledi were already eating when she sat down by Boat’s side and looked at him with great love.
“Where’s yours?” he asked gently, and she shook her head.
“Not now, love,” she whispered. “I’m not hungry. Will eat later.”
She did not want to tell him that she had started fasting and prayers for him. He nodded and began to enjoy his food, and after a while he turned his eyes on Ledi Pedi.
“Is she glowing, Ledped?” he asked gently, but there was a fierce edge in his voice now.
Ledi glanced up at him and nodded.
“You’re both glowing, man,” he said with a smile. “Gloriously.”
“Good,” Boat said.
“Listen, Yaw…” Ledi started, but Boat held up his spoon promptly, stopping him.
“Let’s enjoy the food, Ledped,” he said softly.
Ledi hesitated for a moment, and then he nodded.
“Yep, let’s enjoy this glorious food,” he said. “You’re a fantastic cook, Nicole.”
“I know,” she said, and the three of them laughed at the same time, and a little of the tension in the room was dissipated. They had a good meal and later Boat helped Nicole wash the dishes.
“I’ll take a quick shower now,” Nicole said as she left the kitchen with Yaw. “There are four other bedrooms. I take it you’ll be staying, Ledi?”
“Yes,” Ledi Pedi said as he switched the television to SuperSports. “Definitely.”
Boat raised his eyebrows as he sat down.
“You don’t have to babysit me, Ledped,” he said softly, and over his head Nicole’s face assumed a frantic expression which Ledi noticed and which made him nod his head in a reassuring manner.
“I’m a guest here, Boat, so deal with it,” he said with a giggle. “Man U got a match this afternoon, though.”
Relieved that Ledi was staying, Nicole smiled and sighed.
“Should I show you to your rooms now?”
Boat turned and looked at her with surprise.
“Thought I’m sleeping in your room,” he said, and Ledi looked at him sharply with shock.
“No, Yaw, you’re not,” Nicole said emphatically.
“No lust, no touching, I assure you,” Boat insisted, his expression earnest. “I really need to be with you.”
Behind his turned back Ledi shook his head frantically, and Nicole nodded her understanding.
“No, Yaw,” Nicole said. “You stay away until you make an honourable woman out of me.”
“Then let’s get married!” Boat said desperately. “Tomorrow, if you like.”
“You’re not very romantic, are you?” she said with a giggle. “No, legally we need a twenty-one-day notice before we can get married, so tuck in that pecker of yours, Mr. Heat, and leave me alone!”
Boat sighed unhappily as she passed through a door to her bedroom, and then he looked at Ledi Pedi who still had shock on his face.
“You’re a swine, Yaw Boat!” he said softly.
Nicole finished taking a bath and put on a fluffy white gown and belted it. A white towel was wound around her hair when she came back to the bedroom and sat down on the cushion-topped stool in front of the dressing-mirror…and then she knew suddenly that she was not alone in the room!
She felt the deep cold that went deep into her bones, causing her teeth to chatter suddenly and viciously! She moaned with sudden fear and got to her feet and looked all around her. There was a malevolent presence near her, and she could feel it huffing and puffing with evil intent.
“I rebuke you, evil, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ!” Nicole whispered fiercely. She was trembling, and breathing almost violently. She opened her mouth to scream, and that was when she realized that something was around her throat and choking the breath out of her! Nicole tried to flee, but she was locked to the spot, unable to move.
Her eyes widened with horror when she saw the bedroom door opening slowly, and then she saw one of her kitchen knives hanging in the doorway as if an invisible hand was holding it.
She struggled frantically, but she could not move as the knife came toward her relentlessly through the air, and the door slammed shut behind the knife!
The curtains began to billow in a sinister manner, and Nicole suddenly heard an evil giggle like a child’s!
Ledi got to his feet as the doorbell sounded.
“Visitors?” he asked Boat, who nodded with a furrowed brow.
“Yeah, her father and an old Seer are coming over,” Boat said softly. “Something ain’t right, Ledped…I don’t feel right! Get the door. I’ll check on Nicole.”
Ledi nodded and hurried to open the main door as Boat hurried toward Nicole’s bedroom.
Ledi opened the door to find two men standing there, one of them looking very old and worried.
“You’re an Unblind!” Opanyin Amoah said with sudden fear. “I see evil in this house!”
“You do?” Ledi said with a frown as he looked at Paul Anderson. “You’re an Unblind too…are you picking traces?”
Pastor Anderson shook his head and turned to look at Opanyin Amoah.
“Are you sure, sir?” he asked softly.
Opanyin Amoah’s eyes were shut and there was sweat on his face, and when he opened his eyes he looked extremely terrified.
“He’s here!” he said in a trembling voice. “The Duke is here…with Nicole!”
“Damn!” Ledi said and spun round as he began to run. “Damn! Boat sensed it!”
“Nicole, no!” Pastor Anderson groaned and began running too.
And in her room, Nicole watched helplessly as the flowing arm of the gown covering her right arm was pushed up, exposing her arm, and then the knife suddenly settled on her arm and sliced through it!
Her blood began to spill as she heard Boat pounding on the door, and then the door flew open savagely as he kicked it in and entered.
“Nic!” Boat groaned in despair when he saw her bleeding and he rushed forward.
The knife spun in the air and sailed furiously in the air at Boat, impaling him hard on the right shoulder and going in to the hilt. He moaned with pain and dropped to one knee!
The curtains billowed faster and furiously, and then things began to move in the air with frantic fury! The mattress, pillows and sheets came off the bed and whirled in the air! The glass fronts of the wardrobe shattered and Nicole’s dresses and shoes came out in a rush and spun furiously around the room!
And as Boat watched, he saw a most horrible sight.
The blood was pouring from a cut on Nicole’s arm, forming a think tendril of red toward the floor…but it never touched the floor!
It just hung in the air like that, but did not splatter!
It was as if an invisible container was being used to harvest the blood!
Ledi blasted into the room and came to a stunned shock.
“What is going on here?” he screamed furiously. “I can feel you, demon! But I can’t see you! What is this, Lord? Help me!”
“I can’t see him either!” Paul Anderson whispered with stunned terror.
“Don’t give me that!” Boat said savagely and got to his feet. “Bastard is killing Nic! Is she glowing?”
“She’s glowing, she’s glowing, Boat,” Ledi said, and his voice was shaking badly.
“And he could still get to her?” Boat whispered with confusion. “How is that even remotely possible?”
“Goodness me! He’s using the Holy Relics and Boat’s spawn of a baby!” Paul Anderson said in a shocked voice. “That’s it! This is the beginning of the great apocalypse against the Unblinds which God revealed to Eddie Griffith! The Duke’s power is increased by combining the innocence of the pure blood of the spawn and the sacred Holy Relics…even Unblinds can’t see Duke Swallows!”
And to see Nicole being strangled, right in front of him, to see her hurt and bleeding by an entity he could not see, to see her reduced to such a pathetic, helpless and terrified state, was more than Yaw Boat could bear.
His own helplessness crushed down on him, and his impotent rage was a seasoning of the murderous intents against the Duke in his young chest. He roared with pain and pulled the knife out of his arm, and even though he felt the warm blood dripping down his arm he rushed forward toward Nicole, and just then she was released, and now her blood dripped to the floor.
Boat caught Nicole before she fell and cradled her in his arms as he put a hand on the wound and pressed down hard to stump the flow of blood.
“Yaw!” she whispered weakly.
Ledi Pedi dashed forward.
“By the powers of the Unblind granted me, you will reveal yourself to me, demon, in Jesus’ name!” he roared.
There was a derisive, tittering sound faintly in the air, and then a fist slammed into Ledi’s stomach with such ferocity that he was lifted off his feet and slammed hard against the wall near the door to the bathroom, and he slid to the floor unconscious!
Paul Anderson stepped out of the doorway with a little groan of panic.
“I will find you!” Yaw Boat screamed with pure agony. “Are you listening to me? I will find you, I swear, and I will kill you!”
And then the fierce whisper rocketed around the room, filled with menace and audible to all, including Nicole. It was a whisper from an ancient entity, filled with the sinister resonant of pure evil!
The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn, The Second SightFiles, The Spawn.
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